Why are so many young australian boys becoming women?
Why are so many young australian boys becoming women?
>Why are so many young australian boys becoming mentally ill?
fixed that for you, faggot
They are Emu-Cucked Cunts
Where is the problem?
Lots of fluoride and estrogens in their drinking water
the future is female
Because it's the only way to further their god tier bantz. Cucknada is gushing with envy. Nips don't care, they know what's up.
>Implying there are no nip trannies
>becoming women
They aren't, because that's impossible.
This makes the ghost of Steve Irwin sad.
i know i've said it countless times before on this board but chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman
Progressive fad.
Identity politics gone rogue, climbing over each other for victim status to feel they can fit in with their leftist group.
They'll eventually turn away from this after irreparable harm has been done to their bodies and it's no longer "cool" to be progressive. (Which is already starting to happen.)
They want the Big chinese dicks too.
dropbear bites are venomous and cause the infamous dickrot
what the fuck is this obsession with wearing cat collars
I feel it will be too late I see these people everywhere on social media young boys throwing away their lives they might "look" cute now but when they're 40, bald and look like shit they're all going to collectively suicide.
Where do I get a tranny wife?
it utterly disgusts me that people look at transgenders as legitimized females, when I found life time cucks for friends bringing up caitlyn jenner I was called a bigot for walking away unable to participate in such bullshit discussions
you look at any ancient civilization and yes there was degeneracy but this is a whole nother planet to me now
>oi mate this sheila isnt supposed to have a stinga
uuuhm no sweetie, gender is a social construct.
because they aim to please black cock. it's the evolutionary path of whitekind, you'll all be sucking dick at some point of your lives. god wills it!
>becoming women
muh dick
Feminism and/or mentally ill.
my dick isn't even that big dude and neither am i black. i'm just telling him what he wants to hear.
>being a male in the CURRENT YEAR
Honestly who would want to be part of the oppressive patriarchy?
because young american boys are doing it and they copy us
That's the obvious but at some point you have to dig deeper. Why is feminism and transgenderism considered normal (by governments and city bourgeoisie) in Western European societies?
Nothing wrong with this cob, as a gay Australian man I love this.
Follow me on Twitter @dingorider1788
I'm in Melbourne and I know... (counts) five MtF trannies and 2 FtM.
None of them are cute like OPs pic. Fuck my life. Also: Fuck Melbourne.
Gotta love 2017. Any mentally ill weirdo can put on a dress and be considered a woman by society and the MSM.
I fear for the future.
Also this. Most of these people are 40 year old hairy men wearing women's clothes. I have no idea where you people find these pics of somewhat passable traps to post on Sup Forums.
None of them in real life are even close to being passable.
trans girls are superior
in a decade they will be able to give us children, then we can rid ourselves of roasties once and for all
Pre-Pubescent trannies have always been around us, running things for the tranny ruling class. They are harder to spot than the post-pubescent ones. They are 10-30% of a nations population. Mason and Jew Baphomet worshipers.
Don't fear but prepare. Start by reading The Culture of Critique immediately.
He's cute
>Identity politics
Please don't use that disgusting term. It's pure historical materialism (marxism) and rejection of social darwinism. Humans are tribal, ethnic groups that act in their own interests.
hot desu
post more
I read that out loud in my best shitty aussie accent.
>Why are so many young australian boys becoming women?
Legacy of being historically cucked by emus as a nation. The Australian male tries to blend into the female population as not to incur the wrath of a dominant emu. There is also the chance the emu will rape the disguised Australian male with it's superior avian genitalia which excites the Australian male.
It's best when they keep their dicks. I love seeing their dicks cumming from anal while locked up