American adaptations need to realize that multiculturalism, not high production value, is its greatest strength

>American adaptations need to realize that multiculturalism, not high production value, is its greatest strength.
IMDB score - 4.8
Rotten tomatoes audience score - 25%
Metacritic user score - 3.5
Americans, what the fuck is your problem? I used to love your games, movies, TV-series. But goddamn, most things coming out your country is so shit these days. Everything is politicized, "diversified" and you blatantly state that it is more important than the fucking quality!
I just want to relax and have some quality entertainment, not this bullshit.

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>What the fuck is your problem?
Communist subversion

I thought it was a good movie

>>American adaptations need to realize that multiculturalism, not high production value, is its greatest strength.

The title of the article and this line don't match at all

It was always brainwashing ever since the Jews got a hold of it. It'll only become more blatant until they're forced out.

but they thought the white guy looked like kira

Yes. Nigger is best

This. You put a nigger into every show just because it's a nigger. Hell, even in scifi shows and movies! Has a nigger ever been on the moon? No.

(((A lot of people in Hollywood))) are very upset they lost last years election.

Expect a few more years of pouting and tantrums.

So how did Dunkirk stay number 1 at the box office for almost an entire month despite having a few seconds of bugs and the only women in the ship or train station?


Film was always a jewish thing

Well, them and Edison, but Edison is a honorary jew

When will they learn that making an anime into live action is garbage, could ruin the franchise, and nobody wants to see it.

>Ever since the Jews got a hold of it
That is since Hollywood's inception. Jews created Hollywood and the modern style of storytelling, they never had to steal it.

>you have to know the person's face and what name they are known by to kill someone with the death note
all light would have to do is to look at those eyes and picture a mashed in monkey nose and big thick baboon lips and reach down to his death note and write


>le Juden hate Trump God Emperor xD

Came here to post this

That's so horribly wrong, it's not even funny. The vast, vast, VAST majority of great directors are not Jewish.

And don't you shit on John Milius and Kubrick.

Americans hate that shit too. We can't stop it.

This. OP should know this considering you are from Ukrain. Ex-commie country. Hate commies and ruskis.

Maybe the only reason they made L black is because L dies

Can we ever have a show like Sopranos again? Looking at all this kike bullshit, I really doubt it.

Please get rid of this shitty, forced meme. It's almost worse than the Bogdanoff garbage.

>That's so horribly wrong, it's not even funny. The vast, vast, VAST majority of great directors are not Jewish.

Even show biz people who think it's funny make jokes about how jewish show biz is.

Yes you do. And you made your choice a long time ago.

Milius was the Tarantino of his day. His movies have no merit, tell no story, but the main thing is people get shot a lot and blood flows.


>I thought it was a good movie
Are you a preteen?

They created Hollywood, they financed most films, and even before that burlesque and travelling artists were jewish

The early german experimental cinema was also mostly jewish, and most of film expanded from that

He was jewish too

How the hell did anyone ever believe the 6 million figure when the numbers on the arms only have 5 figures?


Hes absolutely correct. A director is one cog in the entire machine of film production. Research the history of new York theatre and Hollywood and you'll be unpleasantly not surprised that it's always been a Jewish enterprise

I have no complain. It's a creative work that you can choose to watch or not. If you're not gonna watch it, don't be an outsider complaining about something they're not a part of. It's just like when normalfags talk about otaku culture. Stay away.

Did you ever watch or read the original?

can I just point out that this is a major difference between Jew media and Japanese media?
>you're either a weak ugly nerd or a big stupid jock, no matter what you will always be HALF of a person because we have to deconstruct goyim to make ourselves feel better about our awful neurotic lives
>strive to be as strong as you can be and as smart as you can be, challenge yourself to excel in every area

this is the true insidiousness of the Jewish poison they have been feeding you all your life
be aware and be angry, you have every right
and fight to protect your children from the same evil that has been inflicted on you
14 is more than a meme

I dled it and it was watchable but the light guy was too weak and the nigger looked like an edgemaster.

>>American adaptations need to realize that multiculturalism, not high production value, is its greatest strength.
Pic related.

No, never even heard of it until this thread

>whites cant steal any other cultures identity because they are evil nazis

meanwhile its perfectly acceptable for jews to replace white and dindus to steal asian, anime, and nerd culture even tho they can barely write sentences or read. fuck hollywood and liberals

Beware false puppet state

>Japanese media
Also everything happens in the context of high school because after you leave you will work a soul crushing meaningless life so lets ignore life after that.

The fact that this article exists is completely contradictory to its point

you however are only a meme

why do jewish blacks keep stealing asian nerd culture? fucking racists.

make one about misa and L

this is accurate.

it's only in anime.

99% of Japanese drama are adult life.
Because anime's main target is teen or young.

> Americans, what the fuck is your problem?
Лeвыe. Дeмoкpaты, кpaйниe лeвaки, пpoчaя хyйня.

And like multiculturalism it failed.

I fucking love these memes

>Revenge of the atomic flamethrowing vagina


Retard nazi too dumb to notice that the red bar is nonzero in 2016 That's no the point. Compare how graphs change between 2012 and 2016.


SJW's and commies run hollywood now and we are being infiltrated....

Technically, they stole Edison's invention and when he wanted licensing fees for its use they all ran away to Hollywood, in typical kike fashion, so they weren't forced to pay.

Hollywood is about as far away as you can get from New Jersey in America. Now you know how and why Hollywood was born.

>a shit movie is what happens when filmmakers dont see race
got it

That is a different problem involving the absolute state of Japanese economy and corporate structure and represents a massive structural problem of society rather than the presence of dangerous enemy agents poisoning the well of your culture

That is why I named him right next to Milius, you retard. And the rest is simply wrong.

Edison stole it from the Lumiére brothers first
And fuck Edison anyway. Didn't even invent the lightbulb

It's time to boycott Hollywood

and embrace BOLLYWOOD!

There's nothing better that 5-hours long movie with singing and dancing, and beaytiful indian aryan actors and actresses

death note is shit, the only anime worth watching is evangelion

Sure, the super smart, mega high IQ detective could totally be a nigger. Everybody knows that blacks have superior powers of reasoning and deduction! Race has absolutely no bearing on intelligence at all! Totally believable!

Japanese media is pretty fucking degenerate, mate

Literally the worst adaption of Death Note. Including the fucking Anime!

Death Note was not that good of an anime anyway, but jesus christ they made it even worse. The anime had its' good moments but I'm not even going to check out this western "remake". I just know it's shit, I don't have to look at it. Everything the west touches is shit.

good taste,Ali-kun.


Rot in hell, Amerifat. I don't give a shit about you or your entire disgusting prick on the face of the eart. You negrofied epicentre of world poison and world jewry. Why don't you ally with Bolsheviks again, so you can destroy Europe for the Jew, Communism and your Capitalism again?

death note is probably the easiest manga/anime to adapt to live action. The only thing they did good was ryuuku's voice. the rest is shit how do you fuck up such an easy storyline

cant watch for hollywood to blacked Asuka and Rei by making shinji's dad a dindu

Jews ruin this country just like they ruined Ukraine


Everything about this movie was disappointing
watched it with a friend the other night, god damn garbage.

Nothing to do with race or whatever it's just shit casting and shit writing.

I expected a leaf flag

>American are liberal jewish elites that control the media.

Compare this scene to the Netflix version:

The Netflix movie misses the point of this scene entirely, the same with almost every aspect of the movie. It's confusing that a director who obviously didn't care or even understand what made the show good decided to take on the project.

> I used to love your games, movies, TV-series. But goddamn, most things coming out your country is so shit these days. Everything is politicized, "diversified" and you blatantly state that it is more important than the fucking quality!
I just want to relax and have some quality entertainment, not this bullshit.

>come out of depressing communism
>oh boy I can't wait to experience some great American culture
>it's neo communism propaganda


that's that they do, dummie.

No average American knew what was going on, propaganda told them that the Russians and communists were the "good guys"

It's lucky that a mecha show would cost way too much

But I can't wait for Azumanga movie with an all-black cast

Definitely this. It's been our problem since (((FDR)))

It all comes to people stop watching movies and serials, and start spending more time on real hobbies. Which wouldn't be that bad.

This. Stop blaming us. We hate them too but they've avoided the day of the rope so far. Wait until people start to lose their comforts and watch how fucking crazy we get. The cancer will be cut out of the body.


I am fucking sick of this term.

Whenever there is a nigger or mudskin in an adapted production of a film or tv show, I am simply going to refer to it as shitsmearing.

Faggot Americans act like making everything brown makes it better.

Maybe you havent been paying attention but Hollywood is failling right now kek, stop watching thier shit with the rest of us and let those jews go bankrupt.

It is, but at least they can enjoy it rather than being forced into black cuckold porn all the time.

>The Netflix movie misses the point of this scene entirely
Haven't seen it, what's the difference?

What is real hobby anyway?

Netflix just makes him go up to a mic and start saying how he will catch him and then literally nothing happens cause he does not know his name.

Don't sub to Netflix.

It's not degenerate in the same way. Japanese media might depict some gay relationships in high school, but as far as I can tell, it rarely promotes those relationships as ideal in the context of family life as an adult. Generally speaking, Western media's degeneracy is less about fun and more about pushing a specific political agenda that distracts from the main story.


Jews don't care about artistic merit anymore just propaganda

The same goes for anything in media/academia. In the old days at least their propaganda was high quality. Look at the Battleship Potemkin or Schindler's List at least they are good movies. Today the Jews are more interested in censoring good old movies that arent good propaganda. For example screenings of Gone with the Wind are being cancelled, the movie that defined America 20th century America at least until mass non white immigration.

They put all their efforts into censoring the past and nothing into producing quality new art

>the virgin run

Here's the same scene in the Netflix version:

>when these assholes blackwashed an English/Asian mix character
>but Asian erasure is fine since they're always ignored in POC representation
At least the Japanese movies are alright, I prefer how they ended the story in them too.

Sport, reading, building things, having love with girlfriend.