Okay, white people? This is not okay. This is inexcusable.
Okay, white people? This is not okay. This is inexcusable
Other urls found in this thread:
makes me hungry
I didn't do shit
This is what white civilization looks like.
Leave our colony alone you fag.
pretty comfy desu
>Okay, white people? This is not okay. This is inexcusable.
If that were a picture of Muslim terrorists waist deep in the blood of white victims, you would be making excuses for them right now, so go fuck yourself.
BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD first thing that comes to mind
White people are good paren-
This is what not starving looks like.
how is that any better than posting a mud hut and saying that's what black civilization looks like?
you're racist and ridiculous
White people will defend this.
>europeans after 700ad
pick one.
Are you just upset people are taking photos of your family without permission?
wtf i hate white people now
>Eats meat
>Never killed an animal
Go away shill.
This is the true face of white people. When their thin veneer of civility is finally dropped, they turn into bloodthirsty savages.
>3rd impact
>orchestrated by anyone besides the Jews
>as if black people are good parents (when the fathers don't just leave their children like usual)
This is making me realy hungry and giving me the urge to take my son hunting.
>60% talking shit
Just think how glorious it will be when that is the blood of all the mudslimes, niggers and sympathizers we purge.
Towards food, yes.
>Okay, white people? This is not okay. This is inexcusable.
Wrong. This is okay. This is right. Whaling is an age old tradition, and here in Norway and in Iceland whaling will continue no matter how much you cry about it. Both in Norway and Iceland the whale hunting is regulated to ensure that the whale population are stable. In Norway the whales are killed instantly with an explosive harpoon. In Iceland they are killed instantly with a special knife that severs their neck.
Whales are food, just like cows. The only difference is that whales get to live a free and healthy life in the ocean, a regular whale life, and then they are killed instantly. Cows however are trapped and enclosed in small confines their entire life, living an unnatural cow life.
Primal as fuck. Kind of messed up, but also an integral part of our humanity. No point denying it
All white is cattle
>caring about slaves
Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Black lives matter.
>David rockefeller reincarnated
Why are so many Sup Forumstards acting like PETAfags?
First the bullfighting thread yesterday and now this.
tusen takk sverre couldnt have put it better.
finnwhale is nothing but swimming cattle.
everything on this planet is white property.
What ethnicity are you?
Fuck white people and fuck whales
>low iq savage interprets dominion as wholesale slaughter
remember jimbo, always kill the traiters before the enemy
Is this the new leftist meme against whites?
When it comes to Iceland, all the whale meat is actually shared between the entire community. Everyone gets a piece. And for a place like Iceland, it is very good that they have local sources of food. Imagine the environmental impact of transporting all the food thousands of miles from foreign countries to Iceland.
It is also extremely important to keep the tradition going, so the icelandic people know how to hunt whale. If it is forgotten, they will be extremely vulnerable if there ever is an economic collapse, war or food shortage in the world. Then they will have a very hard time importing food. Keeping the tradition going makes them less dependent on the rest of the world delivering food to them.
What, are you a vegetarian or something?
Too bad those aren't niggers.
looks like a nike/dickies/northface ad desu
>Okay, white people? This is not okay. This is inexcusable.
Yeah, people in India could have shat on that beach.
They kill them for food and not just letting them rot there, r-right?
Aids in the water
What kind of fish are those
they use everything almost. everything else is eaten by scavengers and decomposers. nature doesn't waste
not to mention the number killed is a small, small part of the total population
You do realize black people do this stuff too? As well as Asians? Indians?
Black people hunt and kill whole families of Gorillas, Chimpanzees, baboons, great deal of monkeys as well. They kill an elephant every 15 minutes. They butcher rhinos, leopards, cheetahs...
Mexicans have killed so many sharks for their fins that Humboldt squid have taken over as apex predators of the pacific coast. They celebrate the torture of cattle as live entertainment.
Asians trap and slaughter whole dolphin pods for food. Are responsible for 98% of the whaling in the world. Sport hunt Orangutans, panda and black rhino.
Every culture does this shitty type of stuff, but western cultures are the only ones that are trying to much about it.
This is what I imagine you look like.
I'm pretty sure asians do this shit too.
Useless, trolls and shills dont attend to reason
Hey Kekistanis
Daily reminder we could easily take over the government of the faroes if we all decide to travel there en masse then overstay our visas
Hey Linda! Look at my mohawk! Lol
We need more white American male for test subject. Otto expired rapidly
It would be a whole lot easier to respect white people if they weren't so barbarous and remorseless.
you used that line in the last thread
Turn off that proxy shithead
I always wonder what this kind of mob justice is all about. Like did that guy kill someone or something?
This is horrible! How do we stop this??
How many layers of irony are you on?
We removed both of Ottos testicles with surgical tools. Subject was not sedated and forced to watch. Camera and TV screen were placed in front of subjects face.
Human beings can be so cruel!
Supreme leader strikes again.
its food, they have been killing whales for centuries. They do fucking eat them so no different to us killing mammals such as cows, pigs, chickens. but hese fuckers just swim a bit. Are you fucking so stupid...to not know this?
>They've done it for a long time, that makes it okay.
Does this look okay to you?
Why are you so racist, all races have people that do horrific things, did no one ever teach you not to generalise a whole race by what some of it's people do/have done? thats called racism. you my friend are a racist.
dude white civilization looks delicious
too bad i live in west texas
Whale meat is filled with mercury
indigenous peoples participating in their annual hunt.
I don't see anything wrong with this, it's been done since forever. it's not like they are doing it 24/7 around the clock, let them have their seal bashing fest.
all food in america is filled with estrogen and tyrones sperm if anything thats a improvement
So is this a bot or what.
I've seen this exact thread with these posts before.
I still remember the same posts from 2013 Sup Forums
i don't know what he thinks it's gonna do
i'm fucking craving whale meat now
eww beaners and nigs.
panhandle, I assume?
>Why are you so racist, all races have people that do horrific things
Implying whale hunting is horrific. It isn't. Its natural.
Beluga whales are not endangered.
It's just oversized fishing, get over it.
Also it makes for some badass images.
midland texas
permian basin
the land of oil, guns, and god
also a hellhole
never been there. closest I've been is big spring, land of mexican pizza hut employees.
used to live in amarillo, finally reached escape velocity and got the fuck out.
good luck, man. you don't have much longer before the bean uprising.
>japanese people kill whales
>"chinks are subhuman and evil"
>white people do it
>"this is literally okay, it's their culture"
Yet when muslims or jews do something say their culture should not be respected...
luckily midlanders are pretty redpilled and we contain our bean burritos in odessa our shitty colony
this is our sheriff
btw fuck the young turks
Woah hey, they lived harsh lives, and it's becasuse people were racist to them. That's racist. That picture is fucking racist, and your racist. And besides, it's not all muslims.
Carbon based life is a means to an end
put your flag on, pussy.