Given the fact that other white supremacist websites/places of organisation have been taken down, what would you do if the same happens to Sup Forums, or to all of Sup Forums?
Given the fact that other white supremacist websites/places of organisation have been taken down...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums isn't white supremacist
It's for the best that Sup Forums shuts down. Only through death can it be renewed.
I wish a moderator would just address these concerns, have seen several threads about it popping up recently.
The common sense answer is IRC, an alternative imageboard, or something else. That's where everyone will go.
Though Sup Forums is a Nat Soc echo chamber, it isn't entirely a white supremacist board
The faggots from rabis will go back and make it the most racial aware site in normie space and the rest will radicalize further. Good plan desu, will not create a back lash with Boomers and other lefties dying in the streets
we'll all gonna have to normie it up sooner or later
iron march? i dunno.
After infowars goes, Pol needs to be shut down, as the last bastion of white supremacy on the internet.
Blacks are obviously the superior race
The gooks and jews are smarter on average, but they are manlets. Checkmate. Speak for your damn self.
Shoot up google HQ
You first, lardass.
You mean Niggers. Btw, their skin is rather different shades of shit brown than black
Passive cucks will vote with both hands for their replacement.
This is how the cells of a doomed body vote for death, and it's perfectly natural.
Is this copy pasta for concern trolling?
shitposting on b or shitposting on infinite chan
Id go to your house and fuck your mother
Feel sad as something great has been destroyed by the black sub race.
I get that it there is a lot more variation in Sup Forums than people realize, but ultimately a substantial number of threads and comments are about white supremacy, and that is certainly how others see it.
I mean, everyone has known about Stormfront for god knows how long. The reason it's getting shut down now is to make the hosts look good. Following that logic, it makes sense for Sup Forums to be shut down too.
>be me
>walking home from downtown
>try to hail a cab
>a dozen cabs pass me by while I'm waving a fist full of cash
>not one picks me up
>filthy fucking terrorist Muslims
>finally a car sees me and takes interest
>3 half-niggers in the car
>"Hey what's up?" front seat passenger asks
>"I'm going down to x and Y street, I have 20 bucks for you", me
>"oh yea lemme see it", him while reaching out to grab my cash
>"let me in and then you get your money", me
>"yeah just lemme see it", him again reaching out to grab my cash
>I was waving it in front of their face what else more is there to see
>I become hostile, I know what they are up to
>"y-you can't say that to me! hey get back here!", him as they drive slowly along beside me
>"Fuck you ya faggots, fuck off right now", me
>"We're trying to help you", him
>"Oh yea sure, I hand you cash while not in car and you drive away? Fuck you niggers.", me
>"Fuck off right now!", me
>"Is that a knife in your hand?", he
>"we have a shotgun, wanna get a shotgun pulled on you?", him
>"Fucking do it ya cunt", me
>"You got a knife in your hand, we are calling the police!"
>"Fucking do it you faggots, you're trolling along beside me as I walk, trying to rip me off", me
>"You're not a cab, you're trying to rip me off, you wanna call the cops? Cool, I'll call the cops too, it's happening right now, here we go! 9-1-........" ,me
>They drive off like bitches while calling me a pussy and throwing garbage all over the street.
Filty half nigger terrorist brown people everyone. This is what non-white people are like.
What makes "whites" unique is their exceptions are more exceptional.
A certain amount of dead cells have to be sloughed off to wake up the living matter.
pol isn't white supremacist
we tell the truth with humor and humility
If Sup Forums gets taken down I will be forced to get a life. :( Fucking live on this place and Im serious.
A new golden age of text only boards and IRC would then dawn - decentrailised communities, impossible to pin down and destroy, a constant hydra of counter current opinion.
Only problem is that it's a lot harder to organise this way.
>what would you do if the same happens to Sup Forums, or to all of Sup Forums?
Do what I always do, shitpost about niggers and jews everywhere. I think I'm on my 20th or so jewgle/jewtube account already, getting banned has become so routine I actually like it
yeah that would be my guess too, especially as 8 chan doesn't have much of a reputation with normies
seems pretty difficult to get anything done this way though, because you would be constantly losing followers
I hope they shut it down. Just imagine all these sperglords around here flooding reddit, 9gag, twotter and whatever else is out there spilling the redpills all the time they previously wasted on here. They should have shut Sup Forums down before it got this big, now it will hurt them more than do good
>Sup Forums
lol who cares
>all of Sup Forums
delete the /lgbt/ board? that sounds very homophobic
Maybe kill myself. Probably just carry on in misery with nowhere to vent though.
I think that would throw the internet into chaos and would result in a weaponized autistic attack on Google.
I would probably go kill myself by TATP outside the SPLC. Your layers of blubber won't protect (((you))),
They'd literally have just caused their own destruction.
Vent my frustrations out on anti white faggots, niggers, kikes, and libshit commie pets at the end of a .357 barrel. Once I kill you! You Win!
You sure you don't wanna change country? You know where you are, right?
But seriously, I have nothing to lose and am this close to having a mental breakdown due to stormfront and DS withdrawal. My grandpa is dying, my sister is a semi-famous celebrity in Hollywood who is a huge sjwhore, and my parents constantly yell at me about being a 30 yo manchild with no gf living at home while working at a warehouse after having washed out of grad school.
I have nothing to live for besides the white race, and I have nothing else to die for either.
Sup Forums was always a nazbol board
Censorship does nothing more than create more of what they're censoring. The Lefties realize that they can't fight ideas and this latest illustration of heavy-handed authoritarian actions is showing how desperate they've become.
When they take one down, put another one up. In fact, we should all know of another spot to go should they suddenly shoah Sup Forums.
You should at-least make an effort to distinguish between nationalists, supremacists and racial bigots. Also, I'd probably raid LGBT until I got banned then move over to 8ch.
Do you have any idea what this space might be though?
I understand the difference, I'm more talking from others' perspectives, because if Sup Forums gets shut down it's going to be because of them.
problem is Sup Forums has normie currency. normal fucking boring people come here from CNN or Alex Jones or whatever and get redpilled sometimes. won't happen if we get shoah'd and have to move to a more obscure chan. it would be a tremendous blow to our cultural power.
It is a War against the White Man. Aids Skrillex plently of kikes quotes EU actions and Anti White Male Laws have been made.
When was the last time a mosquito apologized for sucking your blood?
Pro Tip
I am a 25 year old millionaire thanks to the lottery and have considered filling the power vacuum with my own money, hosting a new site etc in the event that Sup Forums or Sup Forums in general gets shoah'd. Rest assured between my peers and I that I am not the only person who has taken the steps to ensure something survives.