Jew "White zionism is not real. Whites do not deserve an ethno state"
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Jews, Jews, you motherfuckers sound like a goddamn tree full of parrots. STFU.
He said Jewish zionism came about as the idea of Jews being oppressed/prosecuted (lol)
Meanwhile the first settlers came in like 50 years before Hitler even rose to power, zionism was in full swing in the year 1900
They weren't prosecuted, they made zionism with a clear head when Jewish banks and prosperity were at their peak. This is why they're full of shit.
Also another counter-argument is that Jews are weak. Europeans won't wait until someone gets a chance to oppress and prosecute us to make an ethno state. We'll do it way before anyone gets the opportunity.
Watch the video Noseberg.
You can still help Palestine.
white zionism huh. don't apply your filthy kike words to us.
Zionism is just code word for the pursuit of an ethno state
Except kikes were autistic enough to believe god gave them that land lmao
it's a kike word. they shouldn't apply it to white things.
the kikery going on in this video is repulsive
"White" isn't an enthnic group
Wow, this strawman beat up my argument.
>self imposed echos
Who cares.
Don't worry we know how to kike them too. He pointed it out in the video top kek
You're right Tyrone. We don't exist too. Except when it's time to cry about white privilege, then we exist.
It's nice he is advertising it. Also inb4 some Jew says it's just one fringe person saying it while they always take all white people to task for everything supposedly wrong.
Stuff like this makes me want to go full 1488. Seriously I support quite a lot. I'm fine with Jews having Israel as their homeland. I'm fine with Israel being a Jewish ethnostate ensured by their government, I accept the jewish in group preference for their own tribe and I like Netanjahu because he represents the Alt-Right for jews. But this double standard of the jewish khazar mafia makes me want to hurt them.
Sadly no one on the left is smart enough to call the Ben Shapiros out on their double standard. When he calls for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine but talks about how evil Nazis cleansed eastern Europe. Or how he (while in junior high) became nationally syndicated by Creators Syndicate while having one of the least read columns on WND. I would love to see some Buffalo like Cenk Uygur call him out on it.
Neither is hispanic but yet we hear about them constantly
Like fucking clockwork
What is "white"? I wouldn't want to share a country with other "whites". Fuck this pan-Europeanism shit.
I could destroy his points one by one but God does he talk fast. I would lose that debate i the eyes of the audience just because of that. How does one counter the fast talking jew?
Cenk probably profits from massive ethnocentrism by Turkish and Muslim groups, look at the partnership of TYT with Al-Jazeera. In truth, most of the 'Oriental' groups are fairly low-trust, high ingroup preference compared to our (by that I mean European) high trust, low ingroup preference. This allows us to build better societies than them but also leaves us open to massive exploitation.
Forgot pic.
Yeah... It's quite sad. What I don't understand is how they don't understand that they can't exploit whites anymore once they are gone.
LOL@the comments
No wonder every news site removes its comment section
Makes more sense in an "American" context I guess.
If you post it, jews will come.
He probably got the term from Richard Spencer. Spencer called himself a "white zionist" on israeli tv.
you wil be part of the germanic empire if you like it or not
Go no holds barred on the raw truth. Tell him that nobody cares about what your tribe wants, that we know you are only invested in your tribe's success and care for nothing else, that it isn't yhe world's job to haldhold jews, that European people don't need jews' permission to look to European interests, and if he doesn't like it, he can fuck off to Israel, the state that whites gave you as a pity fuck.
>jew monetizing his videos
Should we start labeling jews as the Alt-White? and try to bring to the attention of the normie that these people don't consider themselves as white and certainly don't have any loyalty towards the white population.
It's not for him to decide what whites 'deserve'
Jews are the least oppressed people in the Western world, if whites don't deserve their own ethnostate then there's no reason Jews don't either.
And I've honestly never heard much about "the alt right" (whatever that is for that matter) calling for affirmative action for white people. Everyone in the alt right I've dealt with on this topic just wants affirmative action to be ended. I have literally never heard even the people who are actually white supremacist say that whites deserve special treatment in admissions offices. They think whites are superior and they want that to be proven through an even playing field.
Just more strawmen from the Kikes to pretend why they deserve to control their own immigration policy and other countries don't.
Fuck off kike
Who the hell runs without ad blockers?
Well he is correct, nor is it a race. "Black" isn't a race also, or "Arab". English is an ethnic group though, and so is German, French, etc. People mess these up constantly.
No, to either of you.
Analogy isnt an argument. If you need to make an analogy to explain something it just shows how fucking stupid you are and have no understanding how context of a situation and matters is what makes the difference, not that its comparability to other situations.
tl;dr - kikes gonna kike
That video pissed me off. Such extreme dishonesty.
Remember to report the video for hate speech. If YouTube is going to ban hate-speech, it needs to ban all hate-speech, even anti-white hate-speech.
Black isn't an ethnic group. Remove all gibs.
His entire argument is
>If you weren't opressed-you can be discriminatated against
Easily dismantled by the fact that in fact, whites WERE oprrssed MORE THAN JEWS
>White Irish Slaves who were threaded worse than backs
>Hitler killed 20million Slavs, 14goriilion more than the 6hexamillion
>Muslim Slave trade most numerous victims were whites , picked off the whites of Europe, numbering dozens of millions, whereas black slaves to America were only 400.000, also the slave trade of whites was much much longer in duration
The victimhood rethoric
>I am not a gargantuan annoyance and ruiner of the societal fabric of all the nations I move to. I am a victim of a totally underserved prosecution. Compensate me.
>I am not underdeveloped and barbaric. I was exploited and taken advantage of. Compensate me.
There's a reason why these people were where they were in the first place. And the reason they got out of that place was the same: white people. The biggest problem with the white race was helping other races.
We're making the jews out themselves now
The only Affirmative Action most of us want is to give (((diversity))) preferential admission to our fun and exciting summer camps.
Holly fuck.
if there's anything true in all this bullshit, it's zionism.
White is a race. If 100% of your ancestors aren't from the countries I circled then you are not white
White means European. There are definitely lesser European races, like you.
God gifted them with verbal intelligence to brainwash the goyim.
The outer layer of countries can pass as white but deep down they aren't white.
cuckstianity is the gift of indoctrination with a poison ideology that leaves whoever is inflicted with it to be easy prey to jewing.
"I can explain it with an analogy"
"I have to explain it with analogy because talking real would make you understand I'm bullshitting you"
Thats not a race, thats just a group of people you decided are white. This guy here is right though while it's not a race it is a group that are ethnically related and easily identifiable.
please nuke that comment section with redpills about jews
It's time for Affirmative Action for White people. It's time to limit the percentage of Jews at universities to their exact share of the population. Jews are unjustly taking too much public resources for themselves and this has to stop.
BTW, here is something about Jew arguments: they look for what is IN THEIR INTERESTS and attach a MORALISTIC argument to that. At the same time they will find an argument for why you pursuing YOUR INTEREST is IMMORAL.
No you wouldn't, Mohammed.
t. LeBron
>I wouldn't want to share a country with other "whites".
When are you moving out of Latvia then?
Stop focusing on skin color! There is your personal interest and there is the ingroup in which you are that pursues a collective interests with you. You are on a team and that team plays to win.
Jews have a pale skin, but they see themselves as part of the TEAM JEW, therefore they ARE NOT TEAM WHITE. As long as they do this (eternally), they can not be ON THE TEAM.
Skin color is still important, because it makes individuals group into teams with high predictability.
White-skinned people in the American context have to chose Team White, because that is the team that will represent their collective interests.
He's giving of those barbara spectre vibes.
>zionism for white people is what they say
literally never heard that before
watcha doin rabbi?
Then what classification is "white" as in "white privilege"?
You just need to point to the audience that "He is talking so fast to make you lose track of his arguments."
No, that's shifting the frame of the conversation to 'victimhood' which is exactly what he wants.
However, you could say 'Hitler said the exact same thing about Germans being oppressed in the Sudetenland, how are you any different?'
>1 post by this id
>Meanwhile we use AdNauseum which makes advertisers lose confidence in internet Ads altogether
>We'll do it way before anyone gets the opportunity.
That's what scares them the most.
Or you could say, "That means you support an ethno-state for Palestinians, who have been oppressed and killed by the Jews for decades."
I fucking hate how everyone on every side of the spectrum lumps all white skinned people into a single ethnicity, It's fucking absurd. Germans are not the same as Scandinavians, and neither of those are the same as Slavs, And none of those are the same as Franks or Italians.
A white Ethno state shouldn't exist because White isn't a fucking Ethnicity.
Black isn't one either. People from South Africa, West Africa, and North East Africa are all significantly fucking different.
The White nationalists tactic against Jew propaganda is simple: point out its hypocrisy. That's why "White Zionism" and "affirmative action for Whites" is pushed, to point out how these are rules that are unfair and exclude Whites from benefiting from them.
I's sure he has researched it and knows about the hypocrisy accusation. He won't mention it in the debate.
His argumental tactic is to jew-splain how it's MORAL to have a set of welfare rules for non-Whites ethnic group and a set of punishing rules for the White ethnogroup. It's still hypocrisy, only moralized.
We should just take fucking israel back
Someone stop this guy out. He knows too much.
Shut it down goy.
Except that you enemies don't think so. To them all Whites are Whites, and they will target all Whites equally.
The brown invaders don't give a flying fuck about Germans, Scandinavians, or Slavs they just see 'whites'.
As I said, both White nationalists group everyone into one group, and black movements do.
to everyone it's a Us vs Them mentality, just because its easier that way. The british scumfuck nazi kid doesn't like the Idea that his Hero Hitler didn't regard him as German, and probably thought English blood was dirtied by native Anglo barbarians
this guy is so incredible disgusting and disingenious
Nice pasta
Are you retarded?
Europeans need to put aside their differences and centuries of hatred for one another and unite as a group to drive out the invaders. At this point it's petty to be English vs German vs Polish vs Romanian vs French, at this point it's Europe vs those want it destroyed.
>historical context
>historical context
>historical context
Ignoring the historical context of the creation of european states and the americas.
>whites want affirmative action too
No white has ever argued that. Ever.
So Jews are smarter than you so kill them? Arabs are dumber than you so enslave them?
>seems rational
Yeah... they're unreasonably taking too many spots on campus
>and where did you go to school
>what was your major
This ought to be good
This is a fantastic display of hubris
Take it back?
Are you Palestinian? British? An ottoman Turk?
You need to make your argument clearer.
Even going on the assertion that jews have higher median IQ there are more than ten times as many Whites with 130+ IQ than jews and almost twice as many Whites with 130+ IQ than there are jews in the world, which bears out in recorded history of achievement.
A Jew, is a Jew, is a Jew...
And yet they still convince you to give them billions a year while protecting their colonization experiment.
I'm not making an argument. I'm asking questions
Yeah, I suspected it was that kind of god.
1. I don't need to answer personal questions here.
2. It has no connection to the argument that I put forward.
>still convince you to give them billions
Not how it works.