How did Sup Forums become so influential?

pol and Sup Forums are all over the news, even BBC and huffpo are getting obsessed with Sup Forums

what's 4 chan's secret? honesty i think. Sup Forums is true to life. the western media hate us for being right.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's one of the few places on the internet where people are entirely honest with themselves and the world around them.


It was once the last bastion of free speech.

No cucks allowed

Because once you're here, you stay forever.

Alternatively, people can act the complete opposite of themselves and play devil's advocate without it being tied to their face and name. Shitposting as you opposition gets you into their heads and might give you arguments against positions you are struggling with.

I LARP as a Nazi, White Supermacists, Black Nationalist, Jihadi, Gay, Muslim, Kekistani, etc.
Wanna know who I am?

As much as people will swear Sup Forums is a Christian, pro trump board. This is damn near the only place where different opinions meet and clash. The best ideas rise to the top.

Isn't it strange that when left uncensored, the Internet turns conservative?

Always FPBP.

The secret is we are the plot to Metal Gear Solid 2 except we arent an AI or faggot ass politicans. We are the truth the world needs in order to keep itself from destroying itself. No pay, no name. Just a mirror.

>Implying that Sup Forums being on the news is anything new

The only thing that has changed is that Sup Forums used to be the board that attracted the attention of the media, now it's this board.

Free speech and anonymity.

They come here for the Sup Forums discussions, they stay here for the Sup Forums tier trap porn.

from twitter alone i know at least 5 soccer moms who visit Sup Forums on a daily basis

being influential unfortunately has a downside of drawing in leftypol

>Wanna know who I am?

>what's 4 chan's secret?
Because anyone even reporters and twitter users can come here, make a post that fits whatever narrative or spin on their story and post an article about it
Also the website and the people who come here already have a bad reputation so no one will question them, the perfect crime


More like, when neckbeards have a place to circle jerk, and also they're conservative

But, yes, it's a forum in which only ideas and beliefs are shared for the sake of sharing. It's like, anti-social media. The cosine to Reddit and Facebook


Ingeresting gadget.

My my how the times have changed

This is the world's best university.

Sup Forums represents humanity without accountability and to that end you can see how detached people can become when exploring concepts otherwise deemed unethical.


Deep down most people is conservative, but we live in age of social media where virtue signaling and pretending is more important then your true feelings.
This apply especially for womans which always seek social identity.

No. Some of you faggots still deny traps are gay

>pol and Sup Forums are all over the news, even BBC and huffpo are getting obsessed with Sup Forums
being that delusional.......

Sup Forums got mentioned like once every year at most, if we only count national news rather than local, whereas now Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general are constantly mentioned all over the MSM.

well its the only platform ive seen where you can have nazis blm and commies taking with one another with somewhat of a conversation going on. also dostoevsky levels of nihilism

If it wasn't for literal college brainwashing (I did half a semester before I quit. They were literally trying to pedal Marx's critical theory.) I feel most people do end up being conservative. We need another era of McCarthyism, and to start calling liberalism what it really is, Communism.

they don't deny it they're just completely retarded or saying it ironically.


First they draw attention, then they attack. This is an early warning, Sup Forums, you better stop jacking it to anime traps and start figuring out how to take these fuckers dowm before they make a real move.

lets toot our own horn! fuck working!


thanks user but like professors Peterson says I've sorted my self out.

Tanya is love

Yeah, they're not actually lefty mums they just play one in public

Tanya is life

The Western media hate us for being out of their control.

>what's 4 chan's secret?
free speech with a mathematical chance of finding truth through the ability to say anything

image related

MSM is limited. It's simply not allowed to go off piste - and because the narrative has to be so overtly obvious as to be effective on total morons - applying the same shit to the entire country (non-morons included) that it seems less and less relevent to anyone that's not a pleb. The truth is, it's just boring.

the chans deal with questions that don't seem to have an answer. Some of these questions you are flat out not even allowed to ask. To even ponder that the official lines simply don't add up is reason enough for you to be ostrasiced. Along with that, shitposting is hilarious and fun. It's a no brainer.

Throw enough shit and some will stick.

"far left" to "alt right" in less than a decade.


Except when we put on layers of irony.

by and large, we still have the better argument

and that's the difference

>Sup Forums is true to life

lol. where do you live?

When a bright light is shown in a dark place, it causes all the cockroaches to scurry out of the light..../pol is that dark place and now the light of truth is being shown here, and soon the cockroaches will run away.....

The best idea is the most influential and wins arguments. Followers begin repeating the same message. That's Sup Forums

Oh snap son.

>liberalism what it really is, Communism
pretty sure they fired you before you quit

Big, if true

Sup Forums plays into a carnal desire for.... chaos because humans just love to have a chaotic outlet. You have plenty of chaotic things in your life, Sup Forums is just another one of them. It plays into this desire through its anonymity, it gives you free reign to say for the most part what ever the fuck you want. It's freer than "Free Speech" in a way, because there is virtually nothing to stop you from saying anything. When you are given that power you will eventually say some shit someone or something doesn't like, and thats when it gets even more fun.

Which is the reason why 95% of you autistic larpers would never post anything you say on here on your personal twitter, facebook, or send it in a work email to a friend.

We use this website because we like to talk about the things that are "taboo" or "bad thought" and it's a good thing we do, because some of this bullshit does need to be talked about and not just swept under the rug.

Do I need any more verification?
Praise be

This, within freedom there is growth.

It's anonymous and there's no sort of post history or anything so people can be completely honest or explore different ideas without fear of the consequences.

>calling liberalism what it really is

american political discourse is disgusting

Critical theory is the basis of every leftist viewpoint though. Feminist theory, queer theory, critical race theory. Critical theory aka conflict theory is Marxist theory. Literally thought up by that bearded German kike.

that character is a pretty good embodiment of everything Sup Forums

>what's 4 chan's secret?
it's my secret club. Get out

yeah I agree it's shit but it has nothing to do with liberalism, liberalism is pretty much the opposite of communism, see

I think you mean everything r*ddit
get out of here with your kuso meme anime


>what's Sup Forums secret?
It's the sense of anonymity and a weird retarded community all the Sup Forums users create. Also the fact that everyone is straight to the point unlike western media where they pander on some leftist bullshit and never get to the point of their argument

The ironic thing is Marxism and communist were started by FUCKING WHITE MALES!!!!

weaponised autism is powerful magick


I completely agree with you. FPBP.

>Wanna know who I am?

A Jew.

except Jesus was a Liberal

and conservatism now is peddled by sick minded cabal of closeted fags like Drudge Limbaugh Savage-Weiner Breitbart et al ad nauseum who follow Roy Cohn's playbook

Unethical is the wrong word for it. Propaganda resistant works better

In the classical sense yes, but leftists have co-opted the term and made it synonymous with being "progressive." Classical liberalism is no longer a politically liberal point of view. Blame the (((conflict theorists))).


Go home, cuck

As they say; once you go 4chins, you never something something



Underrated post.
Sup Forums is excellent for getting new information to use and honing your usual arguments against leftist trash.

> they attack
how do you attack what you can't even begin to grasp?

ha these liberals kek. fucking newspeak


nailed it. like you will never hear discussion of the behind the scenes money power on MSM like Mercers funding Trump, and Russian Oligarchs pumping billions into Trump real estate, not to mention the dead silence over the closeted gay cabal running the GOP

Marx was only a ethic Jew , Engels was 100% goy, Lenin didn't even know his mom was a Jew, and Stalin was antisemitic

The thing is, you never can be sure is it's an irony warped in shitposting inside trolling, shills, retards or a person honestly believe in what he said. It's a mirror inside room full of mirrors.

left steals so much, they even stole the word "liberal"

you mean that Sup Forums lied to me??


>Gay Law makers come out gay
thats cool

>Gay Law makers start saying they need new laws that give them forced social acceptance
Alright that's not 100% cool but i guess im okay with it

>Gay Law makers start pushing for forced social acceptance of mentally unstable people who want to swap their gentetalia
Now i have a problem with a group of people who "represent " 4.6% of the population making the decisions like this.

no there are Jewish supremacist but their easy to spot


This. It turns out that a lot of people here would be persecuted if they were to express their views IRL, so they are forced to do so anonymously. To voice one's thoughts has a necessary theraputic effect and calms anxieties that one may be feeling. If this venting outlet is taken away, the rage builds up and eventually explodes into physical violence and war. I realize that the elites think that winning the culture war is as simple as denying any opposition a platform but doing so will only have the opposite effect and ignite a full blown rebellion. They would be wise to not turn the cold war hot.


It all goes back to zimzam
The media told us a mexican man killing a black man in self defense was a white man murdering a defenseless black child. I think the influence of pol was born when he was found not guilty


Sup Forums is going to fall eventually, and will of course be replaced with something extremely similar. Then the great debate as to whether anonymity should be illegal will begin.

>only a ethic Jew
That's literally all that matters you goddamn retard