This is an muslim male from Afghanistan.
This is an muslim male from Afghanistan
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It happens to everyone. They are micking china right now.
There are white Afghanis descended from Iranian genes
Proof that Mohammad is ginger?
russian or british rape baby.
He's a nuristani, where do they come from?
Whoa he's making me think ..
That area was colonized by Aryans 3,000 years ago. Pockets remain simply because the place is so mountainous. It's proof that the Aryans truly conquered the world long before "muh guns, germs , steel" and other jew memes.
Middle East up to India used to be more or less civilized before Christians chimped out at each other and lost it all?
Have Christians ever actually reclaimed lost territory instead of compensating by getting new one?
I guess there was the Reconquesta and the Balkans, but that was more nationalism then christianity
>where do they come from?
Prot-Indo-europeans. The same people who conquered India and brought them their language. An idea of what Iranians looked like before the Turk rape of them.
unreported rape by troops
>he Reconquesta and the Balkans, but that was more nationalism
The Reconquista was completely Christianity. Thus the reason they expelled the Jews the same year Ferdinand and Isabella had final victory.
Afghans can be white, and a lot of European youths tried to make it happen in the 80s.
Please elaborate.
middle easterners can have light skin, I know this opinion angers pol but its true
Gingers got a mutation in the MRC1A gene, leading to superior sexuality compared to other races.
>mfw gingers are spreading their seed throughout the world
>mfw gingers have more children than non-gingers
>mfw your daughters will most likely get preggo by a ginger
The future is red, white bois. Face it.
When I have asked Afgani's about this they give a pissed look and say 'fucking Russians'.
>tfw /MICKED/
i have an irish surname and y haplogroup.
>They are micking china right now.
how are they doing that?
Afghanistan is not the middle east.
People need to stop confusing Afghans for sand niggers like Arabs.
Afghan is a blanket term for the people living in that country, the country is very diverse ethnically.
>Consider it's position at the center of the silk road
>Consider that the region is mountainous
>The Pashtuns are descended from the Caucasus mountains and mixed with other meds/romans in the area
>Alexander the Greats army fucked their way across the country creating Nuristani
>The mongols also fucked their way across the area creating Hazara
>The russians spent some time fucking around before fucking themselves
Beautiful country with a lot of resources and history if it weren't for those fucking Paki taliban niggers
All of a sudden there are 40k irish descent people in china.
They weren't there in the year 2000. Those ladies go abroad and get micked. Then when the relatives visit from Ireland, more get micked in china. At this rate china will have 10 million irish in two decades.
being white is an often repeated genetic mutation that if left unchecked will knock the brown out of the human race eventually no matter how hard they try to get rid of us.
so are afghans white?
this is a jihadi from egypt.
Pashtuns didn't come from the Caucasus mountains but the Persian ones (Khurassan)
actually that was the west goal long term back in WW2. some guys working on the 3rd indiana jones movie discovered something while filming the last crusade
the united states had rolled through the middle east in WW2 because itally had a small plot of land and when they joined germany it got handed to them and germany rolled through and every one surrendered without incident turning more land over to germany than itally had
the united states went through and they all surrendered avoiding war in WW2 except against itally who couldnt do much of anything until the americans deployed to the middle east got to europe at which point when the brits found out there was no fighting and people just surrendered they ordered america to go back through and kill adult men who had already surrendered. thats a war crime. and america did it
the plan was that the diversity in their gene pool would be to low after a few generations to keep population growth up and thus they would die out
problem is that they have israel surrounded and the west are a bunch of bible thumpers who also dont like the idea of significant jewish populations in the west. publically they dont want to throw israel under the bus and privately they dont want jews to flood europe or america and collective bargaining is a thing. america cant have a real presence in more than 2 countries at a time currently
burn that shit to the ground or drive a nuke up to their boarder. yea both have happened in recent years and the west both times understood it had lost. technically the fire was a reminder. jews dying off or displaced its all the same to the middle east. its checkmate for the west
The majority of Afghans are Pashtun (basically caucasian), a small percentage may be white by European standards (i.e pale skin, light hair and eyes).
>When I have asked Afgani's about this they give a pissed look and say 'fucking Russians'.
then do they say "allahhu akhbar" and behead someone.
I was referring to Balkans about the nationalism thing.
Although most camel fuckers are obviously darker skinned than whites, they are still caucasians. Theres plenty who arent that different looking to Southern Euros and even a few who look like the guy in the pic. Asia is a large place after all.
The real thing keeping them nigger tier (okay maybe a step up from that) is their stupid religion.
It only angers the retarded ones.
White people appeared in the region, so are blonds and light colored eyes, which then migrated into europe. This is suspected to be what the biblical "mark of caine" refers to, blue/green eyes and blond hair.
The natives were also quite light skinned, but a lot of it changed with the massive subsaharan slave trade in the region, for thousands of years black slaves were brought to the middle east, men were castrated and used for labor/guards.
But women, women were sex slaves, concubines and so forth. With Islam it became even worse, but in essence a lot of mixture happened with slaves and darkened the peoples in the region of middle east/near asia, especially when Islam started spreading and incorporating nonslave africans into the population, which is now north africa, with the populations more along the mali empire.
Now include massive amounts of inbreeding and constant war, and you have the result that you have today.
If anything its surprising how resilient whiteness is, its a wonder they still have a fair amount of light skinned people with light eyes, like in Iran and syria. But those are dying slowly, as they are Shia and the west support the Sunni KSA. In a way, we are spelling our own doom.
Genetics is a lot more complex than people think, in terms of skin colour they will only tell the cells how much melanin to produce, if 50% says "none" and 50% says "a lot", the result will most of the times be "average between them", but many times is less than that, and the child of a black/white turns out to be fairly white, lighter than some white europeans.
Know several of those, personally. A guy with a nigerian father, black as coal, and a white mother, the guy looks like a lightly tanned white guy with curly hair.
Bullshit. That's a native born European muslim convert, or a Chechen at best.
Pashtuns are Indo-Iranian, coming from the Eurasian Steppe which encapsulates a large area that includes the Caucuses mountain range.
It is difficult to say, blood lines have only been a focus in recent history, before that everyone fucked eachother and mixed things.
Yes but its quite rare, ive seen a blond arab baby once tho.
t. Guy who has lived in Kuwait and Oman for work
they usually look more white when theyre kids i wonder why that is
Many people with light brown hair will have blonde hair as a baby.
Light brown is much more common dark brown/black among arabs. I have dark brown hair (almost black) and it comes in blonde where it's light, or in my beard.
He doesn't look very white, does he? I mean, he looks more like an Irishman or a Scot, rather than a "purebred Aryan viking Germanic warrior".
Well they conquered most of the world. Islam only keeps up in amount of worshippers because the populations that were converted breed like rats.
Also unsure if im misinterpreting you, but you seem to imply that middle eastern instability was somehow due to christians? This is so incorrect its not even funny.
People always blame the crusades, its both westerncentric mentality and just lack of general knowledge, so here you go, a piece of Truth:
The crusades were failures for the most part, all of them. They were bands of ragtag peasents with some noble kids that the parents didnt want around raiding the villages out of boredom. They caused more damage to Christianity than to Islam (Sacking Constantinople, for one, allowed its conquest).
the Islamic kingdoms, lacking a better word, was massive. The crusades was akin to a small rat gnawing at a malamutes paw, sure it hurt, but did nothing in the grant scale of things, and sure as shit would not cause their collapse.
What caused the collapse of the golden age of Islam, was something we all know, but mostly never really understand just how far they went, called the fucking golden horde.
Genghis Khan, golden horde. The mongols. They arrived in the middle east and did what they always do: Join us, or die. You will be allowed to keep your religion but you will be our vassals.
They refused. Not only that, they made it very clear to the mongols that Islam was a cancer that would never, ever, integrate with other religions, so they decreed that Islam had to be exterminated from existence.
And they almost did it. They sacked and burned to the ground hundreds of cities in the middle east/near asia, salting the land and destroying all infrastructure, causing massive desertification in the region, and committing genocide against all muslims.
Pick one
he has a strong limbal ring as an adult which is common in people with middle eastern blood , rarely pure whites have this
They were close, about a year or so of campaign, of reaching Mecca, of destroying the holy city and killing every single person in there, as they had done with all other cities (mongols would kill everything, every thing.). But, before they managed to destroy the cancer that is Islam, Ghengis Khan died.
And as per tradition, the force that was subduing the middle east and exterminating Islam, had to go back to mongolia and choose a new Khan.
That, and that alone saved Islam, but the damage was done, Islam collapsed from their golden age and the rest is history. If anything, sadly the new Khan had no interest in exterminating Islam, or the world would have been a far better place today without the endless retarded religious wars.
But let that sink in your mind. the mongols, historically known for tolerating race, tradition, religion, encountered Islam, and decided that it had no possible way of coexisting within their empire with others.
Let that sink in.
Pure Iranic specimen
> their stupid religion.
Yes, and culture. Not just the religion. Culture is the main determinant of a populations success. A culture that values hard work, creativity, branching out ideas and conceps, and innovation will always, always have an advantage over a culture that is stagnant and traditional.
Reason why conservatives are losing the cultural war, in a way, that is good. Sadly the left has gone a bit too far and retarded, and is causing decadence and collapse of our civilisations.
Amount of sunlight, and melanin producing cells take a bit to go into full force. Reason why so many white babies have blue eyes, but they become brown later with age.
There are various MENA indigenous people who would qualify as white but most of them got mixed up with Arabs or Khans and now don't look that white anymore.
Two Buddhist monks on a mural of the Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves near Turpan, Xinjiang, China, 9th century AD; although Albert von Le Coq (1913) assumed the blue-eyed, red-haired monk was a Tocharian, modern scholarship has identified similar Caucasian figures of the same cave temple (No. 9) as ethnic Sogdians,an Eastern Iranian people who inhabited Turfan as an ethnic minority community during the phases of Tang Chinese (7th-8th century) and Uyghur rule (9th-13th century).
Most are not, a few are, they're not a very genetically homogeneous people.
Jesus Christ you fucking retard learn to write.
Fucking American education shitting out dumbass, illiterate, trailer trash.
Islam isn't a race. Ta-da.
>mfw our queen is a white redhead but the king is a mongrel arab LARPer
ples nuke us, we have sunk too deep, we're turning to Amerimutts.
Fair skin and hair are not uncommon among central asiatic peoples, user.
Ghengis Khan had Red hair according to historians from his Kazakh father.
Who talked about Islam?
>>mfw our queen is a white redhead but the king is a mongrel arab LARPer
You're king looks completely deranged desu
What kind of king dresses like this? Looks like the average American bum.
You're queen is pretty cute though.
wait a minute,,, HES NOT WHITE!@
OP, who I was replying to, when he said "Muslim" in his post. Fucking idiot.
How does Sup Forums feel about the kabyles and people of the riff?
They are as white as you can go in North Africa.
Uygher/Tocharian descent?
The Tarim basin is populated by pockets of genetically European people.
Nuristani I think. Uyghurs are chink tier
>disgusting hippy looking king
ples gib Vichy france back, gas the kikes and the mongrel arab LARPers and islam with them.
Give north africa to it's orginal owners.
pic related is a north african isolationist farmer
>and islam
Berber nationalist murtad confirmed. You need to be gassed and mutilated.
t. Al jazair
Just proves the theory that original MENA and Indians were white aryans and not the brown rapebabies that are living there now.
Why is that boy wearing makeup?
Who made them dark then? Turks?
>t.Gibs collector
>Algerian brown arab rape baby mongrel
I'd rather be a berber nationalist than a fucking cockroach eating the pieces of a crumbling society.
nice try
i think you know the answer to that,
>Being this fucking retarded some Iranians are light-skinned as a result of Alexander the greats conquest of middle east and India.
Dumb faggot.
I'm amazigh. I keep amazigh (and not berber) culture AND the deen.
Fucking lies bro, Iranians may be taken over by the arabs but WE weren't rape babies. Persian are the true ayrans
They are ploughing the earth of his boyhole.
He needs to look presentable for such occasion if you catch my drift, famalam.
Afghanistan is such a place now unfortunately.
We need more MOABs.
What did this Nigger brain men by this?
Berbers call themselves some variant of the word i-Mazigh-en (singular: a-Mazigh), possibly meaning "free people" or "noble men". The name probably had its ancient parallel in the Roman and Greek names for Berbers, Mazices.
The people to the south, most of them already blacked are just wannabe berbers.
>Amerilards come late to North African front
Hurr durrr WE WUZ conkering alllll the mid east n shieeet
I want to rape you to death, flay you. Repeatedly you are sharing total historical lies. I will cut off your Shylock snout and ram it up you diseased kike arse hole.
Berber comes from "barbarus" which means fucking savage in latin & stranger in greek.
Hey relax, why don't you smoke some weed?
You are so retarded, I hope a pack of niggers run a train on you for weeks then finally burn you alive.
Just google it or something you retard.
"barbar" was basically a joke in the Roman empire, All they heard of foreign languages, specially germanic ones was "barbarbar"
Many Berbers on the other hand, Mazices, held high ranks within the roman empire.
The same reason Egyptian or american football players do.
Dark paint around the eyes, and on top of cheekbones protects them from sun glare, especially if skin is light.
> Iranians are light-skinned as a result of Alexander the greats conquest
thats one of the stupidest memes around. not only their numbers were too few to have an impact but even ancient Greeks themselves described Persians as even lighter than Greeks
If you say so, lay off the burnt low quality tea with cowtit sweat and your IQ might just improve enough to learn history and understand truth.
>Eating with some co-workers
>Dark skin, brown eyes, black hair Iranian says she's white
>Whites and Mexicans at the table disagree
>Mfw these shitskins actually consider themselves white
by showing up and not being chinese
You chose a wrong example.
I'm an Afghanboo and something about this picture bothered me while seeing it around the internet which stated he's a Nuristani Afghan.
I found this guy on Flickr and he's a French dude. I even emailed him and asked him and he said he knew about people saying he's Afghan and he's very annoyed about it. He did say though that he did a DNA test and he has either some Arab or Berber admixture, can't remember now.
I wish I had the email but it's gone now. Here's his account though
Here's an actual red haired Afghan. Am probably making a big deal out of this but I hate misinformation
Central Asia was caucasian before the Monghols and Muzzies invaded
even China had some in the Tarim Basin
now the Tarim Basin is occupied by Uyghurs, which is an Hapa ethnicity
>Many Berbers on the other hand, Mazices, held high ranks within the roman empire.
I know dumbass mountain bitch I'll rape you
A good part of the Alexander the great army did not return in the Balkans.
They decided to stay in the Hunza region of Alghanistan.
Same reason there are ginger mummies. These people are the descendants of the great civilisation that we seem to deny existed.
except closer to china than egypt
How come we never get based white Pashtun cutie refugees but just mongoloid swarthy hook-nosed unibrows?
because they're whiteish and capable of creating a liveable society where they live
Looks British... definitely a rape baby