
Why the fuck do the countries of the Balkans argue and shitpost so much? Why do you all hate each other?

It's really not any use explaining it to a American mongrel.

Because Balkans poeple are subhumans, nukes us while you still can.

Its because of your piece of shit country always meddling in other people's business like the cunts you are, always propping up countries artificially, and fostering conflict.
Fucking Uninted States of 52%. Fucking die already.

Inferiority complex.

We could literally exterminate your entire country in a day and the only thing you could do about it would be to shitpost on Sup Forums

Hand over the coast

Because they have nothing better to do except heard sheep and fight. Anyways, based on people I've met,Romanians seem pretty cool. All the Bulgarians I know look/act like slightly lighter Turks.

>but he won 't show the flag
Self hating American

It's just the muslims who shitpost. They know their end is near, and that once Europe has another upheaval of some sort, we Christians will kill them all.

Balkan-muslim shitposting on Sup Forums is like the squealing of pig being taken to slaugther.

We all unironically have low IQ.

>turkroach trying to pass off as balkan

haha nice try nigger

Because Romanians are the best and everyone hates us for it

Low education, foreign involvement, relative poverty, historical reasons (mainly Ottoman rule).


When you purge all of your gypsies I'll believe you. Or you can send them to France to terrorise muslims and sub saharan africans

We don't have to, they go by themselves, to Britain too.

hey, Romanians have already demonstrated a will and ability to remove kebab, (((rats))) and gypsies. That's why the Amerifats have so many CIA headquarters and army bases in Rom. They know Romanians are capable of short lived but effective work.

Its also because this area around Romania is white slave central for your like masters once you look at organ, childe and sex slave traffic.

And Romania gets infected more and more with multiculti and PC police and other imported shit.

The values you like are being slowly strangled, and the last serious nationalist had a hear attack last year, even if he had little chance to ever recover for a second run at government, what with endorsing one of the criminal thieves he wanted to put in jail for life (most of the politicians!)

More like kik e.

Here we go

>And Romania gets infected more and more with multiculti and PC police and other imported shit.

Discount Bucharest and Cluj and tell me where

>they go by themselves
couple of years ago France paid them to willingly board the train homewards. I recall some Jewish-and-proud-of-it shithead on another forum frothing at the mouth about how this was totally similar to the Holocaust (no, really, apparently when people board trains with government assistance, it's Holocaust). I reassured him that those gypsies will regard this as a state-sponsored visit home, and will be back in no time. That's when I found out I'm a fascist.

Wherever they are going to drop more migrants for one.

As aside, I happen to be there ATM, so it colours my perception, although I am making a habit to fucking leave as often as possible.

But the thing is the fucking politicians play to that shit. The women quota got sneaked in and passed, the vaccine law passed, migrants got accepted, wonder what next...

Rip Vadim
într-adevăr credeți că acest lucru va fi permis să continue, Românii sunt cei mai reacționari de pe pământ. (((Ei))) trebuiau să ne despartă oamenii, dar nu ne-au îndepărtat spiritul de ură pentru ceea ce fac (((ei)))

because internationalism leads to white genocide

because one side is white and the other side isn't