As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis. None of my non-STEM friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as though as I did work in some sort of hospice for the mentally challenged. They get to work and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted coworkers, which makes their work more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside work. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.
The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom
As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis...
Bost timestamp, sweetie.
>as a woman
Fake and gay kill your self OP
I'm a chad with a 9 inch peener. I can't stand being around women because all they can talk about is my dick and they never look me in the face nor do they ever comment on my superb tennis skills. I also like long walks on the beach and listening to Kenny G.
>Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills
Hum, that's strange, I have zero problem talking to them about work related things. They are usually pretty passionate about their trade.
>that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard
Ah, I get it now. It seems you've picked the wrong career choice. Might I recommend something more to your liking. Perhaps secretary or HR.
Simple, leave STEM. We don't need woman and you can have more fun with friends doing whatever non STEM people do.
Also, tirs or gtfo.
* tits, obviously
>in tech
>doesn't want to deal with socially awkward people
You in the wrong business, bitch.
go work in a car shop, on construction, in politics, in banking or finance, in restaurants/hotels, as a model and then tell me something about the sexism in tech.
Every single one of those fields is about 10x worse, you frigid cow.
Fuck your superficial zombie "society", kill anyone who is "well adjusted", embrace Satan.
Why did this make me laugh
>rants about tech
>thinks the tech consist of stereotypical 80's nerds
Tell us your real job
>As a woman
>Australian flag
it's just you. I'm in IT and can tell you these people are just not getting an genuine vibe from you, they have entire secret cliques that you would never know about but it is strictly 'no phony people'. If they are actually asocial wrecks around you take a moment to realize that you haven't thought of improving them because you are a succubus female who only complains.
Their job isn't to bantz or entertain some prissy skank who regrets her career choice that was based on the suburb she wanted to live with her fun-loving friends in.
This is simple, they don't know exactly how to socialize with you, you have no idea how to socialize with them. If you think you are the one with the superior skills in this area then try to figure a way to find common ground
then become a garbage man you fat,smelly roastie cunt
No. The problem is you, not them.
They are experts in their field, and thats what is a company need.
You just want to get laid , but are probably stupid, arrogant and ugly, and even your coworkers do not give a shit about you.
>I joined [GROUP]
>I don't like the people of [GROUP]
>The people of [GROUP] need to be replaced with people I like
Am I getting this right?
Social skills are not relevant for scientific advancement.
Fucking LARP threads. OP, please hang yourself.
Bullshit, you just have to work hard.
t. woman in finance
>As a woman
Tits or GTFO
But seriously, you do realize you are complaining about those people to those people?
Shut the fuck up you cry baby bitch . Youre fucking lucky we let your stupid ass out of the kitchen ! You dumb bitch go to araibia and complain you peice of shit, fuck you.
>white men in IT are too productive and focused on their work, they don't focus enough on stupid chitchat with their coworkers
>somehow this is a bad thing
>The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom
I mean, troll thread, I get it, so sage, but productivity in IT is not measured by social aptitude, which is probably why they are successful in that field. They probably feel stressed being around women and would like for them to leave.
Tits stamp or fuck off
Darling, it's your group who can't code for shit