I am transgender and i pay my hormones with your taxes

I only wanted you to know that you cant stop me.

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They do their effect :D

post dick


Lol in spain. Congrats.

Dont come to america you sick fuck.


You already pay trans hormones in ur country dw.

My taxes? Why would Spain receive our tax money?

I'm not even mad. You aren't posting with a US flag. Also those taxes are paying for a little while of something interesting to look at and then you'll inevitable regret it and remove yourself. I see no problem.

this image was posted on /fit/ a week ago or so. fuck off you Shill

Saludos Ramón

I think your country pays trans hormones too, so it comes being the same.

bob lasagna

wake up franco so we can lynch this fag

No, we only pay money to support our invaders

Not my taxes :^)

Post more tho, for research.

I'll patiently wait for your soon to come crippling depression and inevitable end.

Why are people posting these pics on every fucking board?

So arrogant and wanting to rub it in our faces you sexual deviant yet you wont post your dick. I don't think that's even you and I don't think it's a trans. I think you are a pathetic troll

You're in Spain, so I don't pay for your HRT.

Why should we stop you? The concrete will stop you once you get older and decide to jump off a building as majority of trannies do

This is like the 4th board I've seen you posting your mentally ill autistic pictures. Kill yourself you attention seeking faggot.

you filthy little slut, id spank the fuck out of you tb.h
post more pics

It's cool, I'd pay you too just so you can't procreate.

I hope you're happy =)

I saw this image on /fit/ the other day. Piss off you larping cunt.

>I think your country pays trans hormones too, so it comes being the same.

...just like having a peen and cutting it off chemically and surgically "comes to being the same" as being female, except it totally doesn't.

shave some of that jaw bone off with FFS and you'd be an 8/10 qt

>I only wanted you to know that you cant stop me.

Its OK! You'll kill yourself sooner or later.

Problem solved.

Nice man feet. How many hormones does it take to shrink those massive flippers?

i love trans women. keep your big clit, dont do bottom surgery.

good luck i hope u get a long stable relationship.. i'd date you if you were here

Is it that big? :(

that's okay, I don't mind my tax money paying to cut your dick off and pump you full of horomones because you're significantly more likely to kill yourself once they have.

Good, another freak removing themselves from the gene pool voluntary.
Worth every cent.

I embrace my gargoyle feet dw cutie

join in creating a backup

install ZeroNet -zeronet.io/

use Tor in conjunction with ZeroNet for privacy


for those wondering no you cant access it from clear net it is a separate p2p network

pros: cant be taken down like DS and other right sites

Note nobody want us to lose Sup Forums but we must be prepared for the worst

you're actually just a slightly butch girl who's double trolling all of us right now
I'm calling you out
post tits or leave

You know how people regret tattoos?

Look at OP's feet, he's a guy with long hair

You dont need to be diagnosed of gender dysphoria by a medic to put a tattoo honey.

Not in my country, unless you live in commiefornia.

Only an extremely vocal minority likes you monstrosities.

science has gone too far

You mean with Spanish taxpayer money.

there's no way your a dude with those hips

Genetics were good w me

Why do trannies not take care of their feet? I understand you have big feet but you can at least properly shave them, keep them smooth, and paint your toenails. You people want to play woman but you don't even try. I've only met maybe 5 trannies in person in my entire life and they all had ugly feet that they didn't even attempt to take care of.

i'd give him a smooch

U maybe have hair in your feet frodo, but i dont.

After all that work...still can't hide the man feet. Nice work Mrs. Hill.

Boy girls very good. Sexy.

Bro no one else cares what you think of yourself. If we think you're a pair of man feet with a wig and hulk shoulders, you are. Good luck out there senpai, try not to cut your dick off.

Wew lad. Nice bait, gave me a good chuckle surely. Here's your complimentary (you), you sad attention whoring fuck. Soon you'll be part of the 45% though, so you won't have to suffer for much longer. Cheers!

goddamnit japan

being polite is how u get things
Thank hehe

You'll most likely kys over the next 10-20 years, it's ok.

>try not to cut your dick off.
gud advice tbf m8

When you get older you realize that you made a huge mistake and you will kill yourself

Vn vn, thank you.

Mentally ill retard

do you have a bf?
cos if i was your bf and i found you posting lewd pictures online without permission you would regret it

Thanks for reading my future oraculum, when are u going to lose ur virginity? Do u know that date too?

What the fuck happened to Spain? It became cucked in no time since our costal guard blocked the route for immigrants.

post your clit please

well anyway. i don't quite understand the hormone thing fully. If it is a mental health issue, that's very complicated, like depression, anorexia, then you definitely should receive some help. I am not sure encouraging a transition is the way to go, but if it helps you become a contributing member of your society, then perhaps it's okay. But hopefully you understand that when you're feeling better, you too have to work and pay your taxes.

you realize you will not look this way further than your 20's right

kys degenerate


>the government doesn't pay his taxes
haha pleb
get on my level