>BBC don launch Pidgin service
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
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this is psych warfare.
Psychological welfare. They get language gibs cause dem whites are raycis.
In b4 pun on bbc/big black cock
what the fuck
Please tell me this is some sort of troll
This is what I thought.
It's fucking stupid. British tax money being used on this disgusting trash. They shouldn't be encouraged to speak fucking Pidgin, they should speak English so we all understand each other.
Not psyop but a way to get poorer Africans to be able to understand what's going on.
Honestly it was a very good thing.
In 20 yrs Africa is going to be a hotspot
>pidgin on BBC
Double plus good.
>this is where your TV license money goes
Uh, are you guys insinuating Pidgin is "broken English" or something? I hope you realize how offensive that is.
It's a rich, living language spoken by 75 million people. Don't be ignorant, Sup Forums.
shut the fook up
What's happening?
E don gonna push me down, mon. Dey racist on Sup Forums wey be e informated don beautiful culture dey Africa.
Sup Forums e English board, no America. Pidgin don English too. Respect.
It's the end of the world as we know it... and I don't feel fine.
People around me go by their day as if everything as it always has been, and I'm here, looking at western civilisation falling apart. Are we overreacting? Are we seeking out outrage of our own kind on purpose? I don't think so, but one can't fully know the effects of their own biases.
I just don't know.
BBC dey wan helep Pidgin speekahs get noos too. Dis no big deel.
Of aids
Dey Pidgin be /ourlanguage/?
You swedes are all the same, if a big enough group does something, then you accept it on the fact of simply being respectful. I bet that if enough people in your country wanted Sharia law, then you would vote it into law while trying to be culturally respectful. Damnit Sweden!
this is the greatest thing that has happened to Sup Forums for a long time
>To piss and poopoo for open field dey common for villages for India.
Don't laugh. Respect their culture. It's just as valid as yours.
>Bongs have to pay for the privilege of having BBC
Alright. Be real. Is this literally just English for stupid people?
Look at it this way, a bunch of liberal idiots are going to see this and give themselves aneurysms trying to not have the hatethought realization that the reason West Africans require a kindergarten grade level vocabulary news service is because that's the average intellectual level of West Africa
still objectively the best story
>their bible
what the fuck Bongs
I learnt English at school. That English was taught according to standard grammar and norms. We did not somehow develop our own English language over the past thousand years and insist on using that.
>what the fuck Bongs
Just think about the fact that they are paying some chimps to write that garbage
i realy fucking hate niggers
all people and cultures are equal hahahhahHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHH
They will almost instantly decide that big words are tools of white supremacy that must no longer be taught at schools. That way we are all equal.
>E don tay wey we don dey hear di gist. E dey happen? E no go happen? If e happen, how e go be? Well, e don happen today.
>BBC don launch new one wey be BBC News Pidgin Service.
This has to be some kind of sick twisted joke.
Dis gotta be sum kinduh sick twisted joke
Lads, this is the greatest gift anyone has ever given to a political news themed imageboard.
Use it wisely.
>In 20 yrs Africa is going to be a hotspot
dun kno... wallahi
>In 20 yrs Africa is going to be a hotspot
so more wars?
I told my gf:
Where are dey hurt-hurt? Me doctor.
She answered:
Would it be racist if I refused to have a doctor who speaks like that?
I wanted to say no, that niggers are just that. But instead I shamed her into believing that this language is just as valuable as any other languages and that she shouldn't have preconceptions most likely based on race. That this language comes from these people's century old spoken tradition.
Then I called her bitch and fucked her from behind.
this sint any diffrent than reading something aweful.
What would it take to get CNN to implement this?
I hate my country
But USA has at least 300mio negros
I wish the left would stop parodying itself already, I'm going to die of ruptured sides.
I have never seen fake news go this low before.
Wtf is pidgin? Oy u gits cooo it be 8 o bong coooo. Ayo hol up (pecks ground) coooo!
I swear this is somebody resisting the pos from within.
Americans can get called 0.0005% white all you guys want, but at least our tax dollars don't go to destroying our own language.
Reminder that this cost £300 million
Eh, careful. You may have not been born when this happened.
>For students whose primary language was "Ebonics", the Oakland resolution mandated some instruction in this, both for "maintaining the legitimacy and richness of such language... and to facilitate their acquisition and mastery of English language skills." This also included the proposed increase of salaries of those proficient in both Ebonics and Standard English to the level of those teaching limited English proficiency (LEP) students and the use of public funding to help teachers learn AAVE themselves.[1]
He's right. We're nuking that shithole one of these days.
I've got some hilights
don't nuke africa
think about the wildlife
we need to invent a virus that targets niggers
>On December 18, 1996, the Oakland Unified School District school board of Oakland, California, United States, passed a controversial resolution recognizing the legitimacy of Ebonics — what mainstream linguists more commonly term African American Vernacular English (AAVE) — as an African language.
We did. It's called AIDS.
I don't understand what their target group for this is. Just how many blacks are there who
1. can read AND
2. can still not understand standard English AND
3. take an interest in current international events?
Besides a pidgin dialect is by its very nature a simplified version of some higher language. Its purpose is to facilitate simple communication with people who do not speak said higher language. In other words: you can order a negroe to pick more cotton in pidgin but you couldn't write a book about national economics in pidgin. If you did anyway, you would end up with a tome full of standard english vocabulary with a few weys and dis thrown in for authenticity. Come to think of it, this is what the BBC does.
pick one
I like how they distinguish beating from wicked behavior, they really got a 3rd worlder to write this shit.
they used £300 million to bring in niggers from africa to write this shit lmao
I was way too fucking high when I read that page.
Is this real life?
>eagerly awaits the "dindu" posts
That's what it seems like. A bastardization of english with some of their native language mixed in. Why doesn't BBC work to promote English literacy in West Africa rather than this affront to the english language?
dey dindu language good-good.
>because they live in caves and mines
Well it's a stable actually but okay.
>Writing ebonics
Jesus fuck. It's like blackface disguised as gibs.
Holy shit it's really happening.
BBC kikes are doing this on purpose to make whites seem like eternally-insensitive bigots while keeping the victim/migrant train rolling. They're false flagging themselves at the expense of whitey. Can't wait to hear the months of bawling from the left about how "racist and tone-deaf" this move was.
Memes truly create demselves.
then where's their civilization, Ahmed?
This shit reminds me of who killed captain alex and that video joker who spoke a very poor version of english.