Daily nigger hate thread
Daily nigger hate thread
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That's so fucking sad but I laughed like a fucking retard at the second picture
how is it possible to be this retarded
What was it thinking Sup Forums?
why did she put her turtle in the microwave though?
I don't get it
What did she want to achieve
fuckin kaaaangzz
Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.
The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
90% of gang members are non-White.
Blacks are seven times more likely than Whites to commit murder.
Blacks commit more violent crime against Whites than against other Blacks.
Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against Whites than vice versa.
Blacks are 136 times more likely to commit robbery against Whites than vice versa.
Blacks are 2 times more likely to commit a hate crime against Whites than vice versa.
Blacks are 3 times more likely than Whites to commit White-collar crime (fraud, bribery, racketeering, embezzlement).
85% of crime between Blacks and Whites is committed by Blacks.
We was dick washers n shieeeet.
>put a bin on her head
top kek, what the fuck is going on.
Students of all races perform worse in schools with more Black students.
having lived around blacks for a short period of time i can say with no shame that i literally hate all blacks
what the fuck
maybe it was cold and she wanted to warm it up
Blacks are 600% more likely than non-Blacks to commit murder.
stop trolling thecoli you big get
Reminder that, if we kill all niggers, there's no issue at all, and Sup Forums will be like fucking civilized.
What are we waiting for?
hey bro you dont need to spam facts on here we all get it, take that shit to kikebook and redpill normies or something
That turtle was more human than that nigger
In New York City, which is 33.31% NH White and 25.55% black:
1% of people arrested for shootings were White, while 74% were Black.
43% of people arrested for rape were Black.
61% of people arrested for robbery were Black.
>not wanting sources to validate your arguments
Whatever floats your boat
Also dumping my collection
She probably asked somebody why turtles were slow and they told her it was because they are cold blooded
gib sources
>not calling Peta on her immediately.
>Her mother was allegedly informed but laughed the matter off
Why didn't they inform the father?
get dead kiddo
if that's what I think it is, those officers deserve a damned medal
I like how they start to run away like they are scared of the consequences of what they did. Or dead people are just too spooky for them.
>that guy who gives a half-assed whack to the leg
They clearly have some semblance of a conscience.
"white" niggers killing niggers really.
lol im so fucking drunk
off duty officer or veteran
regular citizen would be too out of their mind with adrenaline to know to go kick the gun away
the language of KANGZ
Same. Can't help but notice patterns evident in every black person that make me hate them/can't stand them.
>tour de troit
notice how he reaches for the cops gun. shouldve been blasted that second
at the end:
>the floor is raising your children
>ayo goin kimbo nigguh
>blap blap
Somebody marry this girl
Where did this happen?
iirc brazil
yea brazil. guy was an off duty cop
Wot happened?
nigguh muh turtle luk cold af
better warm mu nigguh up
was he alright?
Fuck off you retarded kid
whyyy???? why would someone do this????
im over it man. I really cannot anymore.
im 29 years old fagget come rape me
did that fucking dude back hand the fuck outta him??
yes, no functioning organs were hit
patched him up with a can of tire sealant and he was on his way
>nuptial parade
It's a very weird dichotomy to see all these athletic men fawning over an obese woman.
80% of black women in America are overweight or obese and yet they're still seen as desirable in the eyes of male nigs.
Very bizarre concept.
I never tire of watching this one.
fucking kek