>tfw preparing for another 4 years of Merkel
Tfw preparing for another 4 years of Merkel
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Well don't be cucks and vote for her.
I have no faith in you Krauts
>6 more gorillian to replace them goy
I thought Merkel was a fucking delusional when she said she will run again. Will you krauts really vote for her.
Of course they will. They're pathetic
>Merkel has ruled Germany for longer than Hitler did
She's guaranteed to win. It's not even a question. Her party has around 40%, the second contender barely 25%
are there any nazis still hiding in the forests in germany?, Sorry for dumb questions
One of their national dish is curry sausage.
No wonder why they're asking for dicks ramming their poophole.
She is a Christian, right?
I'm selling Anti-rape clothing for women on the internet. It's a great businness, thanks to Merkel I will be a billionaire soon, so don't let me down, vote Merkel.
still better than EU-Juncker-puppet Schulz.
Christianity doesn't play any role in German politics. Her party has 'Christian' in its name, but it's simply a market liberal cuckservative party
That's worse than the US.
>Merkel is the head of the conservative party in Germoney
The Republicans don't live by Christian principles, either. Conservative = market-friendly, that's it today
>tfw you don't know if it's shoped
She is basically a shill for her fathers cause.
Everytime a "new German" enriches us and someone asks her about that, she only goes on that "a) we shouldn't have fear and b) learn about our own faith" and some similar gibberish.
Yeah, knowing a phrase from the fucking bible will magically stop a truck from running over you or something.
Must be hell living in Germoney when you get to choose between Merkel and Schulz. It's like getting to choose whether a jew cuts your left or right nut off.
jesus christ put term limits up
One day when Israel is your greatest ally as well, then g-d will finally protect Righteous Germany, but the Dark Cloud of the Holocaust still hangs low over your fallen land, just like the stench of the bodies of every single one of the 6 million who had to pay the terrible cost that day.
thats the original, no shop
german economy is very good. unless average people lose their purchasing power, they will not vote for radical parties (left or right). a small increase in crime, culture conflicts don't mean much to average people unless they face crime personally.
why is that fat tiger so cute
also german have no free will no offence my friend you always did obey the state with no questions
Israel and especially G-D can both fuck off
>why is that fat tiger so cute
10/10 would belly rub
Wow, the best post in this thread comes from a T*rk!
Yeah, I believe as well that our prosperity makes lethargic
I genuinely and unironically feel sorry for Germans -- and just Germany in general.
Germany and Japan made the biggest economical comebacks in the history of the world.
Germany in the last 60+ years achieved and built more than USA ever did during the entire course of its existence.
And now, Germans who worked day and night to restore their homeland to its former glory are forced to pay taxes that fuel the welfare of refugees / turks.
>tfw preparing for another 4 years of Trump
secular turkish nationalists must be your allies, hans.
I don't mind you kill all turks in germany because they're either islamists (60%), left-wing kurdish nationalists (25%) or ottomanist morons aka grey wolves (15%). actually you would do us a favor by killing them lolikek
That's one tubby tiger.
Our reason for existence was gone after the Iron curtain collapsed.
>we shouldn't have fear
Hot damn, this changes everything. I love being overrun by foreigners now!
More like when you didn't pay war reparations after Versailles. That was even WORSE than the 6 million!
And never forget how Merkel's advice for people who fear islamization was to play the flute at christmas.
If mutti merkel gonna be prezi agagin Imma... I don't even know
I hope you krauts are not that fucking dumb like omfg famalam
Do you guys not have term limits or something?
40%? That's not even close to a majority lol. What happened to all that shit you were talking about how great it is to have more than 2 parties bet you feel pretty silly now don't you hans?
What, you think Germany is Russia or something?
You underestimate the German will to destroy sacred Europe.
well send all your germanic hotties to Canada to help us boost our white population yo!
Nope, they don't.
>going to Leipzig next week
How do I make sure I don't get culturally enriched? I don't own a burka yet.
Why is she allowed to run for a 3rd time? shouldn't it be 2 times like in America? I thought Germany was more civilised
Better her, than Schultz. She might be retarded, but Schultz is just dangerous
it's the 4th time
Wasn't Usurla von der Lannister supposed to succeed Mommy?
the ride never ends, I see
Do I need to report you to the German thought police? Criticizing Merkel is not allowed!
I hate to say this (as the innocent people not the ruling class that suffer) but Germany needs its own 9/11 to stop this lunacy. They need to stop trying to takeover Europe via the EU and just focus on Germany. The Bavarians are more insular and maybe Germany should look inwards rather than outwards all the time. Another Merkel office (and she will win) is just another 4 years of oppression to the rest of Europe. However, I agree that Schultz would be even worse but I wonder if perversely he make cause the breakup of the EU quicker if he came into power.
Kurds should have their own state. Hell, why haven't we done that yet, fellow Burgers?
It's time to deliver some Freedom(TM)
yeah, they will, probably over 80%
well, my friend you look like you need a new Reich
With militarism and industrial complex
You Krauts really need to get over your Nazi-guilt.
You get Russia to hack your election. That is how Hitle- I mean Bonald Drumpf got into office.
40% is well enough, seeing as you'd need 4 other parties to form a coalition.
Of those 4 parties it has to be:
- Atleast the far right AfD (think Le Pen in France) or the libertarian party FDP
- Atleast the communists (Linke) or the Greens
If you scratch the commies, you have to include the far right party in a leftist coalition with the Socialists and the Greens, including the Libertarians. That wont work.
If you scatch the far right party, you have to include the communists and the libertarians in a coalition with the socialists and the greens. That wont work either.
The situation is special as she has a big party with one medium sized and 4 smaller sized parties that cant work together against her. The problem is that she still has so many voters after all she's done.But the boomers like her because she's promising to not change much and keep the ship going for another 15-20 years before shit hits the fan for real.
Prime ministers - merkel's equivalent - don't have normally term limitations in most european countries also in legislative election you vote for MPs of party, the don't vote for the representative of the party.
>Germans voted a barren spinster who used to be a top commie youth party member in East Germany to the highest office in their country and somehow are surprised at how it turned out
>they're about to re elect her anyway
The rare american tiger
But user it already exists: the US military-industrial complex + Breakaway Civilization is the 4th Reich
>Christianity is just as bad as Islam
fucking cucks, thank god I dont live there anymore.
12 years already. And another 4? That would be pushing it. You really need some fresh blood/fresh ideas at the top otherwise things will stagnate.
Merkles successor is a homo btw. You think our socialists, social democrats or greens are progressive? WRONG.
>Afd will never win
>#2 party is even worse
>better make sure Merkel wins
This is how most germans think (and why the american system is better)
Are your elections rigged? Or are the German people turbocucked?
Germans are only allowed to vote for the Jews.
germans are disgusting.
Germans deserve it.
So the Germany doesn't have a term limit either?
Why do you like her so much?
I mean, it's similar to US elections. You're fucked either way but at least one side isn't complete and utter fucking cancer. There's zero meme potential though.
>not loving mutti Merkel
Get in here kraut, we're going rogue.
German self loathing is justified. They're pathetic.
Not ziz tyme
I'm starting to draw some parallels.
Unfortunately, no. That's the biggest issue here.
They system is inherently stacked against us. They don't need to rig. The other parties have formed a bloc/cartel since they all categorically deny to form a coalition with AfD, who would need +50% absolute majority to get a shot at forming the gov. If AfD even got only a simple majority, most votes of all, the bloc will simply form a 3,4 or maybe even 5 party coalition to keep AfD out of government.
The best we can hope for is a fair % of the vote so the AfD can be doing opposition work in the Reichstag.
oy you forget ze ((( ))) my moronic friend
>thank god I dont live there anymore.
Oh look, its another one of those "patriotic diaspora" fucks.
>Cucks win battle after battle with a cock inside them
whoever (((laments))) is ov ze tribe of the oven, remember zät. itz teir nature
nope. 16 years of kohl. fucking piece of shit
It's over. Normally I would advocate armed insurgency (just a joke) but at least the Gestapo is still alive in Germany.
That's basically what Obama vs Romney was desu
Has anyone seen Boogie lately?
>tiger burps
Why did you kill him you bastards?
>I personally snitched on a hobo with a power to turn water to wine
Nigga i want that water to wine shit.
>tfw you unironically feel sad for the pussification of the German men
You will never receive it. Unlike Jesus his current followers lack his forgiveness and compassion.
All religions had the "murder half the world" phase now its islams second coming .
Help to stop it, take arms and kill a muslim in europe, i have a k/d of 3 so please do the same at least a 1 k/d is good.
Goodbye Germany