Catholicism will save the We-
Well damn
Catholicism will save the We-
Well damn
Da fuc
This fag has gone too far. I need a faith to raise my kids with wtf do I choose?? All the churches around here are pro refugee pro lgbtqqbraap
Do I just go full wotan?
Come down here and join westboro Baptist brother
That is pretty much retarded considering that the communists despised Christianity
Buddhism raise your kids to be warriors Christianity is kike propaganda that feeds israel.
Christianity = Globalism
You guys know the Pope condemned that gift, right?
>You guys know the Pope condemned that gift, right?
Of course he did, it doesn't resembler a nigger foot in the slightest.
He must be held accountable for his heresy and eaten be alive by wolves.
Has it not occurred to you that the Vatican has been infiltrated by adrenochrome consuming satanists?
Only real Christians are the Orthodox
If some token tumblrina wanted to get a picture with you, would you take it? Of course not, because no one would willingly take a pic next to something they don't like.
That's a big bow.
All Christians should be killed.
d-don't you mean e-emus?
sorry kurwa.
the anti-pope didnt condemn shit
"... During a news conference en route home to Rome on Sunday, Francis said he interpreted Morales’ gift through the prism of Espinal’s Marxist bent and viewed it as protest art. After taking into consideration the time in which he lived, Francis said: “I understand this work. For me it wasn’t an offense.” Francis added that he brought the crucifix home with him."
the commie anti-pope is destroying the good work of john paul II in ending the horrors of communism, and the anti-pope is a communist himself
I'm still wondering what happened with Benedict. Popes don't just quit.
all clergy and priest are jew Jesuits or masons, all the same.
the current anti-pope is a "liberation ideology" jesuit, an actual communist who simply replaces the words "The Party" with "The Church".
popery has always been poison, it has it's foundations in the paulite heresy, not the gospels
christ gave "the keys to the kingdom" to PETER, not (((saul of tarsus))), a sadducee who persecuted the early church and was a leader in the very sect that demanded christ's crucifixion for his refusal to accept the talmudic heresy
"judaism" is the rejection of the tanakh (the word of god through the prophets) in favour of legalisms and hierarchy founded on the writings of men.
jesus was trying to Make Israel Great Again but the sadducees and pharisees (the talmudic "scholars") were riding on a gravy train with biscuit wheels and refused to accept that jesus was for real trying to save israel from bondage to the idolatry and money worship that it has become enslaved to.
"judaism" is talmudic heresy, a rejection of the god of abraham and his son, the nazarene, catholicism is the same heresy, written in latin instead of hebrew
TL,DR: (((saul))) changed his name to "paul" and wrote a whole bunch of crap that directly contradicts the words of the nazarene himself, and his successors added even more on top of that while deliberately suppressing and destroying the actual writings of the men who knew jesus and followed him around israel for 30 years
> literally the same shit i just posted, with slightly different wording
> retard thinks this is some kind of rebuttal
are you legit brain damaged?
christ on a cracker, you are dumber than a sack of moist turds
he would literally get arrested for this in Poland
>doesn't know about the Nordbot archivist
Don't listen to the other cucks, you must join the True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, the only heir to the traditions of the Ancient Church. The Orthodox Church.
>Do I just go full wotan?
thats not nordbot, thats a faggot with a meme flag posting the same article with slightly different wording from a slightly different source
>Be Pope
> accept a gift that is probably the height of blasphemy
He rejected that shit, fucking commie bolitas. Still, he's an awful pope.
> cool with blasphemy
> anti-pope
it's as simple as that.
he did NOT reject it memeflag fag.
he "understood it" and "sympathized" and took it back to the vatican
current pope is an anti-pope.
I need a shit. I'll be back in 10 mins.
Francis Antipope. He is a Marxist. He is not even a Catholic priest
A heretic cannot be Pope, that's decided since the early Church and it was proclaimed formally in the 15th century