Black History Lesson In History Books For Children To Come

Let this be a lesson. Remember this, this isn't a sports thing; this is a life lesson. He was attacked verbally by a hot headed young man. It was disrespectful to go after the king of an entirely different sport, being such an amateur. But he took it professionally, and accepted the disrespect and decided to fight someone of lower stature.

After he accepted, he faced ridicule from a hot-headed young mess of an Irish disgrace. He talked down to him, spit rusty saliva into his face, and even turned it into a racial thing by calling him boy.

But the king kept his cool, even at 40 years old he knew what was ahead. He was modest, cool, calm professional; and most of all he kept a smile on his face and kept his humility.


Remember this day, everyone. The day the white race was completely BTFO from history. White ppl are now dead, history has been made. Neopolian lost today to the calm, collected, professional, strategic, mathematic fighter that is the embodiment of black supremacy in the ring.

White people lost, Drumpf lost, get over it. Remember this day and remember this post, you lost white people, get over it. IT'S DONE. end of story.

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HE didn't beat him though. The nigger reff stopped the fight and he literally ran away to his corner with a smile on his fucking face.
Connor did nothing but throw baby punches. ANY UFC fan could see this but they're not honest about the Jewish media.

It was all bullshit and they even pushed the Souther Poverty Leauge commercial on us, a terrorist orginization.


thats nice
its also 100% sophistry & fallacious

they both agreed to put on a show and make easy millions

McGregor threw the fight.

This whole thing was staged to fit the (((narrative))).

>HE didn't beat him though. The nigger reff stopped the fight and he literally ran away to his corner with a smile on his fucking face.
This delusion. McGregor would have literally died had the fight went on

it was all marketing/hype for you stupid goys

right now mcgregor and mayweather are rubbing their hands and drinking champagne together with all the (((ppv))) money they aquired

anyone too stupid to see this deserves everything bad they get

An American won, we are still the fucking best

>all caps
You had me until the 4th paragraph. I find it super annoying that this is yet another racial thing.

McGreg doesnt box, so why on earth would he expect to win? If it was MMA, he would have won.

The real lesson here is dont be a collosal faggot....a lesson everyone can share.

In other fake sports news, the undertaker will be taking on Vader at wrestlemania!!!!

Protect ya neck

This fight was gay as shit. I don't even care who won, Mayweather and McGregor are both equally insufferable, annoying cunts who think they are god's gift to combat sports.

classic great white hype. Only in a America indeed

das rite

>White people lost, Drumpf lost, get over it

More like a liberal commie lost and a based Trump supporter won.Get over it faggot



Alright then. Now let's see Mayweather face McGregor in the octagon. I know it won't happen though, because Floyd is a fucking pussy.

>this nigga thought this was real.

Glorified sparring match. He didn't recruit no Russian boxer that has been training since he was 10. He went for an MMA star to make that money.

Fight was for the IRS. He needs the dough.

>McGregor beats Mayweather
>Mayweather beats McGregor
Lol are you actually this fucking dense it's all (((staged))) can't believe you retards fell for this

Why is Sup Forums so predictable?

No one gives a shit about boxing anymore. Tyson was so much better than this weak hitting nigger. Let's see him in the octagon and McGregor would stomp him out real quick.


>some nigger wins at some nigger sport
>whites eternally btfo?
We aren't going anywhere, also this is not a politics topic so enjoy your ban, faggot

Mayweather and the ref were looking out for McGregor. This fight was for the dough. He wasn't gonna kill anyone.

People got their 10 round show. McGregor made more money than he could make an MMA career.

Mayweather gets to pay Uncle Sam. Casinos made lots of money. It all went according to plan, no one ended up retarded and in the hospital.

Sage this sirry white bois post huhuhu

Sage this off-topic slide thread

In a shocking twist ending, Mayweather was Sup Forumss guy the whole time.
>Look up his stance on BLM and his all lives matter speech
>He took a 75% cut in what he normally makes to promote the businesses (Promotions, gym, fighters, club, etc.) his earnings get re invested in
>Worked hard his whole life for a perfect record
And all you had to do was look past his skin color....

Why do fags keep making this a racial thing?
Mayweather is a Trump supporter you fucking idiot, potatonigger has videos chanting "fuck Donald Trump".

So this is technically a win for party affiliation.
Thinking this was ever going to be a real fight is retarded. Boxing legend vs. Cocky shit who fights in a totally different league.
It's not white vs. black, and McGregor was acting like more of a nigger.

First off fuck off with that racist "boy" shit. Everything is racist these days. If I don't like what this person is saying = racist. Embarrassing!

Also, sad Mayweather couldn't even knock out a guy that wasn't even a boxer. The only thing that is apparent now is that MMA takes far more discipline and skill than boxing.

McGregor even said his only regret is that the ref stopped it. He would have preferred to have been knocked out.

Mayweather, Wood and Jordan are the only 3 athletes to make over a billion dollars in their sport. This match is what put Mayweather into this category. Both fighters got bankrolled substantially.

Wow, bragging out about nothing. Who did not see that coming? All for cash

By "nigger" sport you mean all sports right? The most dominate MMA fighters are black too.

Skin color in American doesn't mean anything anymore.Antifaggots and commies are 99% white liberal traitors.There are a lot based black men like Mayweather

I wonder if McGregor will box again? There's a lot more money in it, and this shitshow made him famous outside MMA circles. It wouldn't surprise me if Mayweather comes out of retirement for a rematch in a couple of years after he's squandered his money.

>Mayweather, Wood and Jordan are the only 3 athletes to make over a billion dollars in their sport

Must be white privilege

Speak pidjin.

well it was worth a shot.

Ape won

Mayweather is 40. He wasn't going to recruit a professional boxer that has been training at boxing exclusively since he was 5 years old for his "last" fight.

He was not going to fight some Clubber Lang black dude straight out of the hood, some Ivan Drago motherfucker from Russia, or anyone that could legitimately fuck him up.

Get banned fag

What happened? Did white people really lose because of a boxing match? Why add this bitch racial shit to sports?