The thing is, sure you might know the truth now, you might be redpilled but you arent welcome here anyway.
We just dont need people like you here, enjoying our amazing steak. make your own steak so to speak.
The thing is, sure you might know the truth now, you might be redpilled but you arent welcome here anyway.
We just dont need people like you here, enjoying our amazing steak. make your own steak so to speak.
Filet mignon=best steak
Daily reminder that if you eat a steak that has been cooked above medium rare you're basically a faggot.
*eats well done steak with plenty of ketchup*
*burps and rubs belly*
Any man refusing beef of any kind is a screaming woofter.
When the steak is ashes, you have my permission to dine.
Ketchup is such a god awful condiment. Makes me queasy just thinking about it.
This. Eat up faggots
If I eat a steak cooked at medium rare, am I then one step away from being gay?
theres a special place in hell for people like you
much better steak
Looks raw af
Burger you're fat and you eat unhealthy m8
body temp = 98.6
blue rare = 105
its the closest you can get to a fresh kill
This should be a new rule on Sup Forums
Kek has shown us Ahmed
If they are redpilled, and want to know the truth, why aren't they welcomed in here?
Just image the possibilities, what priceless information can an ex-antifa member give us about how the organisation works, members, leaders, etc.
frig off randy
newfags are supposed to lurk moar to learn the lore
This is the final redpill
why bother cooking it all? the patrician method is to eat is raw, with cow brain
It is. Medium well/a little over medium is how civilised people have their steak. Anything below are literal animals and anything over are plebs.
mfw :(
We are the Borg user.
restaurants cant serve raw steak, plus rare steak thats been in the fridge/freezer is too tough unless you make it tartar
thats raw steak, not rare
Also, ribs are better than stake.
That steak is fucking ruined.
The fat hasn't even been rendered, making the steak and chewy and gelatinous instead of tender and juicy. Notice that there's no juice coming from that steak. Instead you can see all the strings of cold, uncooked fat when you look at it. Makes me want to puke.
I was part of the whole 99%er thing, lots of "anarcho-communist" friends who are drawn to AntiFa.
They try to make the argument that though "education", we can normalize intelligence and we won't have to have a ruler class and we'll all hold hands and shit etc...
I show them the niggers in the Congo and how they have this opportunity, and all these other people's else where and how no amount of freedom or education is going to make the lesser races more able to not kill each other, or us.
I've basically redpilled them on the fact that the only way Anarcho Communism could work is if we implemented several generations of selective breeding for IQ.
This has turned them into National Socalist ^__^
is that what tartar sauce is for?
Read this pic user. is that way
>So we've been seeing a lot of threads about antifa who came came here to shill and became redpilled
this is what Sup Forumstards actually believe.
blue rare is just as pleb-tier as well-done. the only people who pretend to like blue rare are assholes who like to brag about eating raw meat. the fats in blue rare never get activated or w/e the word would be. a pink inside, just barely above rare, i.e. medium rare, is cooked but still juicy, which is why it is the only reasonable way to eat a steak. The red isn't even blood; it's a protein.
amen to this
Doesn't Trump like his steaks well done + with ketchup?
fuck off goldilocks principal using coward
> medium rare
> implying you don't just bite chunks out of a still living cow
Fucking pussies all of you
He's a faggot.
*throws you out of the restaurant, entire table and all perfectly landing outside on the sidewalk where you continue eating*
Wrong... Bone-in ribeye
>anything that isn't burnt or raw is the goldilocks principle
thats the literal definition
>Wrong... Bone-in ribeye
>paying for a bone
just say ribeye, numbnuts
Nah, it's better with the bone in. Plus, my dog gets a nice treat later on
Steak is like a fedora for your plate.
Post more steak; pretend it's political.
Its an old person thing. Old people want it over cooked.
enjoy your macroparasites.
Other pol always makes the best reads
your face is a fedora
that's so stupid it made me lol
>Nah, it's better with the bone in. Plus, my dog gets a nice treat later on
it's just a fucking bone. it doesn't alter the meat it's attached to. and you'll kill your dog eventually by giving him cooked bones. you can't do anything right.
t. meat cutter
what treat??!
(not a dog)
asking for a friend(who also isn't a dog)
((wants treat!!))
I really don't see what's so wrong with eating ketchup on steak. I mix ketchup and Worcestershire sauce together and put it on my steak. I'm pretty sure that's all steak sauce really is
shut up.
You sound like Hitler marching through east europe before russia:
>Oh sure, they welcome me as saviour from the commie hordes but because of muh eugenics pseudoscience they are still subhumans and I will treat them so badly they will come crawling back to the soviets.
Underdone. You don't want it chewy. Also, when you cook it like this it loses flavor because the fat doesn't caramelize properly.
goldilock fag get out, as close to body temp as you can get is the best