The Great Shuttening - regrouping

Well Sup Forums, with the Daily Stormer forced off the Internet, the Stormfront forum's DNS address stolen, and all manner of other attacks, it's pretty clear the Great Shuttening has commenced. Anglin thinks it's only a matter of time before Sup Forums get's shoahed, too. What's the fallback plan?

Those of us here for the SRS zerging way back remember that this has been tried many times before. It won't work unless they physically block access to the site, our mods are based when it comes to dealing with people infiltrating to shut the board down.

In the event that it DOES go down, we regroup on cripplechan's Sup Forums.

If THAT goes down, we regroup on Tor, where (((they))) have no power.

If even THAT fails, we'd need some kind of decentralised chan that can't be censored or taken down. Bit of a project, but 2017 has seen the birth of breddy good Sup Forums projects, so anythings possible.

tl;dr, they can't stop us by blocking the site.

Even if they then resorted to doxxing, we could just move to Tor, so it's all gravy my dude.

>Even if they then resorted to doxxing, we could just move to Tor, so it's all gravy my dude.

Something like that had occurred to me. Point being, though, what platforms specifically would be appropriate? Tor websites are ridiculously slow if they get any kind of real traffic.

They should do it.

There are less insane asylums in the US than there were in 1900. The result is homelessness and extreme crime out in the general populace.
Shutting down our venues will do exactly
the same thing.

It'd work in the short term, once the site got unusably slow we could go down the decentralisation route.

What about zeronet?

>What's the fallback plan?
/bant/, /trash/, or Sup Forums. There's other boards with designated shitposting that Sup Forums is allowed to be in.

I will be on 0chan or whatever ends on Deepweb since anything on clear net will be shut down in matter of days

its good the site is in work so no enlarge images yet and you need to hit refresh browser because they still have to make a button

imagine breaking a multiple viles full of virulent strains of viruses in a crowded city.

there is no fallback plan
we finally get freed from this hellhole and fulfill our destiny of saving the world by burning it all down

Sup Forums going wouldn't be a big loss
the Stormer and Stormfront are
there is real content in those sites, and real communities

Moot made Sup Forums for a reason. Ever spill a drop of mercury on a floor?

They do know the only thing keeping the world safe is because we're all here being too busy insulting each other right?

Considering that 90% of the internet isnt on google, I think everything will be okay.

Every time they got rid of it Sup Forums just spread to all the other boards until they make a fuss and bring Sup Forums back

Why wouldn't they just do the same think to Sup Forums and hate-chan that they did to the Daily Stormer, and simply pull the DNS address?

Isn't stormfront being down because leftyfags in anonymous declared war on Sup Forums and others and decided to ddos it?

No, some activist lawyers pressured the domain registrar to drop them.

>What's the fallback plan?
Analogue memes.

Write/print redpills and memes on pieces of paper and leave them in public places.

>The only board on Sup Forums which has been successfully shut down for extended periods of time.
>The man who shut it down literally works for Google

N-nothing to w-worry about guys.

What? Zeronet is another dark web thing like tor browser, its P2P so shutting down would be impossible.

it isnt dark web really its a new internet sort of it has no connection to clearnet

yeah its decentrliazed and we need that

Hiding is not really my thing, would rather post on different sites and get banned multiple times untill i find the right spot and start growing from there, kind of like a cancer u know.

but this is worse they cant access their server on which the site is hosted

We really should look into decentralization

We shouldn't look into decentralization you cucks. I've reason to believe that people who are saying this are fucking shills.

Sup Forums is going to be shut down because it's accessible to normies. It's redpilled way to many people in the last 2 years and it's only going to get bigger. If they force us onto a platform like tor, then they will have effectively won. Sup Forums stops being a place you can Google search and becomes a place that you have to download and install some obscure browser to access.

If Sup Forums gets shut down the only option is full nuclear. We have to actually show them that they can't just rape the internet.

What's your plan nip-user?

nah Sup Forums isn't even white nationalist, it's a board of peace there's every retarded ideology in existence here

The shills are the ones that are aginst going to ZeroNet or simillar networks you know what happend to DS after it moved to deepweb and it was reported by the media

it got even more traffic !!

those that want to finds us will be able to its juts like installing any software not rocket science

pol is useful in that it draws the majority of the normies attention. All the real shit and organising goes on elsewhere and we usually just use pol to disseminate it into the normiesphere. pol is still useful for that purpose.

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode of Stormfront radio at 9:07am est. Don is going to be fucking more livid than dealing with callers who don't think the moon landing deniers.

Alright, didn't mean to cryptoshill. English teacher is correct here.

Try and centralise where possible for the sake of co-ordination on wider projects but we need to de-centralise and find loosely-connected bunkers all over the clearweb to retain any organisational effectiveness and any sense of community that keeps things functional and innovative for content-generation. Use dark web sites for information-dumping and archiving but otherwise filter out and start new communities all over the place.

But the main doctrine we need to start practising is speakeasy-style 'branches' based in vaguely sympathetic but seemingly unrelated forums, blogs or websites dedicated to non-politics related issues, fandoms, hobbies, subcultures etc to use as a front for semi-private Sup Forums-tier communities and organising. Perhaps even deliberately set some up as a cover for being a decentralised Sup Forums outpost. We have to start applying antifa-style organising tactics in being decentralised but able to function coherently but instead apply them to the clearweb.

I have a number planned and lined up in the event Sup Forums goes down. I strong advise against sharing or linking to any but I don't think it'd take long to find where Sup Forumsacks naturally gravitate towards and can regroup and form new sub-communities.

>shutting down the FBI's favorite weebsite

There is no fallback plan other than rebranding the alt right but pushing the same message. It needs to be done in a molymemesque way as to not allow an easy shutdown by the kikes. There are a couple positives here though. The shuttening will radicalize more fence sitters and the current alt right will believe more than ever that the kikes are targeting whites for extermination.