I just turned 25. As a present, my dad gave me a basket full of beer he had brewed himself and this letter:

I just turned 25. As a present, my dad gave me a basket full of beer he had brewed himself and this letter:

"Buddy, at this point all you can do is give up and accept that life isn't going to be the way it was 60 years ago. Don't save for retirement, don't have kids, if you get married, be damned sure that she won't divorce you (you really shouldn't get married).

Don't even aspire for higher wages, because that just results in higher taxes. Would you rather make 25k working part time with a 15 percent tax (netting you 21250, plus government benefits) or 50k working full time with a 40 percent tax (netting you 30k, plus no benefits)?

Enjoy what you can, user. Friends, family, and small things, like used cars, motorcycles, video games etc.

We have 130 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. That is literally double what the entire world produced last year.

Just sit back, and let it all go. Stop fighting it. It sucks, but it isn't your fault. You aren't responsible for the way that this country turned out. So sit back, enjoy your family, your friends, your hobbies, and work the system as best as you can (as there is no shame in this anymore; thanks to democrats, it is less honorable to be productive than it is to leech on society).

And most importantly, be happy. Go ahead and take a vacation to a national park. Go rock climbing, or drive a motorcycle across the nation. By getting out there and enjoying life, you are winning. The government can't confiscate that, like they can retirement accounts, bank accounts, or property, and you are enjoying life, something the extreme left is incapable of doing. Feminists don't enjoy their life. Black rights activists aren't ever happy. They've devoted their lives to being perpetually unhappy, and are doing their damnest to spread it to you.

So don't let them win. You can't change the political spectrum. You can't force productivity. But you can find happiness in any situation.

Happy birthday, son!"


boomers are literally a cancer for the western world

your dad is a faggot cuck

Fuck him. Don't be a quitter. Go break the bullshit leftists down and enjoy it every fucking step of the way. Happy birthday.

couldn't you just have posted the picture you faggot

Your dad is depressing but he is also right for now lets hope things change.

Your father has told you this multiple times this month while playing everything out in your story. What a crazy mother fucker.

That's not how taxes work you fucking retard

Your dad is a realist.

Did you tell your father to stop redditspacing?

Nice pasta. Sage

Nah, he is a faggot.

Your father is a faggot.
Do you want to be a faggot like your father?
You can change things. It's not gonna be pretty, but it can be done.
I'm sure your grandfather could tell you about it.
Don't give up. Never surrender. Show your father how much of a pussy he was.

You must kill your father for glory of regime

At least your dad acknowledges the situation.

>1 post by this ID
to all you stupid niggers, this thread is a copypasta and posted by a bot repeatedly every fucking day

youre having a lot of fun with that proxy, arent you

Mirin them missile tests Kim.

this stale pasta again

Basically re-enforcing everyone's belief on this board.
Good fucking work.

Subjects father is weak. Should be kill In progress

My birthday was yesterday. Happy birthday!

Copy pasta/10

Your father is Right in the context of Germany
Come to sunny Argentina, you can still have a normal life here user
Find a good girl and become a tow truck driver (we make decent $$$ for just driving around)
Whatsoever you do don't stay in Germany user
