Sup Forums loves Hitler

>Sup Forums loves Hitler
>Sup Forums is full of weebs
>Not realizing Hitler could've taken Moscow if the Japs weren't so incompetent

>not realizing Hitler could have taken Moscow if he hadn't fucked himself over by launching Operation Barbarossa so close to the onset of winter

Under no circumstance could the Germans defeat the Soviet Union or United States.

They should have stuck to bopping their wimpy neighbors and called it an empire after controling mainland Europe.

>ever taking moscow with horses and trains

japan did quite well for being so small. they were only banking on holding usa off until the germans could finish up europe and try to get a peace deal with usa

Don't bother with these idiots. They all morons who've been thoroughly brainwashed by the asiatic island Jews.

they came close

>post-2016 Sup Forums
>into anime
I feel shit about this but the grim reality is that the redditors and all the other people that entered Sup Forums dislike it and are being increasingly vocal about it. Hell, it begun even earlier than that, but who cares.

>giving the soviets even more time to build up their forces
he didn't have much of a choice


What about fucking keeping the alliance he had at the very start of the war, conquering Britain, wait a while and then attack Moscow with British troops.

they were 20 miles from Moscow

The soviets were going to attack, if not for Italy failing to conquer Greece, the germans could have pushed the soviets out of Europe.


>pol isn't racist

How can you not like anime? Japs constantly try to shove Aryan goddesses in your face while western media tries to shove niggers.

sorry hitler was anime

And Napolean was in Moscow.

>Sup Forums loves Hitler
>Sup Forums is full of weebs
Sup Forums is not one person

kill yourself

>literally launches it on the first day of summer

you're a fucking retard

>the japanese empire
go back to school kid

anime is all that matters anymore
nothing else worth living for

this and even if that had happened if Japan invaded as well Stalin would not of been able to transfer 72 divisions to other Eastern Front.

>lose every single battle that wasn't against even more subhuman chink backwaters

>he only knows kike memes
>Public Edjewcation

why else do you think they got almost all of asia?

Plus some of them are actually decent characters, unlike the cast of a cucked Western cartoon like Steven Universe.

Wakfu is good shit, though.

I personally stopped watching when I turned 18, don't have anything against it. but it just seems like just a waste of time sorting out the good from bad and to me, it seems boring to watch now.

no u


even more subhuman chink backwaters

ive only come to liking jjba and akira, the rest is boring cliche shit filled with fan service that only pleases faggots with asocial personality disorder

Mountain Masterrace here, we nearly had it

Fuck Shitler and fuck Nazis. Sup Forums is libertarian.

Everybody knows that Hitler was a gook loving cuck. Sup Forums supports the total extermination of the Mongoloid races.

well yeah fuck hitler but i wouldn't have had anything against us winning the first world war i mean serbia deserved it

Why are you posting 2D pedophilia? That anime girl looks dangerously underage.

Boring taste desu

congrats, you're the 99% in real life and the 0.5% on Sup Forums, really special, snowflake.

Sup Forums is not one person ... I don't think people on Sup Forums like Hitler- it is just a meme

Just treat them like the oven dodgers they are

if boring taste means not being a faggot then im glad i got boring taste

also fuck you jjba is good

my accent is a meme

>reddit actually believes this

I personally couldn't get past all the homoeroticism in JJBA. Guess I'm a fag.

wtf why are you all posting kids?

they're not even muscly after part 4

t. stormcuck newfag

>kids are qt anime girls in Bulgaria
wtf I love Bulgaria now

I'm a clearly huge pedophile. Don't look at this child's underdeveloped breasts or you may become one too.

There are probably more commies on Sup Forums than there are libertarians

>Sup Forums loves hitler
>Sup Forums also loves classical art
>Not realizing Germany could've won WW2 if Italy wasn't so fucking retarded

I'm not joking. This anime biz looks like little girls all of them even the busty ones.
Doesn't it annoy you? like wtf

Anime is degeneracy developed by jews to plague young white men turning them into NEETs.

paedos too apparently

Indeed. Behold this young girl.


How much "fanservice" can you handle?

one tiddy scene every 20 episodes

I mean if you really want little anime girls that badly...

lol, I wish
>tfw only 67k votes out of millions

the kremlin had sent the british a telegraph the night before the freak blizzard that saved their commie asses that said the soviet union had fallen. they had to send an emergency telegraph the following morning to retract the statement. there are a few very rare and expensive newspapers that had already been printed with the headline about the fall of the soviets before they were able to alert the press. it's interesting how a freak snowstorm in russia changed the entire course of human history.

>hahaha cute girls doing cute things us weebs huh xDDDDDDDDD

Underrated post, Japan idolizes white people.
The Jews fear the samurai desu

That looks around 15-17(max)
>I'm twenty!
pic related

S-sauce pls?

>Every 20 episodes
I mean, I agree that harem type shit with faggy protagonist anime is bad, but are you sure you're not gay?

don't post that shit
what's wrong with you?

I guess BULGING pecs is more your tastes, eh?

nah senpai not even traps turn me on
i rather jerk it to western stuff like the ones you can find in /aco/

I love the genuine concern you seem to show when you ask if he's gay.

that scene was funny and had context so there's not need to call it fanservice tho

why the fuck did it translate fa-m into senpai what is this gay thing

It's official, you're a weeb senpai

i feel you man. trips of truth.

Not gonna lie lad, but that's pretty degenerate. Anyways, if you like cars, watch Initial D if you got the time. The titties are almost non-existent.

Unironic question: Are you new to Sup Forums? That's been a thing here for near a year, year and a half.

>implying that the best phenotypes in anime arent based on whites.

also if an asian country made a film and all the actors were white then id wouldnt see whats the big deal.

>being this much of a new friend


t.newfag I'm here since 2015 desu

Kill yourself faggot

i already watched initial d but it got boring for me after stage 3

Perhaps it's not a troll, but a handy newfag detector? Maybe mods aren't so gay after all?

ive been to pol since like early 2014 i used to browse only b before, i never use nigger slangs so thats why ive never seen it

>not wanting to lick Kuroko's tities

This bulg is such a gay

pedo scum

I'm being baited, right?

Too bad, stage 5 may be a bit rushed but there are some good moments and the ending is bittersweet. I agree stage 4 is kinda boring though.

missed me
with extreme prejudice

I get it dude, everyone got their own "tastes." Good thing they have a dude showing off his pecs and not a woman showing off her cleavage because then you'd be really offended, wouldn't you?

i didnt like them after stage 3 because most wins felt very forced and bullshit-ish

It's gotten very formulaic. As a rule, things made past 2010 will probably be shit. Mindless entertainment, sometimes, but very predictable.

Ikr tiddies and a footjob from her with her smug face would be god-tier.

I could never understand this. why do people who dont watch anime always say they look young?

is it because they dont draw in all the flaws that accumulate on a woman body as she ages?

>That looks around 15-17(max)
bullshit, that looks at least 30.

>worst jojo

its ok bulg, loli is the one thing the chan won't ever get me to like either

Good. Means I can post more Balalaika.

Which part is the gayest part of JJBA?

>not early spring
>a good idea
we have the next Napoleon sitting right here