>Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has offered a Serbian passport to a 10-year-old Afghan refugee famous for his artistic talent.
>The Afghan boy, Farhad Nouri, visited the presidential office in Belgrade with his parents and two siblings on Wednesday. Nouri and his family are among several thousands of migrants stranded in various migrant camps across the Balkan country.
>Nouri, also know as "Little Picasso," left Afghanistan two years ago and has been living in Serbia for the last eight months, where he is also attending a drawing course. His parents are hoping to reach Switzerland, despite Balkan states closing their borders to limit the flow of migrants last year.
>"I know for how long you have traveled and that you want to go to Switzerland," Serbian President Vucic said. "But if you decide to stay, we will give you the citizenship now."

This is almost as great as their new Lesbo PM.

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serbia is a ottoman colony anyways

Trump would probably do the same considering all the based people in his cabinet are now gone.

Afghanis look good in Fedoras, not gonna lie

You realize the Afghan kid made an fund-raiser where he sold his drawings in order to help a Serbian family gather funds for their son's operation?

Plus, they're not even staying because we don't have gibsmedats.

>He sold drawingz and sheeit

By your logic we should invite terrorists who have amazing talents.

>treat women as cattle
>fuck little boys dressed as girls for pleasure
Afghanistan is MGTOW utopia

He's already here.

>p-please stay here Ahmed, it will be a great PR stunt
>sry senpai, Switzerland has better gibs
Cucked. Nothing new though, see

bahaha retard serbs
coratia is the only kebab remover anyway, not cucked like serbja