Tfw to intelligent too be a SJW cuck or an alt-righter nazi

>tfw to intelligent too be a SJW cuck or an alt-righter nazi
I bet you have never seen the likes of me before, so I understand if I'm intellectually intimidating!

Other urls found in this thread:

this but unironically

SJW - insult
nazi - literal compliment
i like centrists now

Nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

But national socialism is a centrist position.

>tfw radical centralist

>be me
>walking home from downtown
>try to hail a cab
>a dozen cabs pass me by while I'm waving a fist full of cash
>not one picks me up
>filthy fucking terrorist Muslims
>finally a car sees me and takes interest
>3 half-niggers in the car
>"Hey what's up?" front seat passenger asks
>"I'm going down to x and Y street, I have 20 bucks for you", me
>"oh yea lemme see it", him while reaching out to grab my cash
>"let me in and then you get your money", me
>"yeah just lemme see it", him again reaching out to grab my cash
>I was waving it in front of their face what else more is there to see
>I become hostile, I know what they are up to
>"y-you can't say that to me! hey get back here!", him as they drive slowly along beside me
>"Fuck you ya faggots, fuck off right now", me
>"We're trying to help you", him
>"Oh yea sure, I hand you cash while not in car and you drive away? Fuck you niggers.", me
>"Fuck off right now!", me
>"Is that a knife in your hand?", he
>"we have a shotgun, wanna get a shotgun pulled on you?", him
>"Fucking do it ya cunt", me
>"You got a knife in your hand, we are calling the police!"
>"Fucking do it you faggots, you're trolling along beside me as I walk, trying to rip me off", me
>"You're not a cab, you're trying to rip me off, you wanna call the cops? Cool, I'll call the cops too, it's happening right now, here we go! 9-1-........" ,me
>They drive off like bitches while calling me a pussy and throwing garbage all over the street.
Filthy half nigger terrorist brown people, everyone. This is what non-white people are like..

>to intelligent

>let's only gas half of the Jews

SJW created the alt-right. Before that radical centrism was the norm. Now it is an extreme position and good luck trying to talk sense to SJW because anything but complete agreement with them will get you labeled alt-right. I would like to see the return of radical centrism and more dialogue without demonization but just don't see it happening.

The problem with this is that you develop apathy for the concerns of the people who veer hard to either side. Seeing their misplaced vitriol combine with the often embarrassing way people conduct themselves when discussing politics creates some very negative and lasting impressions. They seem to either be blind to what a government is and how every one in history is almost exclusively used for greed or power, or they are eagerly accepting the normie world because they enjoy the distractions they give us and they enjoy the relative safety of our country. They care what's in the food they eat but not enough to read the ingredients.
It's draining. It's demotivating. It makes every second of your precious life that you devote to politics feel like a farce. You stop caring and then you have to indulge yourself in more far-sided beliefs or even conspiracies just to feel motivation to keep up with politics. Thank God for memes though because the internet banter is top notch and this truly a wonderful timeline to be alive in. Waka waka Donald Trump y'all.

You sound like the kind of person who can only get an erection if you're in front of a mirror

Not exactly.

Alt-right used to mean alternative right - a movement to take a stand against unfettered immigration, globalism, and the exportation of jobs to foreign countries. The alt-right was birthed by political inaction of the Republican party.

Unfortunately, in trying to fight identity politics of the left and expressing identitarianism (which isn't inherently bad), the alt-right has been hijacked by stormfags, totalists, and socialists.

both are sides of the same coin. a shit stained coin.

the only rural and suburban retards voted for trump meme is actually true

>tfw to intelligent too be a SJW cuck or an alt-righter nazi
>to intelligent too

It's true though. People need dramatic examples to be shaken out of apathy, it's why extremism and fanaticism get the results in the end. Or put in other words, movements that invoke emotion tend to get better results than movements that appeal to somebody's rationality, as a lot of people are not primarily motivated by their mind and the merit of the idea.

So centrists have a tough time, because they naively believe that they can turn up with the most logical argument and win against overwhelming emotion. Some naively believe this until the end, or blame others for being too stupid, they don't understand.

The centrist is left to either be this solitary arm chair theorist or they can try and emulate the fervor that inspires their peers. Either way, they are alone.

t. a "rational centrist".


its a meme you dip. this is the exact reason why people tell newfags to LURK MORE

Neoliberalism is a centrist position, national socialism is its direct opposite.

>not being a nazi

The point is that nothing other than truth should govern you.

So when you actively pick an ideology your subscribing to a long set of wrongs and rights as no one ideology can be 100% correct 100% of the time. Not to mention the supposed underlying principles in each ideology tend to bend in a moral relativist fashion and conflict with reality.

More like normie cuck scum.

Normies are either far left or soft right, pham.



Centrists are just using a psychological defense mechanism, refusing to pick any sides despite one of them undoubtedly being more closely aligned to their views and goals, so as to avoid making themselves vulnerable and instead posture as some sort of third-party observer above it all.

It's also a doshit ideology, if you can even call it one. A half-assed middle ground between two internally consistent ideologies is completely incoherent, a pure pragmatism without any ideological basis. Which again shows their unwillingness to take any stance, to defend any position. Which is all centrism is about; protecting yourself and your ego through submission. The lack of foundation is to them a good thing, since there is nothing to attack and they can instead heckle both sides for caring about things like consistency and truth. It's a compromise, and without a position there's nothing to compromise from. It's got nothing to do with logic, it's just being a posturing and insecure little twat.

The third position is explicitly a hegelian synthesis of capitalism and socialism, not a compromise. It has an ideological foundation. Social democracy is closer to what you're talking about.

>nazis right wing
No, they have socialist policies and a pro state economy

Stop using the media's cucked and incorrect system

>Implying Nazi Germany wasn't authoritarian centrist

It's not that at all. It's just if you're motivated by the merit of the idea itself, rather than pure emotion and self interest, then it can really be difficult to choose a side, because both are flawed. Also it's never been simply about two sides, that's an over simplification. Fascism was called the third way, after all.

Reminder that there's not actually such a thing as "centrism", since centrism is always relative to whatever the current zeitgeist is. You don't get that their own opinions are "muh individualism" taken to reductio ad absurdum. The result is that you are little more than tone police, who don't care about all the shit that's killing our society, so long as the policies are implemented subtly without also screaming "FUCK WHITEY".

Where's that "i ate half the shit i'm reasonable" maymay

Yet the NSDAP was the most socially conservative government since 1918. Almost 100 years.

A hodgepodge of compromises between internally consistent ideologies is inconsistent.

What fucking idea?
>Reminder that there's not actually such a thing as "centrism", since centrism is always relative to whatever the current zeitgeist is.
This. It's an anti-ideology. It's got no foundation.


>tfw radical centrist is john lennon

>What fucking idea?
The political ideology in question. How many people truly believe in Fascism because of the merit of the ideology? How many believe it because it would improve their immediate circumstances? Same applies to communism. Few people choose to believe in an idea because the idea is truly a good one, they do it because its in their self interest to do so, they would gain from it.

Using the logic of self interest, if it came down to it between the left and the right in their most extreme forms, I'd choose the left. Why? Because I'm mixed race, which means I can either be a second class citizen under one system (right) or a first class citizen (left).

Socially conservative with leftist economics = authoritarian centrist
For everything else, social and economic factors lie together, left to left, right to right. It's why only 4 axis charts can work

not the one i was thinking of but i kek'd

All citizen serve glory of regeime

Exactly. You don't give a shit about ideology, truth or consistency. Centrism is an anti-ideology. Explaining nothing, leading nobodies nowhere.

>tfw this thread

>SJW created the alt-right
You're not looking at things from the perspective of time. The world is not american politics in the last 10 years. The breaking of post-WW2 taboos was destined to happen.

>with leftist economics
The real socialists like the Strasser brothers were complaining because Hitler didn't destroy the big industrialists.


No shit retard, you have to use different tactics to win a war. You need shit built and built well and people on your side. It's why they were so successful until they were forced to fight on so many fronts

I don't see your point here exactly. Yes Germany had a free market with semi-socialist aspects like a state-controlled labour union etc.

>nothing to the right but the wall

*blocks your path*

This. Esoteric Juche is the way forward tbqh lads.

>tfw to intelligent

True, but as the saying goes, too much rationality leads to nihilism. People aren't very rational, but if they were to be, it would be easy to see the pointlessness in everything, and to question everything, leaving them nowhere. So yeah, we agree that centrist is nothing, but I'm arguing that they're right that there is nothing, but wrong that you should embrace that. We all have to believe in something after all, even if that is just our self interest.

I think you are right...its sad how easy normies are controlled by their own whipped up emotions

The only criticism Evola had with Italian fascism was a vague critic of it's supposed populism while still supporting the warrior ideal.

Damn... I feel like a piece of shit after reading this xDD
Were you a centrist someday in your life?

there are more choices then that
too bad they pretty much force the debate into two shitty sides, thats political polarization for you.

Centrism is okey, but not prefrable either

>Were you a centrist someday in your life?
Yes, it's a result of not being able to be swayed by powerful emotion I think. Some people are just robots like that, we can't be included in the general mass movement fervor. I guess it's comforting to feel like the arm chair pedantic scholar, lording over everyone else with an allegedly superior intellect, but the reality is, centrists and the moderates who change the world, it's the fanatics who do.

Problem is I'm now in a position where I understand the need for fanaticism but can't invoke the emotion necessary to be part of it. Being a robot has its downsides.

>but the reality is, centrists and the moderates who change the world, it's the fanatics who do.
I meant to say they don't change the world, the fanatics do.


Radically willy nilly. That's just oxymoron. People who don't hold any believes are even worse than SJWs. Maybe in stone age it could work somewhat, but in society you need something to hold it together.

Couldn't we serve as a mediator betwen the two sides? I mean, not in a heated discussion, but in normal discussions with friends or even in the internet? Be that person that would say '"I agree with you in this part, but have you ever thought about..." or "We should do this but not as radicaly like you said".
Maybe not change their ideas completely, but at least making them less... Extremist.
I know that most of /pol or SJW are a lost cause to change their ideas, but maybe the centrist can touch the normies or less extremist people from both sides. Avoid them sink in this toxic world of /pol or SJW. I know I'm being REALLY idealistic, but the people who really change things are the "normies" that make the most porcentage of people, the fundamentalist only direct on what those normies 'want' to change.

True radical center is Georgist

actual solutions not dogma

>tfw alt-center

>left, right, center

>Implying politics can even be simplified to a one-dimensional spectrum

>tfw when smarter than all three

Read the thread especially what the Swede said. Centrism is not a concrete ideology with beliefs. It's relative to the zeitgeist of the age. A centrist 100 years ago would be considered (by the majority of the soft-left to far-left today) a "racist nazi"

>Couldn't we serve as a mediator betwen the two sides?
Yes certainly, in fact I'd wager that people of that disposition would make excellent diplomats and politicians, because they can generally see both sides point of view.

The problem is the less extremist part. That's what the system wants, they want people to "do the right thing" and be peaceful and work within the system, but that's where the confusion is, extremists on both sides want the entire system burned down and rebuild how they want it. With that in mind, how could they possibly be less extremist?

You don't have to worry about normies, they are overwhelmingly apolitical, they only get political in the most superficial sense, where they just regurgitate some sound bite (hope and change, make america great again, "I'm with her!" etc).

You're quite right, you are being idealistic, and that is the problem with so many intellectuals. In this world there are idealists and realists. The latter overwhelmingly outnumber the former. It is the job of the idealist to convince the realist that things can be different, better, but in order to do this they have to have charisma, which is what so many intellectuals lack. Look at the great idealists of the 20th and (early) 21st century, haven't they all been very charismatic?

Normies will only change as individuals in the most superficial sense. What can be done though is being able to generate a great deal of short lived fervor and directing it towards a certain political or social goal before the enthusiasm dies off.

In a nut shell, you have to embrace fanaticism and short lived fervor if your goals involve mass mobilizing the populace. Otherwise it's an arduous uphill struggle trying to convince people on the merit of an idea alone.

n a nut shell, you have to embrace fanaticism and short lived fervor if your goals involve mass mobilizing the populace.
There is a word for that, demagogy. Which I deeply hate from the core of my bone. You just go pick some event or fact, distorce it as far as possible to match your ideals and then invoke the emotion of people. Guess, who is the master of that art? The media and I doubt it that we can win them, because they have the means and plataforms to disperse their bullshit. You see how this pragmatism corrupts people? I'll bet that most of reporters, politics and stars began as ideologists, even centrist, that began to employ this 'strategy'

Why do the people on r/neoliberal always poast this?

You're right, it is manipulation. But the unfortunate truth is everyone manipulates everyone. In a perfect world everyone would be virtuous and just, yet in the many thousands of years of human civilized that hasn't happened has it? You can either embrace how things are and work from there, or start from the position of how you want the world to be and find yourself fighting against the tide.

There is a reason these rational intellectual centrists are condemned to be the "lone voice of reason" saying many profound things yet changing nothing.

Ain"t gonna lie, that is the bad part of democracy. You must act and behave to please most of people even thou most of them, as you said, are apolitical and don"t know deeply any subject. That is one, maybe only, thing I liked about Trump. He says things without sugar covering, he says what he thinks (even thou good part are really dumb). Hahahah
Looks like I'll try to fight against the tide and drown in the process, but I rather do that than being part of the problem or sellout my convictions. I'm no hero, I just rather try and play "My Way" from Frank Sinatra at my funeral. No change? Maybe, but at least with peace in my mind.


If it weren't for (((them))), (((neoconservatism))) wouldn't exist.

Conservatives would be Pat Buchanan.

>let ebin centrist people are geniuses meme
How does it feel to live a life without conviction and be a limpdicked twat?

>getting this bent out of shape instead of just ignoring them
Nigger detected.