>tfw when you know you're the good guy because you check left wing sites and there are no shills
>thanks shills, you always let me know who to fight for
Tfw when you know you're the good guy because you check left wing sites and there are no shills
Other urls found in this thread:
I wouldn't even know the hard core popular left wing places.
>read also sprach Zarathustra
Fuck the Übermensch, that's just nihilism for faggots
>Fuck the Übermensch, that's just nihilism for faggots
literally the opposite
>Sprichst du Deutsch du Affe?
I literally was laughing most of the time reading it because while reading it I realized how weak Nietzsche is.
low tier b8, verpiss dich.
>left wing sites
You mean the whole rest of the internet?
Isn't it Untermensch not Ubermensch?
>I literally was laughing most of the time reading it because while reading it I realized how weak Nietzsche is.
Oh neat.
Care to give an analysis? If not I'm going to assume you didn't read it and you're a shill.
Flag definitely checks out.
>Isn't it Untermensch
No Untermensch is the opposite
>Der Affe denkt seine Meinung ist relevant
Despite claiming the opposite Nietzsche is desperate for attention and approval.
>Care to give an analysis?
Why would I, I think you don't understand that according to Nietzsche whom you admire a higher person has no obligation to explain himself or his opinions to the masses of monkeys
>I think you don't understand that according to Nietzsche whom you admire a higher person has no obligation to explain himself or his opinions to the masses of monkeys
According to Nietzsche that person flies high, but here you are, on the bottom.
BTW how much do you get paid per post?
Wrong. There are Menschen and there is the Ubermensch. There is no discussion of the Untermensch, the Untermensch is a national socialist concept and has nothing to with Nietzsche, just further evidence that you are a monkey.
Someone rightfully calling nietzshe a weak manlet isn't shilling you stupid leaf.
Tha's a lil pedantic there shill
Buddy was wondering if Untermensch and Ubermensch were the same thing, they're concepts.
You struggle with language comprehension, don't cha?
Also, how much do you get paid per post?
Does .05 per post really qualify you as an Ubermensch?
>According to Nietzsche that person flies high, but here you are, on the bottom.
Übermensch according to Nietzsche is proud as an eagle and smart like a snake. Whatever the fuck you are thinking about isn't Nietzsche, it's probably your cheap ass NatSoc explanation of Nietzsche, learn German try reading Nietzsche then.
>BTW how much do you get paid per post?
If I was getting paid to post I wouldn't be discussing Nietzsche on Sup Forums I'd be shitposting in other threads, Nietzsche and the Übermensch isn't a topic you'd pay anyone to shitpost in.
Race has nothing to do with the Übermensch.
>Fuck the Übermensch, that's just nihilism for faggots
Point and laugh everyone.
“For the few men and women of purpose, they are blessed with thecertainty that, unlike the billions who live and die with no more sense of identity or mission than sheepor cattle, their lives have meaning, that they do not live and dream and struggle and suffer in vain, thattheir existence counts for something, for it is their consciousness and their purpose which willdetermine the form and the spirit of the new order which will one day rise on this earth, and it is their descendants who will take the next step within that new order toward the superman.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
>Buddy was wondering if Untermensch and Ubermensch were the same thing, they're concepts.
Nietzsche has no concept of the Untermensch, he has the concept of the Übermensch and Mensch. Untermensch is a concept that arose after Nietzsche.
>You struggle with language comprehension, don't cha?
Untermensch isn't the opposite of Übermensch. Read Nietzsche before using big words like Übermensch you are making a mockery of yourself.
>Also, how much do you get paid per post?
See >Does .05 per post really qualify you as an Ubermensch?
Wow you really are retarded.
I want her to love me tenderly
Quote Nietzsche in German, I don't want to read butchered translations of German philosophers. Nietzsche in English is like rape.
>Nietzsche has no concept of the Untermensch
Lying faggot posts it twice.
This thread is to let you and your fellow shills know that your efforts are having the opposite effect
If you wanna discuss Nietzsche, make a thread here >>/his/ and I'll join
Sad excuses from an underman who hates his race and country.
Just kill yourself you Muslim dick sucker. Do the world a big favor.
Monkey is to Mensch what Mensch is to Übermensch. No discussion of Untermensch in Nietzsche's texts.
Sure Nietzsche didn't like the Jews, but he didn't think they were Untermenschen that was a concept alien to Nietzsche. Also he thought all religion was retarded.
>Als Zarathustra aber allein war, sprach er also zu seinem Herzen: »Sollte es denn möglich sein! Dieser alte Heilige hat in seinem Walde noch Nichts davon gehört, dass Gott todt ist!« –
Nietzsche is /lit/ not /his/ but whatever faggot, I'm just shitting on some retards who think they know shit about Nietzsche.
> know that your efforts are having the opposite effect
I want you to read Nietzsche before using the concept of the Übermensch, so you are telling me it's less likely you'll read Nietzsche? Ok I'm fine with that as well.
Pretty sure I'm closer to what Nietzsche would call an Übermensch than you, for starters I don't use butchered translations to quote him in English.
>no shills on the internet
>uses nasty cunt pic
we don't need to see that stupid bitch's face faggot
>Nietzsche is /lit/ not /his/
Could be either or but I'd put him in the Humanities category before Literature
Nice graphic
thx, saved
>Pretty sure I'm closer to what Nietzsche would call an Übermensch than you
Yes. What was it Nietzsche said about the Ubermensch again?
"He shall be like a fly on a horse. Annoying as fuck and attracted to shit."
That's the part that describes you I reckon
>Could be either or but I'd put him in the Humanities category before Literature
Cause you can't read German, his German is actually fun to read, obviously the content of his writings are a sanitized version of feel good nihilism, which is sad on multiple different levels.
No the infographic fails on Nietzsche.
1. God is dead according to Nietsche
2. He says Mensch is more Affe then Affen
>Einst wart ihr Affen, und auch jetzt ist der Mensch mehr Affe, als irgend ein Affe.
>Yes. What was it Nietzsche said about the Ubermensch again?
A lot he wrote a whole book on the Übermensch in German.
>"He shall be like a fly on a horse. Annoying as fuck and attracted to shit."
That's not something he wrote in his book, that's just you pulling crap out of your ass trying to seem smart, as I said before read "Also sprach Zarathustra" before trying to debate Nietzsche, it's clear you haven't.
>That's the part that describes you I reckon
I am talking to you, so I can't deny the attraction to shit part.
Here's the easiest explanation to what the Übermensch is, I played enough with you and now I'll give you the shortest answer on what Nietzsche said about the Übermensch, just because you don't have a fucking clue and it's funny to shit on you
>Seht, ich lehre euch den Übermenschen!
>Der Übermensch ist der Sinn der Erde. Euer Wille sage: der Übermensch sei der Sinn der Erde!
>Ich beschwöre euch, meine Brüder, bleibt der Erde treu und glaubt Denen nicht, welche euch von überirdischen Hoffnungen reden! Giftmischer sind es, ob sie es wissen oder nicht.
>Verächter des Lebens sind es, Absterbende und selber Vergiftete, deren die Erde müde ist: so mögen sie dahinfahren!
>Einst war der Frevel an Gott der grösste Frevel, aber Gott starb, und damit auch diese Frevelhaften. An der Erde zu freveln ist jetzt das Furchtbarste und die Eingeweide des Unerforschlichen höher zu achten, als der Sinn der Erde!
>Einst blickte die Seele verächtlich auf den Leib: und damals war diese Verachtung das Höchste: – sie wollte ihn mager, grässlich, verhungert. So dachte sie ihm und der Erde zu entschlüpfen.
>Oh diese Seele war selbst noch mager, grässlich und verhungert: und Grausamkeit war die Wollust dieser Seele!
>Aber auch ihr noch, meine Brüder, sprecht mir: was kündet euer Leib von eurer Seele? Ist eure Seele nicht Armuth und Schmutz und ein erbärmliches Behagen?
>Wahrlich, ein schmutziger Strom ist der Mensch. Man muss schon ein Meer sein, um einen schmutzigen Strom aufnehmen zu können, ohne unrein zu werden.
>Seht, ich lehre euch den Übermenschen: der ist diess Meer, in ihm kann eure grosse Verachtung untergehn.
>Was ist das Grösste, das ihr erleben könnt? Das ist die Stunde der grossen Verachtung. Die Stunde, in der euch auch euer Glück zum Ekel wird und ebenso eure Vernunft und eure Tugend.
>Die Stunde, wo ihr sagt: »Was liegt an meinem Glücke! Es ist Armuth und Schmutz, und ein erbärmliches Behagen. Aber mein Glück sollte das Dasein selber rechtfertigen!«
>Die Stunde, wo ihr sagt: »Was liegt an meiner Vernunft! Begehrt sie nach Wissen wie der Löwe nach seiner Nahrung? Sie ist Armuth und Schmutz und ein erbärmliches Behagen!«
>Die Stunde, wo ihr sagt: »Was liegt an meiner Tugend! Noch hat sie mich nicht rasen gemacht. Wie müde bin ich meines Guten und meines Bösen! Alles das ist Armuth und Schmutz und ein erbärmliches Behagen!«
>Die Stunde, wo ihr sagt: »Was liegt an meiner Gerechtigkeit! Ich sehe nicht, dass ich Gluth und Kohle wäre. Aber der Gerecht ist Gluth und Kohle!«
>Die Stunde, wo ihr sagt: »Was liegt an meinem Mitleiden! Ist nicht Mitleid das Kreuz, an das Der genagelt wird, der die Menschen liebt? Aber mein Mitleiden ist keine Kreuzigung.«
>Spracht ihr schon so? Schriet ihr schon so? Ach, dass ich euch schon so schreien gehört hatte!
>Nicht eure Sünde – eure Genügsamkeit schreit gen Himmel, euer Geiz selbst in eurer Sünde schreit gen Himmel!
>Wo ist doch der Blitz, der euch mit seiner Zunge lecke? Wo ist der Wahnsinn, mit dem ihr geimpft werden müsstet?
>Seht, ich lehre euch den Übermenschen: der ist dieser Blitz, der ist dieser Wahnsinn!