Post your country's finest achievement.
I'll start.
Post your country's finest achievement.
I'll start.
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Not belgian btw
Hihi, oh ja, even vergeten.
ashes for the anglo
Shame that we had to fight dutchbro, at least we made up in time to confront the baguettes
I hope America turns into Brazil 2.0 and England gets raped by French men
something different.
>fuck with the true Master Race
>expect to survive
battle of the phillipine sea
bombing another euro country in a brother's war, that's your best achievement? f
No Greatest Ally flags with the WTC yet? Pity.
Pic for you
oh so its like that!
well fuck your irrelevant country, we won and you lost and then we continued to win for the next 300 years.
Enjoy always being confused for Germans and the Danish by amerifats and chinese tourists.
>inb4 fake
Haha, civil war is your best achievement. Typical baguette.
you are stretching the definition of ownership so much, owning some shitty trading city in hindustan doesn't make you the emperor of india boy
Mate, I've got sad news - we didn't win shit. We sold an empire, (((they))) used us all (and the US) as a mercenary force and now we're all cucked to oblivion.
May you rest in piss, Eternal Anglo :^)
Ravage of the Palatinate
kickstarter of the franco-german animosity
It's spectacular.
oh my fuck
The french Lords conquered Jerusalem
You're Welcome
"This is how we won Freedom!"
Hahahaha, thanks, cracked me up.
Hey, you got Hitler ice cream. That's pretty cool, too. And the Vedas, I guess. But Hitler ice cream is definetely smoother.
fuck of nazi cunt, your not welcome in the UK.
The map say's what it is, it doesn´t say's what you claim, read again.
btw,portuguese ruled almost all the majour cost cities of india, some for centuries. Good or bad it's history
>fight with commies for kikes and capitalists
>expect to survive
makes me kinda hard
Hitler shouldn't have provoked the war then, should he? Should have stayed within his own borders. Danzig was more important to him than 100 million deaths and the extermination of the European race by degeneracy and mass immigration in the present day.
I like Brits, but I like Germans more.
I'll take their side.
Making the (((*nglos))) sperg out so hard they destroyed their own empire.
Posting on behalf of all burgers.
25 cities, 5 past 1750, stop deluding yourself portugal
>Britcuck calling anyone irrelevant
Oh the ironing
>BASED Bevan
that's about it really
>burning European women and children alive
That is true! :^)
Because Hitler totally knew that demanding the self determination of a German city to be recognized would lead to the deaths of millions of people right?
>Also 100 million
>British education
top fucking kek
Basically this
I can´t manage to see why you are buthurted fella? see the map again, it was what it was, no more than that. deal
the "then" section being a fictional drawing made in the 21st century with no basis in fact?
invented concentration camps
(((Christopher Hitchens))) loved it, oh he loved it so much! Great job! :^)
portugal had a mighty empire and didn't let it go like a bitch
unlike the UK
did you know you fags accused us of genocide? typical niggerlovers
No, he didn't; but the British people who invaded Hitler didn't know that doing so would lead to the terrible state Europe is in today either, which the person I was replying to was pretending to believe.
The point applies infinitely more aptly, however, to Hitler, since he knew from the First World War how easily World Wars come about, and how destructive they are.
73 million deaths in war, plus the myriad deaths from Communist Revolutions that might have been prevented had Europe not demoralized and devastated itself in that war.
We invented the idea of seperating insurgents from civilian population?
I highly doubt it.
You're proud of Rothschild banks dictating your nation's foreign policy?
Here mine boyyy
Never happened.
Is that why the Pajeets effortlessly annexed Goa?
A myth invented in a political pamphlet written in 1847, and only repeated now only by those who acquire their knowledge of history from Youtube videos and forum posts. It is known as "the Rothschild Libel."
Why is it that Finland is incapable of going 30 seconds without going on about 'muh winter war'
estonia =/= sweden/denmark, wut?
Ahhahahaha nuke us
What about Herman Potočnik desu?
Rothschild English branch, with help from relatives in europe lent them money for the Napoleonic wars. Ever since he has been using the debt and subsequent accumulated wealth ever since as leverage to tell them what to do.
Remember when you betrayed your kin allied with Communism, the worst ideology in human history, and Stalin, the second most murderous dictator in the face of Bolshevik invasion of Europe, handed half of it to communism and destroyed the last shield of western civilization after destroying the monarchies and traditionalist societies in the war before? Destroying the Reich and killing millions of the people closest to you on the entire planet, so Jews, Commies and Capitalists could win the war and so we the people can die a slow, but final death?
Yeah. I do, too. :^)
the settlements :)
That's a common misconception. The war wasn't started as a conquest. The Polish were massacring Germans within their country and Hitler demanded that it stop. When they refused German soldiers marched in to stop it by force.
How is Britain irrelevant you absolute retard
now I get it
how can any other country compete?
we did some fucked up shit in congo.
So much beauty in one image. Brings a tear to my beady eyes.
Sups Aryan blood cocktail.
Kraut on vacation
They're slowly dying tho. Falling into the hands of cars that capture no emotion