Balkan niggers

How do we transfer the grey colored countries back to north Africa or turkey where they belong

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let's start discussing that right after you show your flag

>let's transfer the heart of Europe out of Europe

once the EU falls, which will hopefully be soon, all that shit will be naturally sorted out. Countries like Romania and Bosnia are artificially propped up by NATO and the EU, and will not last the test of time.

Thats an interesting mix of countries to call the "balkan noigers", I cant tell if you are an Albanian, Turk, Croat or ...???


Leaving Kosovo white suggests an Albo, but I'm not sure if an Albo would be dissing on Turkey. Probably just bait trying to catch as much fish as possible.

Found the Magyar.

You are sooner going to transfer the rest of Europe back to Africa.

ok шиптap

>tfw yugobros could have removed albos but serbros went full chimp

Doesn't like Hungary have like 32 tanks? Or was that just a meme?

Anyway good luck, your large and modern armies would surely succeed :)

Please don't hurt us magyar, what would our women and children do when your 30 tanks blitzkrieged Transilvania in a day?

nice try zergling
If anyone it should be the albozerg transferred to the oven


>Countries like Romania and Bosnia are artificially propped up by NATO and the EU
>We literally had to dismantle our entire heavy industry and to buy shit from EU
> also NATO pumps billions into us and the Poles, just te become an obstacle near Russia
If Romania ever falls, it will be centuries after Hungary becomes a nuclear wasteland

Magyars are some real delusional fucks

t. clay thieves

t.shiteating steppe nigger

Yeah, no shit.

>what tattoo do you want on your back senpai?
> just fuck my shit up.

>Balkan niggers
the only balkan niggers are the albanians

Literally everyone is delusional there.

here we go again...

And shitposting thread calling each other gypsy
Calling each other mongol
Calling each other murderous villain
Pretend innocence while shedding any agency


>get carried by the Austrians for your entire history as an ''empire''
>immediately lose transilvania after Austrian empire dissolves
>get humiliated every time you come in conflict with Romania ever since

You want ''your'' clay, horse fucker?

Come get it. With all your 32 tanks.

>permanent occupation

I lold, good luck memeflag faggot. The eternal backstabbers don't bow down easily. Serbia will be worse than Vietnam for you.

Perfect maps don't exi-

boland honorary asian?

Your meme country where everyone looks like north AFrican and has 0 inventions never exxsted thro History

>le 66% man strikes again!

mmm boy, but what happened in the end? you forgot to mention.

Also, not so easy when it's 1vs1, ey?

forgot pic