>God doesn't exist
Explain this then
>God doesn't exist
Explain this then
Other urls found in this thread:
>Explain this
its a sunflower
He was Hitler in his last life
hitler exists therefore god does not
>Sacred Geometry
tfw God is a freemason
what did you think the 'G' stood for??
Do you think it is strange that my government prints the exact same geometry on my birth certificate?
Survival of the fittest
so deep.
>believing in the geometric jew
>God doesn't exist
Explain this then
Trials and errors
A lot
Explain this.
pic related
I'm not gay but damn
how do I achieve aesthetics like that? that has to be more than just lifting
I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance.
That is a flower vagina surrounded by flower penises.
Eh, I see differences between the two, but I can see where one would draw similarities. It might not be anything, but I'll think about it for a while.
Look closer...
Because simple equations are the simplest way for DNA to encode repeating information.
If God doesn't exist then why are the Jews trying to hard to destroy him and his creation of Humanity?
I don't understand something
must be god right...?
If Allah doesn't exist then why are the Christians trying to hard to destroy him and his creation of Humanity?
if god is not real then how do you explain this
Well the thing is, I already know what it supposed to mean.
The geometry itself is a visual representation of the "portal" we pass through when we materialize into this dimension as life via birth, from the dimension above. We will see this "portal" again when we retract through it during death, back into the dimension above ours (where "God" "resides").
As for it being on my birth certificate, it means that I've been birthed into the USA (flowing down the portal onto the star) and are now a part of the USA.
The geometry however isn't very accurate compared to the geometry of the real thing.
Where's the bulge?
> a flower grows in a visually appealing pattern that is mathematically interesting.
> therefore god
> lol wut
Fibonacci sequence. Easy for nature to stumble upon as a system of organization. It's so simple, yet yields such useful outcomes.
what does it take for something to stumble upon something?
What you should ask is how the experience of beauty exists, or any experience for that matter. If no experience exists prior to its happening, then it would have been impossible for any experience we have to have been selected for.
you're an okay dude
This can be explained without God. But that doesn't mean God do not exist. So whats the point?
Evolution is a lie, here is the peer reviewed evidence.
Metaphors. We're talking about a lineage of plants that has become better and better at producing seeds and organizing them over long periods of time. Plants that do this are able to produce more plants, and they outgrow/outproduce the others around them. From that lineage, other genetic mutations then allow other reproductive advantages (or maybe advantages during droughts, fires, what have you).
>the cycle is God
I mean, I guess you could say that. More a permutation of the energy direction.
woah bro that's super heady. wanna trade hat pins and wire crystal wraps? wanna do a dab?
>Evolution is a lie,
This is the stupidest thing I've read on Sup Forums today.
>Science isn't real, here watch a yoo-toob vidya
If you believe YouTube videos are "peer-reviewed" then let me tell you what the real problem is: You're retarded.
Dynamic systems occur all over the place in nature and there is no need for a god to explain them.
That and he ignores the literally thousands of years of human scientific advancements that even make a Youtube video possible.
Looks like a spider and a moth had a baby.
Hard pass.
>If you believe YouTube videos are "peer-reviewed"
>video of research of a talk hosted at google
>the guy presents his peer reviewed evidence at google and at the royal academy of science
>somehow this isn't valid
Fuck off rtard.
math is god
Nature and science, my friend.
Why would you want gigantic horse legs, so you can never look good in clothes? That's not aesthetic at all. Back to plebbit if you're that into legs
quantum physics
I meant what are the requirements for the ability to take actions, like stumbling upon something. My ultimate point being, if we talk about nature as an independent entity or force anyway, does it really matter what we call it? The manifestations/consequences of those actions are free to be interpreted.
What would it look like if evolution through natural selection were true? Would it look exactly like what we have?
At 33:00, he describes an anatomically modern human found at a depth of 90 ft, below undisturbed slate, implying it hadn't been touched for 300 million years.
Convenient that we don't see the report. We can think of many ways to explain that away. Also, he gets BTFO pretty good by the questions at the end.
>Do you have examples of where the bone and the geology don't match?
Well no.
>If the scientific evidence is so solid, why include the mystical bullshit?
Yeah well, that's just what I believe. It's a higher kind of evidence.
>Explain this then
The reason there are no pyramid shaped watermelons? Some math models work better than others for different plant situations.
This is the definition of selective bias. Being aware of Fibonacci curves are one thing. Imagining they are caused only by supernatural fairies is retarded.
Do not expect people to accept god, most people just escaped from hell and are here to lie to the world. I just posted a video of a talk hosted at google where a guy who has been hosted too at the royal academy of science presents his peer reviewed evidence of evolution being a lie and they dismised it on the notion that it was a youtube video, as if by being posted on youtube somehow made it false.
The Bible alludes to the underlying code that manifests as beauty in nature or whatever and there you will find god. Don't you think that had an influence on scientific pursuit of western society under the Catholic Church's direction? It certainly did. This is why it's so pleb to blame religion for holding us back. Typical argument of intellectual wankoffs like Sam Harris
hard to disagree
that doesnt mean what he said is correct you fucking idiot
>why include the mystical
What mystical things does he include in the video? In fact he goes to the lenghts of saying that while he has more mystical books, he won't present it as evidence at a place like google.
So why are you lying? Are you a demon? In the past I've been blackmailed to accept the devil or be declared mentally ill, so I do not view opinions as merely other humans.
that's a plant
The explanation of plants is a little complicated
what if elves are physicists?
That doesn't mean they're hellspawn, probably more that they hate Google or are just contrarian. Maybe some mix in between.
> In the past I've been blackmailed to accept the devil or be declared mentally ill
its a wonder people dont take you seriously
So, you're talking about DNA. DNA is very effective at reproducing itself, but occasionally it fucks up. It could be one of any number of reasons. My favorite is cosmic rays.
Normally the fidelity is astronomically high, and even if it does copy something incorrectly, the cells are destroyed, or if it's a case where it happens during the embryonic stage of the plant's life, the plant may even be disadvantaged. The plant would die, the plant would be eaten, the plant would not be able to reproduce as well.
In animals that's very different because of our immune system's ability to identify and destroy genetic anomalies.
You know the old adage about victors being the ones who get to write history? Apply that to the tree of life, mane.
Great Arquitect
Well, luckily I'm not the person who in a talk at google and at the royal academy of science showed us peer reviewed evidence contrary to evolution, am I now?
grand claims.
care to substantiate any of them?
yeah exactly
and Christ is a book
try to be serious
you keep saying all this like it means anything, getting to state your thoughts at an academy is different then them actually being right but i guess someone speaking at one of these places is enough for people like you to automatically assume they are correct 100%
I'm not a demon. Sometimes I have trouble with the captchas, though. Maybe I'm a robot.
>this is actually considered a valid argument in religioustard circles
this is why everyone is laughing at you
Its the aussie god of shitposting.
>video of research of a talk hosted at google
Google hosts controversial speakers. That means nothing.
>the guy presents his peer reviewed evidence at google and at the royal academy of science
You are mistaken. Of the 24 papers Cremo has written only a few have been peer reviewed. Cremo's speech is not peer reviewed.
>somehow this isn't valid
Cremo's claim that modern man is 2 billion years old?
You're vigorously trying to defend a Appeal to Authority fallacy. If you were a lot smarter, you'd know better.
nature discovers the best designs through millions of years of trial and error evlolution
There's the G!!
Also, there's no god.
Is awareness necessary for action? How can you interact with something you don't perceive?
Consider that if he was real, would you even truely want to follow him?
What if his religious complex is designed to fool and fail you?
Try it with fibonacci now ;)
It is the order manifest from chaos manifest from order theory. Much like the theory that the more we look at things the more shit we will see. Cell>Molecule>Atom>???
Which action are you talking about? There are no actions, only reactions.
see those brown things on the side? thats the pollen basically flower jizz. those "pods" in the middle will eventually open up to become pollen as well. these pods are arranged in this particular pattern because it is the densest pattern possible(getting the most pollen possible per flower). the bright color is to attract the animals that spread the pollen like bees. this flower isnt just randomly beautiful its coincidentally beautiful it looks like that for other reasons much more important to its survival in other words darwinism
Ripples in the waves, we go to such great lengths explain simple concepts.
Wait expain what?
>My favorite is cosmic rays.
This is actually very serious. Thousands of bolts of radiation (various kinds) strike the earth every day. Most strike the oceans, but some are known to cause forest fires. I won't go as far as "spontaneous combustion", but many firefighters accept it as a possible cause.
And since you like YooToob so much
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We're all our own gods living in our own imagination so we dont get bored. You will find out when you are dead that you aren't really gone.
Try LSD once
>that one faggot who replies to everyone in the thread and then himself
that quote is meaningless
Just meant your choice of words. Stumbling upon something (an action) requires awareness, is all.