>(((they))) said they are going against isis propaganda/terrorist content
HAHAHAHA (((they))) are purging right wing youtubers/videos only
Remember the Bilderberg talkingpoints "War on Information"?
They will go all out.
fuck that chink lover
His videos were clickbaits based on fear instigation rethorics for right kekistan tards to eat up
Not only his videos are getting censored, but many people who don't affiliate with politics or are leftists get their vidfos demonitizef.
>shills out in full force
go back to your cuckshed shareblue
Hahaha serves that faggot right
Oh yeah. I can see Youtube going down in flames soon. It will be glorious.
hes been doxxed
he is a sexpat living in tokyo
bet you he has a little chink kid aswell like "based" chopstick man
Cry more you little baby, you are the controled opposition if you act so predictably stupid.
VIDME description: "compitent"
What retard wrote this?
ohh you are sweet, maybe don't post at the same fucking second for better hiding your shilling
good because (((BPS))) is literally controlled opposition to make conservatives look bad. Guy's an absolute an absolute scummy retard who was somehow successful in impressing even bigger retards
>controlled opposition
shill more
and also maybe change your talking points so it isn't so obvious
How does he make conservatives look bad? How is he a retard?
that's a shame
at least i can still watch isis recruitment videos
show us your flag felix lace
Alt-light BTFO
Are you seriously retarded? Like you need help to get around retarded.
When you post your id stays constant for the thread, so don't spam replies pretending to be other people like a pathetic zilch.
Look at his video about women, for instance. He clearly talks in a way that's a retard's ideia of what a rational person should speak like and it shows because his argument does not stand up to the mildest scrutiny. He's clearly, *obviously* channelling MGTOW virgin rage to make women look bad while ignoring the huge amount of conservative women out there,
not only in isolated cases of leadership positions in the anti-globalist parties of France and Germany, but also as the bulk of voters for anti-globalist candidates (remember that 52% of white women voted for Trump).
He's clearly a retard or a paid shill who's trying to make conservatism a "white guys only" club to divide and conquer our movement
is this video filled with gore and actual ISIS executions?
or is it just filled with words.
good thing youtube disabled comments so people can't refute his ideas :^)
Good job youtube.
Is it starting to end now?
Nekem is volt ugyanilyen mintás pokrócom a lengyelpiacról.
>pretending to be an oldfag lesson others about posting
totally shill
ofc not
someone should actually make a test, upload isis/muslim propaganda to a neutral channel and see what happens
Good bye blue skies.
Good. We need to up are game.
DNS? - namecoin
Hosting - maidsafe
videhosting - bitchute
The internet will get a lot better soon.
Well lads, it was fun while it lasted.
While we're talking about computer stuff, is Tor browser good for anything fun and legal, or at least, not immoral ?
I can find free porn websites passes through google, prostitution is legal in my country, any college student knows where to buy weed. What's the point of tor if you're not a criminal or living in a dictatorship ?
So far you haven't answered anything and behaved like a shizo brainlet.
The censoring doesn't only extend on pigeon speaks, many other quite leftist or neutral channels get demonitized too.
You literally want a personal hugbox by seething like a slug calling everyone a shill that doesn't agree with you.
Browsers like Tor are good for anonymity and, natural extension, illegal stuff.
>leftist or neutral channels get demonitized too.
name the leftist channels that are getting censored
>bake my cake
>never say anything bad about the oppressed minorities
>never criticize Islam
>never criticize Judaism
>always watch mainstream media
>feel guilty about your skin color
>but not if you're black
join in creating a backup
install ZeroNet -zeronet.io
use Tor in conjunction with ZeroNet for privacy
for those wondering no you cant access it from clear net it is a separate p2p network
pros: cant be taken down like DS and other right sites
Note nobody want us to lose Sup Forums but we must be prepared for the worst
Any more videos censored like this?
I've put a list together of videos censored like this called censoredlist.com.
that dude saw that coming years ago.
wonder for how long Molymeme will be on the platform before they will remove his ass despite not having ads on the videos.
he'll surely move on to some other video platform then.
Not from top of my head currently no I can't think of such channels, but from what I gather many gaming channels and even people who were in this reddit tier leftist hugbox got demonitized.
Right videos may be biased towards the right here, but it has more to do with backwards hate-speech laws, in on a more general level this reflects on liberals appearing peaceful with their agenda through guile of love and unity than the right, so their videos aren't so militant.
Bin that thought.
BPS no one cares if your channel gets shut down, you're not one of us, go ask Reddit for help and stop shilling your channel
Shoot yourself in the head you smelly kike
>content is still there
>not being deleted
>just doesn't get his ad gibs from YouTube
>has no contract with google, isn't a google employee, has no reason to expect they have to pay him jack shit
How will these YouTube "social commentators" manage now they have to get a real fucking job? I feel so sorry for them.
>it has begun
It's over goyim
Save all your favorites redpilled vids
They are serious this time
Expect tombs everything shut down within half a year
>e-celebs are our friends! They just want to share red pills they find on r/The_Donald!
Oh I am laffin
It's extra fucking annoying they take away the link to the channel on the video too
Not sure if shill or just useful idiot.
The videos become unseachable. I as a content consumers sometimes enjoy a little bit of controversy. And as an adult I'm fully qualified to decide for myself how I feel about a controversial subject and whether I want to view it. But now I won't be able to do even that.
If you need to be sheltered from controversial topic then you don't qualify as an adult.
Him and most political commentators already weren't getting any money due to demonetization you stupid cunt. I can't put into words how disgusting good goys like you who are totally fine with globalist megacorporations taking charge of what we are allowed to think are. Please commit suicide ASAP.
Moderates will be next
Maybe now you'll realised why Stallman has been warning against centralised platforms for years.
thats the point, make it hard as possible to know who made this and what he stands for.
I am surprised they even let name in the brackets.
Only thing that does, it give alternatives sites more members.
Bitchute just gained 3k members over the last view days.
If youtube keeps that up, the will only accelerate.
And? What are you going to do about it?
If women couldn't vote we wouldn't be here to begin with. They swooned over Bill Clinton for example.
I noticed they got rid of an old bluegrass song called Nigger in the Woodpile last week too. They're purging. I'm finished with the jewtube and google. Anyplace that censors anything that's not tranny nigger pride shit.
Will these alternative platforms be able to serve the thousands of TB more videos? How will they pay for it all?
People don't listen to tech experts. They just want to be handcuffed and fucked by big daddy.
I'm not ok with artificial manipulation if search results or forcibly removing the videos from the recommended section.
I just don't care that they're losing their ad gibs. Making YouTube videos is not a valid career choice.
>Making YouTube videos is not a valid career choice.
What makes it invalid? Why is making videos outside the internet a valid career but magically not valid on the internet?
Would you buy a DVD that is just some nobody talking at a camera for hundreds of hours?
No. If someone is making boring content that people don't care about then people won't pay for it and pay attention to it. I don't see your point.
I just realized they are going to have to cut out comments all together. Those videos should have the comments left simply because it would have contained those conversations. Now people will be debating race theory in makeup tutorial videos.
I'm using Vidme, starting purge YouTube of videos.
Which video hosting site would RMS use?
Operation flag every gaming channel video that has a male speaking his mind
Get the rabid gamer fanbase to attack youtube when they begin censoring shit like minecraft and GTA
The video doesn't even appear on the top of the page when you search for it, it only shows up when you sort by highest views. This video shows what kind of society destroying animals women are, you can't have men demanding women losing their voting power right? It might no longer vote regressive shit into power once sane white men vote for less state.
That the content you're defending isn't made for YouTube in the first place. These aren't long and well-researched documentaries, they're blog posts with video and sound.
It's like comparing real investigative journalism to Maddox.
It's basic thought control, they isolate you and make it more difficult to get to.
>Comments disabled
>Upvotes disabled
>Viewcount disabled
Remember goyim, you're all alone, no one believes what you think.
>Doesn't show up in the search
>Doesn't show the channel name in the video
>Can't share (with the button, you can still obviously copy the URL)
>Have to click through a trigger warning to get to it
Why are you even trying goyim? It's so difficult to get this content, just give up.
Maybe this guy shouldn't have chosen a platform and a format that requires those who disagree with him to allow him permission to speak.
>but muh freedom of speech!
They don't care about freedom of speech. What now?
Tor has been compromised for quite some time... CIA can find you
yeah we need to flag that faggot TotalBiscuit's videos
every one of them
Because stallman's a fucking autist.
I find your opinions to be unkind. Clearly you didn't THINK before posting.
Guy shilled for Candid (basically an AI trainer) and now he's getting censored on his content? No care given.
>That the content you're defending isn't made for YouTube in the first place.
I don't know what that means.
>These aren't long and well-researched documentaries, they're blog posts with video and sound.
Doesn't sound like you've ever even seen a BPS video. Even if they were just blog posts with video and sound I still don't see your point.
Don't reply to britcucks. They aren't even human.
Do you care about Jared Taylor getting the same treatment? Because he did.
If only there was another option, like hosting things yourself, and then spreading the word yourself.
>video may be offensive to some audiences
>YouTube ever recommends anything contradictory towards cuck users' worldviews
Doesn't matter what platform he chooses, if there needs to be censorship because someone is speaking objective truth then it's not justified.
From a company point of view it's understandable to determine what is and isn't allowed to be put on your site but in this case it's clearly about silencing people from speaking the truth.
If any user has the money to do it, I could realistically put togehter a plan to setup a new section of the internet.
Once a video is branded "offensive", YouTube is actively monitoring which accounts are accessing "offensive" videos! Because so-called innocent bystanders can no longer accidentally click these videos from their recommendations or by search, it means only people who believe or are interested in the subject material will be clicking these videos. YouTube will be building a giant list of "collaborators" whom will be either censored further or their information will be given to the ADL or further 3rd party groups so they can be doxxed and harassed in real life for simply viewing a video. It is pure evil on the likes of Chinese internet censorship and Google will stop at nothing at ensuring that any wrongthink will be punished to the fullest extent. You will be found, harassed, and forced out of your job until you pray on the altar of money and multiculturalism.
Be very wary when viewing these videos, I'm almost certain it involves identifying individual accounts for "hate speech" and other "offensive" ideas.
Lol dude you don't need to use the road, just use a sidewalk or go offroad.
Why are you complaining about water companies censoring you? They're a private company, just dig a well.
There's a little thing called a monopoly, and youtube has a pretty much complete monopoly.
I don't think a random user has several billion dollars.
they can slow us down...
but they can't stop us.
Yet in this he's totally correct.
What point are you making?
>I don't know what that means.
It means that you're not actually defending these videos, but some ethereal concept of a video you have in your mind, which is based on documentaries you've seen elsewhere.
>Doesn't sound like you've ever even seen a BPS video
I have. Just because there's lots of glitz doesn't mean he's not just reading a blog post.
Why does a large corporation that doesn't believe in free speech and disagrees with you, owe you the freedom of speech for which to disagree with them?
If Jared did the same then he deserves the same.
Why do you assume they care about the truth?
There's lots of other video hosting sites, and countless alternatives should you wish to host content out of your own pocket.
Well that changes everything. No sympathy for the faggot then. It's still wrong what Jewgle is doing but anybody with half a brain could see what Candid was all about.
10/10 infographic, have a (You)
He doesn't shill for anything, does he deserve the same? He's certainly getting it.
Are you so autistic that you don't know what a monopoly is?
>It means that you're not actually defending these videos, but some ethereal concept of a video you have in your mind, which is based on documentaries you've seen elsewhere.
You're not making any sense. There's no magical "quality score" that a video needs to attain before it's allowed to hit the market. If a video hits the market and there is demand for it and people want to pay money to see more of it, it doesn't fucking matter if your retarded ass calls it a "blog post". Who the fuck do you think you are, the video Czar? Does content need to be approved by you before people are allowed to decide whether they'd pay money for it?
>Are you so autistic that you don't know what a monopoly is?
"The exclusive possession or control of the trade in a commodity or service."
White women correctly judged him as a loser and refused to sleep with him, now he blames them for all the world's problems. When confronted with the fact that the majority of them voted for Trump, or that they're the largest conservative voting block behind only white men, he just goes back to his MGTOW talking points about how evil they are. He's a bitter little shit who fled to Asia just to get laid, then has the nerve to be against immigration.
Would you pay for a DVD of these videos?