30 billion could end world hunger

But whites decide to spend 20 times that money on war.


Other urls found in this thread:


And here's the archive unvis.it/www.nytimes.com/2008/06/04/news/04iht-04food.13446176.html

So the rest of the world cant chip in that 30 billion? or is their own universal healthcare too expensive and too important too them?

End the world hunger for how long?

more like
cost to end world hunger:

nature will sort itself out.
stop feeding them and they won't over populate such that they can't feed themselves.

8 hours

>no goy, you don't need to defend your nation from external threats, you should feed the poor so they can reproduce at even greater rates!

I don't give a flying fuck if they starve nigger. Maybe they shouldn't have 10 kids if they can't even feed themselves.

Like 7 hours I think



africa is full of natural resources a literal gold mine but niggers too stupid and uncivilized to make use of it

Also, it wouldn't. These stupid memes about world hunger are so dumb.

The places that are chronically hungry are chronically hungry these days because of internal strife, not because there isn't food. Look at Zimbabwe. For decades now we (the US) has offered to send them the food they need, but Magube just sends it back and instead demands we send cash.

we don't care about niggers

>Feed nigs
>Don't build infrastructure
>Nigs reproduce without hunger to stave overpopulation
>Can't feed newer, larger population with already-lacking infrastructure
>Nigs starve
>Repeat ad infinitum

>cost to end world hunger

Because fiat currency can magically be converted straight into food and distributed evenly across the african continent.

We could, but why would we want to? Nigeria's population is set to go from 186 million to 300 million within 30 years, and that's WITH all the famines and starvation. Foreign aid and help to these people has only helped them proliferate whereas before diseases and starvation kept their numbers low. Now you've got people in Kenya so desperate for land due to overpopulation that they are willing to murder ranchers and seize their shit.

Ending world hunger would spell the death of the western world.

B-But Hitler and Holocaust :-(

Don't you have a heart, unlike me, who is very superior and has the high grounds?

Could is a massive word.

An equally plausible outcome is
>Siphoned off by Nigger Kangs in Nigeria
>Stolen by Militias
>Lead to a Population Boom, creating a die off

They COULD learn to feed themselves.

>indefinitely feeding a growing population with no future planning that cannot support itself
>Making sweet planes and shit that blows up

I know which I prefer.

do you know what happens to struggling legitimate business when we give gibs? the business owners who sell shirts or shoes or whatever losing the income from selling and if they lose enough they will have to take gibs too, let them learn to balance themselves or expect more hands asking for more each time

The world has a population problem.
Stopping nigger children from starving to death makes the problem worse.
Blowing other people up helps fix the problem.

But then they will grow up to make more starving kids. Luckilly the carrier will still be around to defend us from them.

Why do blacks have to be so completely and utterly dependent on white people giving them free stuff? Why is it so unthinkable for Africans to end their hunger by themselves? You'd think at least one African country would have learned the trick to feeding its population by now....

I's actually $30 billion per year over ten years.

For one meal.
3 to 30 minutes.

>1 post by this ID
sage and report slide threads
>Niggers need to stop spitting out kids to end world hunger, they get almost 30 billion a year as it is in aid

So, even if we have only 1billion people in the world with extreme poverty.and we give 30 usd to each one, you would get a shit ton of crack cocaine

You have to realize simply shipping food overseas into different countries isn't going to fix a problem. By doing so, you create an infrastructure that relies on exterior help, and kill agriculture/trade in that region. Instead, I vote we invest in companies devoted to subsidizing and culturing competitive trade in different regions of Africa, instead of enabling dependence.

Although, you have to be careful when trusting those who've already proven to be corrupt.

>claims to be hungry
>refuses food
>only accepts cash

My city has a real problem with these kinds of homeless drunks. They are constantly on the verge of attacking people who dare offer them a sandwich instead of beer money.

Bill Gates is worth $60bn. He could end world hunger, but he chooses not to.

Use some of the later to exterminate the former and world hunger still ends. Simple really.

Stupid people feeding hungry people. Just feed the wildlife and BAM natural selection and wildlife conservation problems solved.

>Why do blacks have to be so completely and utterly dependent on white people giving them free stuff?
Lack of infrastructure to distribute what they have and resources to develop said infrastructure.

Incidentally, the project from OP is a proposal for roads and wells.

Teaching a man to fish does jack shit if he doesn't have a rod

>search engine US military budget 2016

So it's the US's responsibility to feed Africa. Got it.

He could end it twice!

Rivers facilitate trade and central Africa lacks any. It really is as simple as that. Also this notion that throwing cash at the problem would fix it is retarded and anyone projecting it is looking for to live a wealthy life without working for it.

That number changes yearly, m8


Funny how all infrastructure just ceased to exist when whiteys left africa.

because war pays off
niggers don't.

Then teach other men in the region how to make rods instead of culturing an economy that relies on imports.

Add that to the nazi ww2 reparations tab.....

Whites do that huh? No one else? Why is it everything that can be viewed negatively in America, is the white mans' fault, but all good things everyone wants credit for? Then it is our multicultural background and immigrant spirit which is responsible.
Full of shit leftist detected.

But Africa is rich as fuck with resources.

If you give those Africans more food they will make more babies and then you have to give them $60 billion soon, then they will make even more babies and you have to give them $120 billion, then they will make even more babies etc.

Soon you'll be paying $1000 billion a day to feed them, and they will be making even more babies.

>invest 30 billion to feed niggers all around them world
>they survive
>eath one of those that should have died of hunger now has 9 children
>cost of feeding the hungry now is 9 times larger

Ending the world hunger is not something you just buy,and you're done.
The root cause is always the way people live in those hunger striked areas.

ill feed them when they accept sterilisation

If these poor countries want to end the hunger that plagues them, they need to actively build up everything. Simply throwing dosh at them won't fix anything. Only if they invest it in infrastructure, business and international trade, they can provide food to everyone, forever. If they cannot accept true capitalism and create policies that encourages economic growth, they are doomed. It's simple, want to be as rich as your colonizers? Then learn from America/West and adopt their policies.

Also, they need to stop being doormats, and reject anything that causes neocolonialism. Ex French colonies STILL using the franc are simply retarded.

someone post the jap picture. you know the one. im too lazy to sift through my memes.

>Funny how all infrastructure just ceased to exist when whiteys left africa.
If Africa is anything like Korea, what little infrastructure there is pretty much starts out thin inland and congregates toward major ports.

North Korea isn't only fucked by mismanagement. The Japanese literally designed their infrastructure for everything to flow towards Japan and pretty much used the North as uninhabitable hills to drive Koreans into whenever they wanted to seize their land for Japanese economic interests.

Literally all the railroads in Korea went parallel with the coasts towards the tip of the peninsula when Japan left.

>a proposal for roads

>helping niggers
What's even the point?

>Central Apefrica lacks rivers
>Nigger River system
>Plus various tributaties

They have rivers. I think the better question is what happened to all those Railroads we built during Colonialism.

Can't help those who won't help themselves. Also, there is more to that spending than pure military might. It enables geopolitical supremacy that ensures the standard of living for 320 million of us.

Not our problem. Fuck off.

Teach him how to make a net.

What do you want to set up a Space Station?
They'll need nuclear power for the population they cant fit on the Enterprise.

Literally nobody was talking to you Canada

Once again most of the efforts to create agriculture in Africa go to waste the moment the foreign help leaves. The only way to solve the problem is to let them figure out the stuff by themselves, no matter how long it takes. It makes sense on many levels, they are responsible of the current situation and they know better than any western charity company what works in their country and what doesn't.

Another instance of the left helping international corporations profit. Infrastructure always benefit the elite who are in reality the ones benefiting from all of this.
Then the citizens of said country have to pay taxes in most cases. Literally pay for the infrastructure for Chinese and other globalists to make more money, and further their rule.
No one is falling for this shit anymore, you leftist trash. Take this crap somewhere people are this dumb. Not here.

Population of Africa: 1.216 billion
Cost of a bullet produced in bulk: About 5 cents

I just solved world hunger for $60.8 million dollars.

What do I get?

>meme flag
>bait thread
>9 year old article

Forever! Wake up sheeple!

>30 billion could end world hunger
For a year, next year it would cost 60 billion, the year after that 120 billion and so on and so forth until all of mankind is replaced by nonproductive eaters, who will then commence with eating one another when there is no longer anyone to feed them

>Make them not starve.
>Find yourself with 100% more ISIS fighters.

Fuck, I wish Canada wasn't part of the (((UN)))


Why the hell should we pay for unlimited breeding of nigs?! Their population is already exploding because they just keep having kids and western countries keep feeding them and making them healthier/more likely to survive into adulthood.

Nature is a check on savages and we are directly intervening, not allowing nature to do its thing. Cut ALL aid to nigger countries! Every fucking penny! They want to beed like rats then they need to figure out the logistics of supporting those people themselves.

It won't solve shit. Even if you give them food for 10 years and build infrastructure after those 10 years are over they go right back to starving because they are niggers with a borderline retard IQ that don't know how to do agriculture much less maintain infrastructure. But besides that fact it's also not our fucking problem.

Any and all donations need to be spent on sterilization.

Yes, let's add MORE niggers. That will help the world.

>Cost to end world hunger 30 billion

Being this delusional.

You hear me motherfuckers? Take this bs somewhere people are this dumb. It is not here, and it will never be here. I won't allow it.
All this is is a circle-jerk of paid shills. Or morons. Either way fuck off, stop wasting everyone's time with this bs.

>end world hunger
>Africa's overpopulation problem spirals even further out of control

yes, let us ignore the matter of colonization and infrastructure, and further blight upon the world to even more unsustainable limits

Giving niggers free food/money for doing nothing is a horrible idea. If that money was spent on schools, I could maybe get beihnd it, get them to learn how to work the land, farm food for themselves.

But just giving handouts is a great way to manufacture more of the exactly same problem.

>spend $737 billion every year
>can't win a single war


>Magube just sends it back and instead demands we send cash
Is that why he printed so many bills?

Little piece of advice: NEVER feed African kids.
Trust me, they will always come back for more and won't hesitate to take it from you.

You idiots. The $30 billion is the cost to wipe Africa off the map.

I'll take E, C as a backup.

Also, the point is to keep the world in equilibruim that benefits you, not to upset it.

Stop feeding people who can't feed themselves. They'll just have children they can't feed who'll grow up unable to feed themselves. If you let them starve it will prevent more suffering.


>spend money to feed starving africans
>african population explodes, requiring more and more money to feed them
>when the money eventually stops as the cost becomes exorbitant, they all go back to starving to death

Yea if the people in Africa could actually develop sanitation system rather then pooping whever the fuck they want that might help them.

shouldnt send anything at all to fucking africa
i dont want the taxes i pay feeding any fucking nigger across the fucking world let alone the fucking niggers here.

But they have plenty of yummy ebola-bats to eat to sustain themselves.
What's wrong with them?

I doubt that they are really trying to *win* the war. Besides, most of the money goes to stuff that don't affect the conflicts in middle east, eg. carriers, technology development, upkeep etc. US has multiple bases all around the world and that costs a lot.

The railroads are worthless because none of them were made to a standard size, meaning even if you wanted too a train from one region won't fit in another.

This is a fallacy

End world hunger for how long?, a year? Cause 30b won't do it forever

UN Food programmes are killing the business of local farmers in Africa and causing other starvations.

Teach them how to grow crops and subvanse the farming business instead of giving them free food.

But they'd also have to learn how to maintain the roads, and police the roads from the even lower IQ savages who will become modern day highwaymen. They just aren't a forward-thinking people. It's hopeless.

>Cost to increase world hugner by (average number of kids shitskins have): $30 billion
>Cost to end world hunger by forcing shitskins to farm for themselves and control their population: 0

Satisfaction from option 2? Priceless.

>Teach them
we already tried that. let them all die who gives a shit. the world would be a better place

Perhaps I was a little brief beforehand. The rivers they do have are to violent for commerce, lots of rapids, waterfalls, jagged rocks etc. I remember reading of a British colonialist who set out on a boat to chart route to facilitate trade and the ordeal destroyed his spirit.

Rail roads aren't nearly as effective as rivers they're better than roads but not really a feasible manner to transport things like food and water after a point.

More like a day.

You mean to tell me i'm helping to bring about the nigger genocide by not spending any money at all?

Many countries aren't and those are the ones starving otherwise there is a war for said resources and both sides are scorching the earth to spite the other.

>Cut ALL aid to nigger countries

>30 billion to end world hunger
Until these niggers have 10 kids each, then it'll be 300 billion. What then?

Its impossible to "end world hunger" by donating food/money to them. They always breed till the point when they die from starvation in bigger numbers than they manage to get born.
Only real solution to world hunger would involve huge military budget and blanket prohibition to report anything related to solution.