Seriously Sup Forums ? Why the fuck are you ok with trannies? This is one of the filthiest thing in the world.
Seriously Sup Forums ? Why the fuck are you ok with trannies? This is one of the filthiest thing in the world
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Look at the fucking comments. This is disgusting.
Trannies don't make sense to me. Men are attracted to them when they look like women. Does that mean they aren't gay and lust after womanly looks?
Is this guy blind or does he have some colored contacts in?
It means they're gay but don't want to admit it. Same with trannies.
don't knock it til you've tried it
I remember in the 2000s, Futas seemed like a bigger meme than traps, people saying shit like "She doesn't have balls, so it's not gay".
At this point the whole world needs the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment.
Shills are ok with it.
Don't pay any attention to it.
They're just retarded, as they just trigger people against it more. They think they're somehow making you more accepting about it.
My 2 cents, let me tell you where SJWs get it wrong.
They want tolerance, but don't realize they already got it.
They just don't understand what tolerance means. They want acceptance.
Tolerance means I'm not gonna persecute you for whatever. Acceptance means you get to show me pictures of your mutilated genitalias, and I'm supposed to praise it.
Most transsexual "women" work a hell of a lot to look like amazing women, while most of the women today in the US are the size of Moby Dick.
You are a homosexual in denial.
not going to watch video, give synopsis?
Even if homo porn doesn't do anything for me? Only futas or shemales with other chicks. She males with another male is a boner killer
>men like to see pinus
>lusting after men in makeup and wig + pinus is not gay
>for them to exist?
If they want to mutilate themselves because they're fucked up in the head, go for it.
>on my dollar?
Fuck no
>in the military, especially deployed?
Lol no, military is not for the prior-basketcases
>do I have to accommodate for them?
>teaching kids about their degeneracy and saying it's ok to be like this?
Hell no
>if they just live in silence, never doing shit like pride parades and just stay in the closet?
Did I miss anything?
we're not okay with trannies, they're perverts and the world would be better off without them
I know it's fucked up but I just really want to fondle Bailey Jay's dick
>Dem eyes
Literally hypnotzing you to succ "her" dicc
If he shaved that disgusting manjaw off, he'd be legit a ,10\10 "woman"
>Chad with 10\10 blue eyes
>This level of loss to the white race
The Jews did this
If he'd be born 100 years ago he'd make 3 bombshell daughters and a couple at Aryan Chads..
That's Alexandra Daddario. She's not a tranny you stupid kraut.
dont belive in all you read in slide threads
Me too
Fuck off muhammed
Sincerely, an /actually french/ tranny
I don't think you're wrong about that. Women in the west are abandoning the idea of being attractive to men and embracing the idea that they are entitled to a man (and his resources) without doing anything in return. Trannies are capitolizing on this. It's no coincidence that trannies go for hypersexualized hyperfemininity and the dudes that are interested in them probably have a hard time finding that in women. There's definitely a dynamic to observe there. I think there's also the idea that since it's really a dude that you're banging, that dude will understand the male arousal process more instinctively than a woman would. Add to that that women so often shame men for that arousal process but because trannies share it, they encourage it and you've got motivation.
South African.
I really hope all those suicidal crossdressers and mutilators of flesh kiss themselves in the head.
"waaah, these people do something I don't like that has no incidence on the world or myself at all whatsoever, so they must be killed"
Go whine about real issues, like antifa and blm pushing for mudslimes and pedophilia everywhere
If you support trannies you have to kys too
It's been a male fantasy since forever in many cultures. Porn is just a fantasy however, once it enters the real world that illusion wears off.
She should laser the follicles.
mental illnesses are not taboo, they should be celebrated and encouraged
>supports trannies
>checks flag
No wonder France is in such a sorry state.
Sounds about right, it's just another piece of the MGTOW meme
I am a tranny, didn't you read you brainless faggot? If you can't read your name must be mouhammed
lmao, fuck your sarcasm, we shouldn't be celebrated. But we're not a mental illness.
France has a sorry state due to muslims and niggers. Nothing to do with trannies which have no effect on the world in a bad way
>u one person now
>why u like this thing
look its one of these slide threads again
i'm a my little pony with wings and a horn and i hear the voice of god out of my rear end every time i eat something with lots of fiber
the messages are rather cryptic, consisting of braaps, toots and sometimes only pfffts with unusually foul smell
i find some of them attractive
"let's whine about something while muslims and commies are slitting throats and stabbing people. Oh also, what's Hurricane Harvey?"
Because men have something woman will never have
Tranny porn is just gay porn but someone has to be the sub and one the dom
It really doesn't work like that you retard.
Being a tranny is more like "It's my body and it's not actually dangerous and I can /actually/ be better than a real life thot
So I'd rather be better than a thot than dead due to suicide thx"
>France has a sorry state due to muslims and niggers
>...while I'm over here with a mulitated fake vagina
While I'm here making the fakest claims ever.
I have a pretty decently sized bepis. Probably bigger than yours.
Maybe you hate trannies because you're jealous.
Still degeneracy
I actually go to work and help people.
Muslims and niggers kill people.
Which is better?
>I am a tranny
GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY YOU DISGUSTING BITCH. I really hope you get killed by Muslims.
Fuck I can't stand trannies your whole xistence is a mistake
and a braap-pap-pap to you too
ps jesus wants your skin
>Muslims and niggers kill people.
Even if they're fucking savages I'd actually prefer to have algerian neighbors rather than a fucking tranny
>Wanting to stay in France
Okay mahmmoud c:
You want to make France a caliphate, don't you?
Why would I stay in your future acid-throwing, van-running, bomb-sploding, kalash-firing caliphate?
that's one cute faggot, not gonna lie
Trannies don't do anything to you. At all. Whatsoever.
Savages will kill you in horrible ways.
Ok Lactacia, then get the fuck out of the claiphate and go to a degenerate country like Sweden or the USA.
You'll never have kids, you'll never have a family and you'll never be fully happy with your body
wtf i love benises now
trannies don't look like women, they look like men in drag who sometimes had plastic surgery
trannies will also be gassed
I'll go in the US and vote for Trump so he wins again.
And pay for hormones with my fucking money. Like most trannies
>Seriously Sup Forums?
>Why the fuck are you ok with trannies?
Immtalkinf Theryn Meyer, cretin
>He reasons like a nigger
>His only defense is the size of his genitals
>has wet dreams about trannies
>"I... I don't like trannies!"
Nah my dude, it's just to prove my genitals are better than his rather than a 'flesh wound'
No, they only tell my children it's okay to deny their God given genetics.
KYS faggot. Deal with your own cucked nation. New Algeria.
Why are people okay with butch and tomboy but not tranny?
trannies turn more feminine once they hit 30
As long as you stay out of France you can do whatever you want to do, mistake of nature
It's homoerotic but it doesn't mean that the viewer is gay. Most people who watch tranny porn have no interest in gay porn. It's just a weird fetish that involves aberrant projection of sexual desire. They're not attracted to men, they want a woman there, but the 'woman' fills the role of both a receiver of pleasure as a woman (same reason lots of men like lesbian porn or gangbang porn) and as a man (having a penis).
Porn, beyond simply visual stimulation, is about projection. Not in the sense that you either imagine yourself as the guy or the girl (or whatever), but in the sense that you project your desire into the film and are rewarded with the pleasure of the actors, which is what gets people off.
Most guys are turned on by a woman being turned on, and that's perfectly natural and normal (contrary to a popular text-image that goes around here). Men seeking sexual validation through a woman's pleasure is perfectly ordinary, which is why the vast majority of men aren't even interested in rape at all, regardless of the social and legal consequences. Most men don't fantasise about rape because they get off on the woman receiving pleasure.
Tranny fetishists are just betas with autogynecophilia. Notice how popular trannies are with weeaboos and other ugly omega males
Go shove a molten railroad spike up your add you fucking mentally ill queer faggot!
Someone post that video of the queerbait faggot getting forced to sodomized himself.
Delicious tears.
I hate the sjw trannies that go after children to tell them 'hey you're a tranny even tho you're a fucking child'
Children can't be fucking sure at all about that shit
Why do you love france so much Mouhammed? All the women are fat social justice warriors.
And your trannies are young, thin and actually fuckable
Idk man just let people do what they want to do. If you want to be a freak show dressing up as a woman and maybe chopping your dick off that's none of my business. I'll just choose not to associate with you and carry on with my own pursuit of happiness and well being, possibly judge you silently for being that much of a fuckup.
Nice analysis
many trannies look terrifying, but some do look like women, and yes, even beautiful women
but they're not women.
Where are all of these supposed pro-tranny threads on here? I'm as shameless a lurker with no life as anyone, and I've never seen a pro-tranny thread on here that went unchallenged. Either they get deleted fast, or aren't an issue worth complaining about. Sup Forums I can understand, but here?
I've seen worse than videos like this. I've seen all thes videos of 'dead trannies' posted by some turk or whatever.
I'm not mentally ill, otherwise it would trigger me. Things like these videos will never happen to me, because I actually pass better than most 'women'
>Why the fuck are you ok with trannies?
We're not.
Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV.
41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide.
Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide.
>b-but atleast my dick is bigger
KEK. Spoken like a true degenerate.
rorschach test. The brain will interpret images based upon things it has seen before. Each person has a different reaction, but typically the sea of reactions is somewhat limited and predictable. Seeing a man that looks like a woman is basically this test in 3d. brain immediately things female and biology kicks in. it takes restrain to not want to such her femine penis and impregnate her boipucci.
You forgot the /sarc
I don't give a single damn what people do in their own homes. If they want to dress like women and take it in the boipussy, whatever.
But they don't stop. The gay lobby didn't stop and the trans wont. They'll push and push until they're eventually gassed.
God loves you but hates the sin you commit and if you're going to keep sexually molesting children you should put a bullet on your head.
>trannies are most likely
Yeah but I'm not a fucking slut you fucking degenerate.
You only have to be a slut to have hiv.
And you know who are sluts? Black negresses
this tbqhon
Wezz love hazel tucker
>Don't stop what
I just want to live my life as a cute gril that's better than the average 'woman' these days. Which is rather easy (sadly?)
And then I just live my life.
I don't ask for more than live my life the way I want. I still go to work, I still pay taxes and such
God doesn't exist, so I don't care if he can't accept he's a tranny lover
basta, hai capito?
>I'm not a fucking slut
Of course you're not. You're someone with a mental illness.
Also, no trannies I've known in my entire life has touched children. That's only tumblr sjws for you
better to be that than a slut or thot
Basically this.
If you think about it, if you're actually having sex with a woman, her crotch won't really be in plain veiw. Your brain is only really looking out for what the rest of the woman looks like.
So a convincing enough tranny can satisfy male visual preferences.
Why the presence of a penis appeals to so many people, though, I've got no idea. I'd hazard to guess it's partly video related and partly the fact that if "she" has one too, it's possible to sort of project onto "her" while at the same time being satisfied that she's close enough to the likeness of a woman that you wouldn't feel like fucking her betrays some latent interest in men.
God is alive and well.
I shall pray that your life is filled with even more misery.
The Lord tells me you are going to suffer within yourself the penalty you deserve.
Sickness will shroud over your life soon.
What is wrong with us?
> I should pray that your life is filled with misery
Why are you acting like a muslim, christian?
Christians love their neighbors.
Muslims curse them
Would fuck a good trans,
but never date or have an relationship.
Could never love it beyond sexual desire.
Not my fault really, I'm programed to breed, so if something resemblances a female, my instincts kick inn.
I'm not even religious, and even I want a return of the old Christian sensibilities. Hitler's biggest crime was making everyone think being right wing is a bad thing.
Same for you french trap.
Stop denying, faggot, France could use a couple more of good straight fathers to raise good families in order to counter the insane reproduction rates of the negroes and the kebabs.
Can't you see this is all part of (((their))) plan to take us out?
>Sup Forums is one person
Some people like to bang dudes in dresses, some don't. Like most things it's a symptom of society, not a cause of it.
If you're not convincing you should either stop or kill yourself.
How can roasties even compete?
it's not gay if you're the active one.
t. roman
It's fine dude. Not for everyone.
But as long as you're not acting like a muslim and going "reeeeee behead what I don't like" you're a good dude
France will never be able to raise 'good families' because of niggers and muslim thugs we have here.
People are too sjws here.
Being trans isn't inherently sjw. I'd be a sjw if I told you "you have to fuck me or else" but no, if you don't want to date a tranny it's your choice and taste
we're not, now fuck off shill
But you'll never be a cute girl. That's it. That pesky Y chromosome.
If you want to think you're a girl, don't be shocked when you're treated like neither a man nor a woman.