Remember to vote NO, aussie bros. Fag marriage leads to the death of a nation

Remember to vote NO, aussie bros. Fag marriage leads to the death of a nation

But how?

Pooftas fuck off!

12 gauge

Feels good being in a no household.

Can you vote online?

What nation has died as a result of legalization of gay marriage?

The basis of any nation is the family unit which is centered round marriage between and man and a woman. The whole thing is largely symbolic re states recognition of fag marriage but as past experience shows this is just the edge of another civilizational eroding wedge. As our nation implodes we need to make a stand, the last of a dying people.

>All of europe

Fuck off fag enabler

m8 i could be downing a slab of VB fuck voting




All of them eventually, Trudeau. Homosexuality provides nothing to the nation. It's an inherently selfish, hedonistic, and objectively degenerate lifestyle. Enocuraging such behaviour via legalising a farcical marriage is the sign that a nation is fundamentally fucked.

Plus, the slippery slope is real. Ephebophilia will be mainstream in 10 years unless we put our foot down against the fag mafia.

always vote no to everything with social reforms given to you by leftist parties

its symbolic but only because they want it to be normalised
after this - it set a precedent to then teach this as normal to our kids in school

> babby's first slippery slope argument

Australia, please vote no, don't make the mistake we did.

>it set a precedent to then teach this as normal to our kids in school
They will do more than that. I am positive.


>The basis of any nation is the family unit which is centered round marriage between and man and a woman.

Prove it. A nation is based on it's ruling documents and government. Nothing more.

I hate faggots and pride shit but I literally don't care if they get married or not, what are the objective reasons for voting no?

huh? have you been living under a rock? That is exactly how the left operates. The ratchet effect is literally how all our institutions are collapsing right now.

1. Intact heterosexual two-parent families constitute the necessary bedrock for a stable polity.
2. Radical change should be viewed with suspicion, particularly in a time of radical change.

kys euro cuck

Going to vote yes just to piss you off.
Telling me what to do on a fucking image board get back to Facebook with this trash ya cunt.

We're a dead nation walking already, just look at the birthrate of the muslim population vs the rest
gay marriage is a certainty next time labor is in power anyway

>A nation is
I dont think you have a clue what that is.

>Ruling documents and government
produced, enforced and cherished by the polity.

If you are a burger, then you know exactly what I mean when I say that your nation is dying and the cause is clearly from the destruction of baseline institutions such as historical and social narratives, ethnic dominance and cohesion, male female relations and the functioning of the family unit.

If you vote yes, leftists will demand something new. Probably something you do care about. If you vote no, they're stuck with fag marriage.

Common sense;

All of the above scream against it.
And it makes no sense that 1 or 2% of the population should demand these changes because of their feelings.
They are spoilt children who need to be told no.
Otherwise they will keep demanding more.

When do the results come in?

>I dont think you have a clue what that is.

a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

I can give you the UN definition if you like. Doesnt change anything i said.

>your nation is dying
>most powerful nation in the world is dying bc of gay marriage
Holy shit you are delusional.

>And it makes no sense that 1 or 2% of the population should demand these changes because of their feelings.

the biggest reason for voting "NO" How long until we redefine the age of consent because of x% of the population are kiddie fiddlers

When do we have to vote?
Voting NO

It isn't a slippery slope argument when they're parading around the streets of Manchester half nude with sex toys strapped to their heads like fag unicorns, and brainwashing little boys to dress like girls and twerk in the middle of the street for their entertainment. Gay acceptance was a mistake.

If you don't think America is a dead nation your lying to yourself.
We are merely a coalescence of multiple races and ethnicities who are only bound together by the laws which they are subject to and their common interest in producing capital.
We no longer have an identity for ourselves alone, we are "the nation for everyone" but in doing so we are really the nation for no ONE


> Reply1: A nation is based on it's ruling documents and government. Nothing more.
>Reply 2: a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.


>thinks the west and US are not dying
You are one dumb cunt.

Is anyone else voting NO just because it will be funny if NO is in the majority?

its a no from me

I am voting NO because fuck pooftas

look around you

Do Australian normies think this way? That'd be a great thing if they did

>Fag marriage leads to the death of a nation
wow, slippery slope much?

>>All of europe
All of these nations still seem to be alive. I mean except Greece of course.
>All of them eventually,
By what day and by what metric are the nations dead? If you just say "eventually" it's an unfalsfiable statement, and an unfalsfiable argument is one that says nothing.

>a fucking leaf is pro-poof
why am i not surprised

Imagine the salt if it is NO? I would be laughing for days at the twitter crying.

Rate my meme lads

I'm just gonna draw a pepe on my slip desu


Top kek - hope it's a no just to see ABC explode

Don't you meme loving fuck, otherwise it won't count.
A draw meme on your slip is a vote for fag marriage

If you vote yes, the bigots win

I disagree. There's a limiting principal, which is what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home.Ephebophilia doesn't fall under that.
Though it does open the door to polygamy, which is a legitimate concern


Has nothing to do with social or legal contracts
Yeah let's use horses in the army too because that's what we use to do.
>Common sense
Literally muh feels.

> 1 or 2% of the population should demand these changes because of their feelings
Many hetero people support gay marriage because they believe in personal liberty. Way more than 1-2%.

>Otherwise they will keep demanding more
Muh slippery slope

'No' locked in. Kek wills it.

By what metric is Canada dead?

Get fucked you poof


Do we really need to rev up the info graphics?

It has nothing to do with bigotry. OP made a claim and I wanted evidence backing up that claim.

The english man is correct.
Listen to him.
The last thing you need is your nation being ruined by immigrants.
Gay marriage is the first stepping stone to a politically correct nation.
You dont want that.

Bluepill is strong in this thread.

Hurr durr, I'll vote no! hurr durr.
It already is normalized. Faggots are everywhere and they teach transgenderism in kindergartens.

That will show them! Duuuurrrrrr

Godspeed, Ausbros. We might take the piss out of each other but I hope you win this one.

Oh no. Higher property values. Whatever will I do.

It's going to be a No vote anyway, if people vote along religious grounds. The majority of the country are adherents to religious which are against Homosexuals marrying. It's why Labor and Greens were trying so hard to kill the vote to begin with, they know it's going to lose and therefore be much harder to force it through by stealth, if and when they next gain power.

>old pervert checking out the adolescent boy

Fucking disgusting. Day of the rope when?

Isn't if funny how in general developed countries have legalised it and third world shitholes haven't.

>Yeah let's use horses in the army too because that's what we use to do
What a shitty strawman, like almost zero effort senpai
>Common sense
>muh feels
No. It's human nature.

Are you seriously saying the slippery slope doesn't exsist after witnessing the degradation into hyper faggotry with the push for tranny shit, sex changes for kids, """gender"""" education for kids, and so on?

>Oh no. Higher property values. Whatever will I do.
>Whatever will I do.
>I do.
This is the problem with your post.


when the fuck do we actually get the vote?
cutoff was on the 24th

Thanks Mohammed, you're alright.

Da boomer cuck votes no.
No, no, no.
So important. The cuck vote.

>If you don't think America is a dead nation your lying to yourself.

>who are only bound together by the laws which they are subject to
Like every other nation that has ever existed.

Those don't contradict.
>united by common descent, history, culture
>aka the social contract created by its people aka the founding documents

>two people choosing to be together means the western world is going to end
Catastrophizing is a common symptom of many mental illnesses

Aus tried to ban a fucking video game for alien drugs, you're already dead.

Plus shit gun laws.

There's no harm in homosexuality, however...

One should not participate actively in national politics and instead await and hasten the resurrection of the dead.

dont make our mistake.
make sure you tell people about adoption, and not let these faggots hide this fact

what the fuck is wrong with that chicken

Do you realize how many boomers support fag marriage?

12th of September i think they start sending them out.

Reminder anybody who thinks it doesnt matter because "they already won" or "it will pass" is a defeatist cuck. Do your fucking duty.

Here in America it's legal and I was just talking to Mom about getting fake gay married just to receive the benefits, but then I realized the errors of my ways. We're screwed. This is how mad Max level shit start. Did you ever notice men owned other men in that movie? Where were all the women and children? At some point it will be encouraged to kill them..

>We might take the piss out of each other
Of course, it's in our nature. Anyone who doesn't understand the concept of Friendly banter is not an Anglo and needs to be deported from the Anglosphere.

that is legit fucked.

i dislike this image more than any gore ive seen on here.

You can vote yes online, but to vote no you have to do it via a postal vote which I'll be doing.

>haha voting will never change anything so I'll just tell you that blatantly like the sourpuss faggot I am

so mad

It's gonna be a 'yes' and you'll have to deal with it

Where is this cesspool?

That's right so ULTRA TOLERANT JOKE called modern Christianity will save us!
It's not like most religions types are a pack of liberals that have usurped the religion to push tolerance & acceptance and forgiveness of every degeneracy under the sun.

yeah yeah cunt, the cities are the inevitable future for the rest of the country and we're already past the ethnic tipping point
I'm still voting no but this won't change anything unless it somehow sparks a non-retard, non-sellout conservative resurgence
>not happening

>What a shitty strawman
Nope, using "tradition" and "history" as an argument is retarded, just as my example.

>Religion and Common Sense being universal in human nature
Yeah, no one has ever disagreed on those things.
>slippery slope doesn't exsist after witnessing the degradation into hyper faggotry with the push for tranny shit, sex changes for kids, """gender"""" education for kids, and so on?

Yes. Gays, transsexuals, and ambiguous gender identities(the lakota had many words for different gender fluidity) has always existed in the world. Only difference is that people are tolerant now. How horrible.

You are 12 yo ?
" mommy you have no right to tell me what to do ! I will do the opposite to show you how rebel i am ( even if it is completly retarded)"


>it will pass
Just like Remain will win, and pic releated.

The media has it's head so far up it's own arse it can't tell what's what.

I don't know why you shills think everyone is an ardent trump supporter. I support him as a "fuck you" to Washington and MSM, He can't save a nation that's already dead, no one can. Besides, he's appearing to be a top little too late type of guy
>like every other nation that has ever exsisted.
So you don't understand what a nation is then? Why are you incapable of seperating state and nation, are you just that dumb?





>we're already past the ethnic tipping point

I reckon this may be brings the no vote home. The ultra conservative chinks and muzzies with their zero tolerance policy on fags. What the lift shilled for may end up biting them in the ass.

All of them