Seriously... what the fuck happened?

Seriously... what the fuck happened?

They thought they couldn't possibly lose, and enough people were sick of their arrogance.

This happened.

Northern Union workers who hate trade deals that take their jobs voted against her.

You underestimated niggas with anime avatars.

Trump had enthusiasm and plenty of voters were sick of the media's bullshit and shilling. Clinton had no enthusiasm, so she lost three key states she had taken for granted, and Trump won nearly all of the states considered toss ups.

She didn't campaign
Working class folks don't care about faggots and transsexuals
Literally no one wants Mexicans in the country (even if they say they do )
Dnc scammed every BernieBro
Deleting emails and smashing cell phones seem pretty suspicious to even liberals

pepe voted drumph

>What Happened?

You lost because everyone saw through your lies and fake image.

She had her election stolen by a DISGUSTING CREEP

What happened was, the majority of actual Americans, ie white people, saw that having a tee ball approach towards the potus in terms of, everybody hits, wasn't going to work. They elected the first nigger president because it was oh so tolerant. That was fun and all, but also a disaster. Allowing people who hate the USA to take control of powerful positions wasn't a good idea. Liberals are yet to figure this out. Voting in the first vagina, would have been the nails in the coffin that Obama handmade. She wanted to sink the ship, just as the other whackos in Europe are doing right this second. Hillary would not only have been a horrible horrible president, much like her husband. The consequences of such a timeline would have been absolutely devastating. That is, unless you're a faggot, Muslim, nigger, ect ect ect.....

my heart really goes out for hillary.... she won the election but had the white house stolen from her by the undemocratic electoral college, which is a holdover from an age of white supremacy and racism.....

t. huehue

Jill Stein was awesome though. I wish she was still sucking up their money for recounts.

dumb frogposter


Is there a PDF of the book somewhere? I want to read it for some laughs.

She didn't suck the illegal cock enough

She abandoned her base (blue collar whites) to get the votes of the Barry-Bernie connection, not realizing that most of them hated her as much as conservatives.

She could've easily won the election despite all the scandals. She got overconfident, thought she could just sit back and do nothing and win the election. That's what happened.

This happened...

She got fucked in the ass by the cheeto man because she gave the white working class the middle finger. That's what happens when you soley pander to a bunch of "progressive" cosmopolitan urbanites.

The Republican primary electorate rebelled against the cast of schmucks, ignored the establishment support of the schmucks, and nominated Trump. The D primary electorate was successfully squelched and had Hillary crammed down on them, but they refused to vote for her in the general, even if they didn't vote for Trump.

Trump wins. He'll win again, if the D's send up another identikit candidate in 2020.

That has to be one of the greatest book titles of all time.

Digits gonfirm.

If they don't push for a black woman in 2020 they got nothing.

>He'll win again, if the D's send up another identikit candidate in 2020.

LOL The democrats are already getting ready to blow it all again!

Arrogance and offensive behaviour to the majority of the people, by calling them nazis and racists just for not being minorities
She went full liberal without caring for the reaction, and they she got REACT'D

we dodged a major shitstorm guys, critique trump where he deserves it, but remember that in the back of your mind.

>If they don't push for a black woman in 2020 they got nothing.

It's her turn!


Not that crusty hag. We want Kamala!

>Not that crusty hag.


Even if most people don't see her for the child trafficking piece of shit she really is....seeing her as the most corrupt/dangerous candidate ever to go up for election is just as good

>excellent health
>gets heat stroke in 70 degree weather, gets dragged away
>changes story and says it was pneumonia


She didn't campaign in Wisconsin and other states. She felt complacent having the media always cover for her.

rural and suburban retards

She thought media shilling would do all the heavy lifting for her so she never really developed a platform past "DROOFT FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT" and phoned her whole campaign in. Also a multitude of major gaffs, the emails thing, declaring a cartoon frog a threat to the nation, getting outed as being involved in occult rituals when you're banking on the beaner vote and so on and so forth

How much does this book cost?

Is it worth its weight in salt?

Her husband cheated on her in one of the biggest scandals on that time. Then she got fat

she had no message/slogan. She let the new shill do all the work, while trump had make america great. She got over confident, but no one even remeber her slogan

It.. happened
2016 was a glorious year


The campaign of "I am not Trump" was too smart to win

No youth support, and no black support, and no union support when you're in the party that relies on youth, black, and union support is a bitch.

I'm not gonna pretend like Trump isn't a flawed president, but he was the best choice available. If his policies slow the decline of white birthrates, I'll be exceptionally happy.

My greatest regret in life is that I only lived to see 2016 once.

I fixed it for you......

She might want to add a few chapters.....

Losing all the special elections after Trump..

Losing the House......

Losing The Senate.......
Losing.... The Supreme Court
Losing........ The Funding RNC is killing the rich riches of the DNC right now..

Im not sure if i can handle much more of this winning.

>thought she could sit back
1. The more people saw/heard Hillary, the less they liked her. This includes democrats.

2. She was legit sick (thank you God) and she would've been miserable and made people dislike her even more.

The combination of those 2 factors is why we didn't see Hillary for months. That's also why we saw the media shill for a candidate so blatantly and extremely.

There wasn't much of an option besides sitting back and letting the media smear Trump. Thank God it didn't work

she passed out on 9/11, everyone forgets how big of an impact this was. Even redditors were sayings shes done.

She made many public displays of weakness. Men will always choose the stronger horse

The Democratic party was not focused on the people who actually pay their bills... the white working class.

Trump came in and advertised himself as a stick of dynamite to the status quo. He paid a significant portion of his own campaign. He campaigned on an actual platform, that we should have a border the same way our cars have locks. Clinton took that, along with a lot of others things he said, and blew it out of proportion saying he hates other races etc. Her nonsense didn't make it to the Midwest.

None of this will be in the book of course.

Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up you dumb monkey.

This, and then she tried to make Pepe into a nazi frog to distract from that the next day.

Fuck off Lula.

>ellipsis overload
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and this

chucked into the vehicle like a bag of flour after hours of barely interacting with anyone
christ, what a specimen of physical endurance

>her zombies are out / need more ammo

"well, that didn't work"

What sort of nonsense are they teaching in your country's favelas?

If there were no electoral college, then all political power would be concentrated in the major cities.
Do you really want New York, Chicago and LA to become "super-delegates" and out-weight the vast majority of the country?

It would be so easy to bribe the city voters by promising them the majority of the federal budget. Both parties would try and outdo each other in their bribe offerings until the whole system goes corrupt and collapses.

This shitposter does not represent all of Switzerland. Donald is great.

Ha! She was to indecisive to lead.

It took TWO YEARS of consulting and market study just to come up with her vanilla election slogan: Stronger Together.



what happened

to my precious

Womsplaining THE BOOK

The meme timeline went something like this:
> be 2016
> suddenly harambe
> you're a fucking white male!
> some football game was won by someone who wasn't supposed to win
> pepe votes for trump
> timeline happens

lmao what? The modern Democratic party's base is and has been women and a constellation of non-whites for roughly two decades. Guys like Bernie are outliers.

If the party was filled with blue dog dems like Jim Webb, you'd be correct, but you're not.

What do you think of superdelegates? Or the DNC snubbing Bernie?