What is (((their))) goal with Hurricane Harvey?

What is (((their))) goal with Hurricane Harvey? Those of us who KNOW that the weather is being artificially created and steered know that Hurricane Harvey was no spontaneous storm. It was a man made hurricane.

Does anyone know or think they know the goal of Harvey? All I can think of is committing mass murder as a form of population control and get away with it by blaming it on nature or god.

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>weather is being artificially created and steered by jews

Have you ever considered that maybe your failures in life are a result of your own incompetence and not some Jewish conspiracy?

If this was some libtard shit it would be a straight up shill, because commies have no fucking sense of irony.

>tfw jews can't only disguise as whites, but also as water particles and clouds

Literally happened with Operation Popeye during the Vietnam War. Still happens today with the Chinese firing rockets into clouds to cause rain. It's not hard to do if you know how to do it. Shill elsewhere.

maybe they thought with the hurricane it would cause thousands of mexicans to run into the usa. then giving a reason to build a giant wall.

Hurricanes have been hitting the gulf for hundreds of years. Stop being a retard.

Your HAARP bullshit that you are alluding too has to do with the ionosphere.

If anything, it would make storms slightly more intense.

Stop being a retard.

because hurricanes never happen naturally

HAARP is real and weather modification happened with Operation Popeye, which was highly classified. Weather modification still happens today. Fuck off, you larping faggot.

Then why do hurricanes hit mostly where black and Hispanic people lives, in the south, and rarely hit up north where whitey lives?

Cuz hurrikang livez matter, whiteboi

Strawman. Get fucked.


Op's finally lost it.
>his tinfoil hats on too tight

HAARP is not real, and there is a big difference between rain making and artificial hurricanes.

How would it be possible to disrupt a hurricane with some sort of explosive? I know its a low pressure system, is there any way to make a higher pressurized area of effect? Of course there may be some damaging implications on the atmosphere in the process.

HAARP is real, you faggot:


We really need to start throwing you chimps into mental institutions.

texas created harvey tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/ymwed

Suck my dick you gutless fucking pussy.

Been saying this from the beginning. This is designed to hurt Texas and Trump. Storm literally gets power from nowhere and now all of a sudden....

>oy vey it looks like it's going back into the gulf to get more power and will hit Houston again


Yes I agree! I was tracking the storm since it was west of the lesser Antilles on the Atlantic. I noticed that every time the storm passed through land it would get bigger and organized but then quickly dissolved. It happened like 2-3 times until it reached the gulf.

Once in the golf it went from not even being a tropical depression to being a category 4. It got too intense too quick. Ive lived and traveled all along the gulf coast and this isn't normal. Also, no one is talking about how New Orleans got insanely flooded in 1 hour.

Anyway, why take a hit on Texas? What did Texas do? Or didn't do?

Listen up kids.

Nexrad or Doppler is weather modification.


If it was highly classified how do you know about it faggot?

I hope you're trolling because if not, you're a retard.
HAARP is real, nigga.

Please help us Norway Bro