Abolish Electoral College Movement

It's time to abolish the Electoral College. Why should some good people who don't do much thinking, I really love these people, but honestly why should they rob the other citizen of the power to make America Great? Support me in Abolishing the Electoral College. It's the smart thing to do. Bannon was a pussy!

>It's the smart thing to do

Don't you want to Make America Great Again?

Sure, but that doesn't mean it has to be a popular vote. "We the elite" isn't applicable if the representatives are simply stripped of their right to chose a different candidate.

>low effort bait thread

>the elite
>the individual states, each as a collective entity within itself
Kill yourself retard.

People who reside in cities are more susceptible to stupidity due to groupthink, ideological indoctrination in education, and welfare. If you don't like, go illegally emigrate to a democratic nation.

This would single handily be the dumbest thing Trump EVER does. The only reason we won was because of the electoral college, more people vote democrat over conservative, Gore proved that and Hilary proved that again. You want to lose every election, we got lucky with this one.

the electoral college was implemented to keep idiots of the masses from gaining power. KYS inferior intellect scum

Stop it

>People who reside in cities are more susceptible to stupidity due to groupthink, ideological indoctrination in education, and welfare. If you don't like, go illegally emigrate to a democratic nation
We need to break up the USA.

yes rebbit, nice try now fuck off.

I will not be rules by the big cities in California and New York.

Commies violate the NAP by voting and need to be killed.

First, kill yourself faggot. After that, read the federalist papers. This is an excerpt from #10 which directly addresses the issue with Democracy.
"From this view of the subject it may be concluded that a pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by a majority of the whole; a communication and concert result from the form of government itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions."

And here we have the problem with democracy in any form. The idiot masses will never be satiated until they have complete control.

>California and New York.

I'm tired of supporting mooches in flyover states.

All the more reason to break up the union of do nothing states.


>work farmland for multiple generations
>some latte sipping faggot posts on his iPhone he bought with his 50K student loan about how you're a 'mooch'

how can anyone be such a huge faggot OP? before posting shit threads fucking lurk.

what I absolutely hate about you leftists is that you aren't funny or clever. why don't you do everybody a massive solid and just hire ex CTR poos to shitpost and kindly fuck off.

You should build upon the things your fathers have built. That's how you get progress. Not the top down bull shit that gets pushed on us.

As pointed out the electoral college has a reason.

>wanting CA and NY to decide each election



Keep the electoral college but change it to be representive voting (ie new york has 30% of it's votes going repub and 70% dem so a third of the seats go republican).

Then crackdown heavily on illegal voting

>Without the electoral college system Hillary would have been elected
Trumplets sawing the branch on which they're seated

I agree that all of the nations problems would go away if one group or another was suddenly gone. Funny huh?

We can abolish it the same day we abolish voter ID fraud. That way, Trump still wins.

The most populated areas have the right to have their voice heard.

Without the electoral college (((she))) would be calling the shots.. even when everyone knows the dead and illegal voted many many times for her.

We should abolish democracy. By what right does the lynch mob rule over me

The most populated areas are refusing to cooperate with voter fraud investigations..

the electoral college is welfare for red states

Yeah fuck that, sorry. You're just normalized into thinking the federal government was supposed to play a huge role in peoples' lives here. We're a Republic of STATES, not a republic divided into states. Each state, in exchange for being in the union, gets at least one representative, two senators, and at least 3 electoral college votes. Since we are a republic of states, however the people in each of those states votes is tallied and counts as x amount of electoral college points that go toward the overall national system. Is it perfect? No. Is it what works best for our situation as a nation? Yes, absolutely. Even though you may get someone who doesn't win the popular become president, they still won a majority of the states' electoral points and likely more states.

Sorry, but we're a collection of states that came together to form a nation. Some of our states have more cultural differences than some countries.

The US is a representational democracy. Representation. It's two tiered. Most people are stupid. The founding fathers didn't want a direct democracy because they were afraid that the stupidity of people will be taken advantage of by demagogues. The point of the electoral college was to vote for educated people who then can vote reasonably. That and limitation in travel.

The Republic is dead. Long live the Republic.
I am a Authoritarian Libertarian.
I will not have my rights taken from me by a vote that violates the NAP.

>Hey wait how can you be Authoritarian if your libertarian? What about the NAP?

I recognize no NAP with cultures that are hostile to the libertarian principles of liberty and equality of opportunity. IE Communists and Islamist as a study of history would show that both are subversive, hostile and supremacist in nature. They must be removed from the face of the earth in a holy crusade of free men. KEK VULT.

>Ok so you want to kill commies and muslims. What about the government going all "authoritarian" on the people?

I contend that a study of the original constitution and bill of rights would show that the founding fathers were authoritarian in regards to the government and placed huge limitations on the powers of the new government. I am sorry to say that these bulwarks and dykes erected by these great men are in need of great repair and they have been damaged over the last 200 years by less reputable individuals and the very communists I declare holy crusade against.

We the people must again be the authoritarian and benevolent sovereign of the nation and bend the government back to our will. I am ever growing my CopyPasta and welcome challenges to my arguments. As well I am going over the constitutions and rewriting the amendments and adding some new ones that our forefathers could never have thought were needed in our modern age. Who then would have thought that shall not be infringed or even the 9th and 10th amendment would be so abused.

This is why Gen-Y should be exterminated. Our population is already declining, they don't reproduce, so what's the point of keeping these worthless cunts around?

their physical power to destroy you and the threat thereof

when they come to your house in ancapistan and force you to submit are you just going to bitch that they have no right to do this?

Fuck off, shill.

Those states commit the most illegal voter fraud. Fucking kill yourself you sack of turds.

>Electoral College has existed for over 200 years
>Liberals want to abolish it because their candidate lost

>Confederate statues have existed for 100 years
>Liberals want them torn down because their candidate lost.

You guys see a trend here?

>voter ID fraud

We need to have ID to vote. States that don't require this are backwards

>Without the electoral college (((she))) would be calling the shots
Maybe not. She had lots of fraud. I hope she dies a slow painful death.

>the electoral college is welfare for red states
all the more reason to abolish it.

>collection of states that came together to form a nation
Time to break that up.
>This is why Gen-Y should be exterminated.
I agree with you.

Trump is going to propose to abolish the electoral college by years end.

Fuck off larping shill