I am Asian and Americans and Lithuanians are the only white people Asians like

I am a Korean boy with autism living in Canada and I am here to tell you that Americans are the only cool and nice white people, that is what we think in Asia. Also Lithuanian people are nice because my best friend she is Lithuanian and her son and daughter are very nice and cute. I hate Australians and also some Canadians very much! Also Ukrainian women are nice and willing to be buddies but Ukrainian men are mean and are bad! Let's talk about American stuff here with American friends,


Hi, what state are you from? :)

What about your friendly neighbourhood potato man?

You seem nice :) but most Irish people are not nice.

Tell us what you hate about canadians. And why the shit would you move there?

My daddy and mom took me here in 2003. Canadians are mean, they hate people without a good reason and will always try to put you down. They are so mean to the native peoples and always make fun of the Chinese and Indian people living here when they just want to be friends. I tried to be friends with a Canadian boy before and he told me not to talk to him for no reason! Americans are a much more humane people.

You're not Asian, you're a leaf. It doesn't matter what skin color you have all you leafs burn the same.

>ai riek whaito womano
>ai hate-o whaito manno

I am not a leaf >.< I want to be Korean-American :D

I like American men, just not Ukrainian/Russian men! They are so mean!

Kyung-Nang: My twisted world.

I am a Korean boy with autism. Last week I saw an Indian man walking with a white woman.

I like Indian food :)

ching chong ding dong kong song ching chong fong fong song ding chong dong kong long ching.

That's all I heard.

Thomas James Kirk III.

Lithuanians are literally the same as russians and ukrainians u dont know what ur talking about gook boy

My Lithuania friend ieva's husband Rokas is Lithuanian and he's cool :)

how the fkc can her husband be a rock canada has strange laws baka

His name is Rokas, dumb dumb. Not a rock!

fuck off out of our country you fucking retard

You're stupid, you probably had no friends when you grew up, that's why you're mean and hate people for no reason. No wonder nobody likes Canadians,

You seem very stupid for an autist.

>Ukrainian men are mean and are bad!
Whats the matter Hui? Are you afraid of ukranian men and our big ukrainian dongs? You should be, you dog-eating cuck.

who the fuck likes Lithuanians, the most suicidal people of Europe? Lithuania is a depressing former commie shithole

I think I am okay. I have strengths in stuff i like, such as physical anthropology and reading census and population data for cities. But for some other parts I am lacking.

>Asian man appears
>White men act like thugs

Yeah, shapiro is right. You're a fucking joke.

Ukrainian men are stupid, nobody likes you guys. I don't eat dogs. I used to have two Ukrainian friends named Sasha and Viktoria and both of them liked foreign men because they said Ukrainian men are ugly and mean,

Lithuania in my ass, Ukraine in my ass. NORDIC UNION REEEE, fuck the EU. We're the whitest people, fuck Baltshits, Slavshits and eternal Anglos

you are the one shitposting tho
stop watching kpop you fucking subhuman pedophile

I'm just sad I can't find buddies here in Canada. I want to live in America where people are more nice. :)

It feels like this is a shitpost thread but its annoying all the right people, carry on.

>My daddy
>They are so mean
Dafuq is with your pussified lingo
another disgrace to Korean race who cant socialize with others.
most Koreans nowadays are so brainwashed with kpop and act, speak, think cringe.

well make friend.
you can always hang out with fellow koreans tho i dont recommend they will brainwash you with korean shits
theres option with chinks but you need to be able to speak chinese and they eat weird shits
japs are rare here
browns are everywhere but they are just like chinks in terms of insular community
idk why but i hung out with all races fine in canada ppl here are so libtarded to fault that they are quite friendly to immigrants

You really shouldn't put on airs about who is mean and who is cool. You are inordinately lucky to be here at all. Now make me some walnut cakes.

i have a a lot of overseas experience and Im in a similar situation. I know for a fact that Canadians are shallow people and seen the difference clearly. Maybe it's the weather or high taxes but everyone I meet has a lot of ass hurt in them and get triggered way too easily. Wish they could be more chill. the best option really is to figure out a way to leave canukistan , this country is severely behind technologically and culturally it really isn't worth living here unless you want to become part of the never ending fight over nothing and stalling over simple tasks.

I never met a Canadian who wanted to be my buddy, all the Canadians I met on Sup Forums and omegle are really rude and hate Asians for no reason.

What's your ethnicity?

Why Lithuanians? Sounds completely random desu

How have you not met any Canadians in person that aren't dicks?

>ukrainian men are stupid
Can confirm, OP is a faggot.

I love you autistic chan!

>Hates most of the population
>Still lives there because its better than his original shithole

fuck off right back

You guys are fucking up by not respecting this man the OP, autistic chan.

His handlers need to get him off Sup Forums.


try interacting in real life jesus christ

I think he meant Latvians, I've heard them say good things about ch*nese