ZeroNet & 0chan thread Daily

join in creating a backup

install ZeroNet -

use Tor in conjunction with ZeroNet for privacy


for those wondering no you cant access it from clear net it is a separate p2p network

pros: cant be taken down like DS and other right sites

Note nobody want us to lose Sup Forums but we must be prepared for the worst

Other urls found in this thread:


reminder network connection in tor one must set no proxy for

friendly bump

>normies on secret board
the purpose of a secret board is to keep it secret
you are only exposing it to normies
You're either a shill or a dumbass
Stay away from this honeypot
For those who want their own secret club

Make one

i appreciate it

the whole point of redpills and the pol community is to attract normies are you sure you arent a shill ?

420chan is where I will be if Sup Forums gets shut down.

Or 8chsn

redpills are information
what makes you think there cant be disinformation spread on zeronet or 0chan.
A dumb thing to do would be to advertise your secret club right where the enemy is.
Now why in the world would you do that?
Are you some type of CIA nigger honeypotting Sup Forums? Or are you trying to show the shills where the secret club is in the first place.

disinformation spread on zeronet or 0chan it being done on Sup Forums as well just look at half of the threads are lefty baits...

why in the world are you scared of a backup where (((they))) cant shut us down

you can be a lefty psyop for all I know because no sane person would put all his money in one place

then why are you still on this site, you've obtained enough knowledge to know whats going on.

You are only a delusional person not facing the true reality of things.

like i said go make your own secret club and keep people that you can trust close to you

You are only a delusional person not facing the true reality of things.

how so I will not leave pol until its shutdown if it happens

and I can be on both so whats your problem


that's not how paragraphs work fucking dumbasses

Don't ever post this again when we're dealing with mountains of shills and raids

lmao what
it's fucking empty

there are people on Sup Forums who see the true reality of things, and want authentic information for their own goals.

Yet you are posting zeronet and 0chan right infront of the enemies, making these sites another honeypot and shitstorm for disinformation.

You are telling me you can be on both, but you dont have your own goals in mind. Infact you've been trying to lead me away from my points, but I keep coming back to them to prove a point.

Either you're a fucking idiot, or you're a fucking shill.


Fucking commies.

As for everyone else

Watch this video it'll improve your life and it will break "mind control," which is essentially blood not being able to get into certain regions of your brain(mainly the frontal lobe.)

Also for this individual, he is obviously an idiot, but he might be a shill too, not for the left, but for another agency.

This ones for you shill
Satan Can Increase His Army But That Just Means He Has More Idiots

it's not the same 0chan

Let's bump this thread for visibility too, I'd like people to see zeronet and 0chan fall to the hands of evil as soon as possible.

As good of an idea as this is their is one huge caveat you guys probably haven't thought of.

This legit just saves images on your computer in no way shape or form encrypted or packed in any way. If someone posts CP and you happen to open that thread your boned.

opening cp is not a felony

>this is what natsoc believes
glad to see what socialist propaganda does to your brain

yeah that does seem like a serious issue
but you can delete things, and if youi are too worried you can overwrite them with random data
meanwhile, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to save whole images like that

if they haven't thought of basic shit like this what else are they missing...
I like the concept though

>being this much of a retard.
atleast back up your claim

Maybe because one user serve Cpizza on peer to peer and you all go to jail for possession
Is that a reason, or are you in jail now, trying to get out by capturing anons for the pizzaman?

well prove to me that opening cp is not a felony, then i'll be able to prove my claim

Great point, this is probably the big plan to distribute CP, meaning Sup Forums is may be going down sooner than we expected.

You get massive sneezer time for CP in USA and you also I'll legally distribute it if you're on p2p.

Thank you, now i can prove that is a fucking idiot

Bump cause interesting.

What makes this so interesting to you

Also stop going offtopic faggots

Nice try NSA

Cause there would be more people on those hidden chans with are empty as fuck right now.

Watchu mean white boy? Were right on topic

They arent hidden if you post them on Sup Forums. Are you another shill promoting this to pin CP on people, or are you just another dumbass.

0chan is dead if you can't get people you shill

Why would I be shilling people to stay away from 0chan/zeronet?

the likelihood of this board being taken down sometime in the near future is high.
and i like this place, despite it's many flaws, and would like somewhere to go when it inevitably disappears.

>They arent hidden if you post them on Sup Forums
>Not knowing what hidden means
But to answer your question. A community need people or it quickly dies out.

agreed, commie


I will explain it like this so everyone else understands
No one in the right mind likes this site as a whole. They either get together to live an experience on a certain topic, or discuss a topic, or understand something they are dealing with on a personal level, yet your motives are to have people migrate to a "whole" new image board and you wish to enjoy the board as a "whole." The only people who see boards as a whole are the very people experimenting on it.

As for everyone else:
If you expose your "secret" site here, you are exposing it to shills already, and shills here aren't shitting up the place for the purpose of having fun, they have an agenda. If Sup Forums shuts down, they bring that agenda to zeronet/0chan. And as of right now, I know one thing that will absolutely go wrong with this.
Automatically saves images. Really? Have none of you read any contents on Vault 7, there's a way to encrypt data to images.

Whats the origin of "cia nigger"?
Is it because they are dumb? Or lazy? Or is it the crack cocaine?

Terry A. Davis

Distributing is, which is exactly what this technology does.