Nah, trannies deserve to die off
Because these wackos should not be part of society?
What are we upset about this week?
What bigotry is he even referring to?
what about the Germans who supported Hitler in 33?
Encouraging mentally ill people in their delusions is unethical.
I keep making fun of the LARPers, but stuff like this makes it harder every day. It's so easy to be a Nazi.
>trannys are treated just as bad as jews in 33
Goddamn these people are fucking dramatic.
I'm sorry about the 12 trannies that wanna collect my tax dollars so they can play soldier as they cook and be janitors on base.
All American is dead soon
70 million people die in ww2
Equivalent to 1 mill not being able to not join military
Really makes you think...
Aren't trannies like less than 0.01% of the population? Who gives a fuck?
>Random pseudoproblem
>Comparison to Nazi Germany
They are collapsing, we are witnessing a great moment in history.
Teens are becoming transgender because it’s trendy, expert says
The trans population is growing at an alarming rate in the US,
>new estimates at 1.4 million Americans
(2009-2010) NHS: the number of children younger than 10 being sent to sex change doctors has quadrupled
(2016-2017) NHS: Number of primary school kids referred for gender identity treatment this year has tripled
Number of children wanting to become opposite sex doubling each year in Sweden, say doctors.
>"The increase is identical on the adult side too."
Report: 2016 Saw Surge in Danish Children Receiving Transgender Hormone Treatments
I don't think Jews joining the German military in 1933 was an issue.
lmaoing @ in this fags cardinal direction. Trannies/Traps (whats the diff), Fags, and Pedos deserve the rope.
That's the point, we have to purge degeneracy like 1933.
We will require more American male test subject. Otto expired more rapidly than expected. Non chemical removal of testicles was partial success however
What a fucking cunt. They are so fucking embarrasing.
Come back when you have more than one brain cell
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This whole shitstorm is just proof positive that the military is just an overglorified work for welfare program now.
Trump should just invade North Korea and Venezuela.
Draft the trannies, antifa, POCs. Put them in segregated units.
They win and live, they prove themselves.
They die, problem off country's back.
Kill multiple birds with one stone...
- appease neocons
- socially engineer society
- test to see if the undesirables deserve to be underirables
Well, you can't beat perfection.
we'll give them 33
Where were they during the first 7.5 years of the Obama admin?
>invade Venezuela
He wouldn't fucking dare. You just know the second American boots touch down in Venezuela, "real socialism" will officially never have been tried due to American interventionism, and the horror of contemporary Venezuela will disappear down the memory hole within a few days for delusional leftists
So leftist have forgotten about civilian oversight of the military? Also why do they assume everyone in the military was okay with Obama lifting the ban? He never served so how does he know what it's like to be in the military?
Transgenders in the U.S. military, I think. They've going to bar any future trans people from joining and have a six month review about what to do with those that are left. Mattis is basically working on purging the military of eight years of Obama sycophants and undoing the most damaging policies. This is part of it.
You better step up your game, or they'll feed you to dogs or something.
Logical fallacy. Get your shit together fgt
We aren't the Germans who said nothing in 1933 though
We were too busy training for war
Love this line of logic.
Obama never served. But it was okay for him to illegally assassinate people with death robots.
>only nobel peace prize winner to bomb another nobel peace prize winner.
Jews weren't treated badly in 1933 though
Or ever really during the war
But... What Germans did wrong?
State doctor fed one of Ottos testicle to dog and made him watch. Part of new condition program. Unknown degree of success.
americans comparing and larping nazi/communist to what happened in Europe to defend some degenerate mental illness should be shot immediately.
Well, I don't really give a shit about trans people so, guess he's right.
At this point i could care less aboit the whining and problems of anyone in this godforsaken union. Over the past few years of this shit Ive simply felt apathetic to all this shit. The country, the people, wars, at this point Im waitng until something comes along to kick me in my ass enough to get up and do something. Im just wanting something to believe in, predicated on truth and justice, on freedom and comraderie. I hate the commies on the left but wont side with fags who take up German political movements, at this point Im just looking for sonething to inspire myself.
>libs think they're going to win elections with this shit
Trump won't have to even try at this rate.
if you're not a apart of the military and haven't been in the past, you have no right to comment on trannies/gays in the military.
that said, comparing trannies to jews is an insult to jews.. lul
Image being a platoon Sargent.
"we have to stop so private Jenner can dildo itself" three times a day.
>tranny vets have a huge suicide rate
>Trump bans trannies from going into the military
>"Y-you can't do that! Muh freedoms and equality and all that shit!"
Not sure if I'd rather degenerates be allowed to travel the path towards suicide or have a strong military force. Fucking decisions, man.
you are right.
i hate nazis, but the german people did nothing wrong. liberals who are not openly protesting obama's drone strikes against children are no better than the waffen ss. see how easy it is to draw false equivalence and be a smug jackass? i wish these leftists would all go transgendered and kill themselves at a rate of 45%.
He's right, the germans were still better
omg, not knowing that contemporary nazis accept macho masculine sexuality, even gays, so obviously we accept only certain kinds of traps
Let too many escape. Especially the Frankfurt school.
Sorry about that.
He means protesting islam
>Being compared to germans 1933
Americans are not that good.
the people in New York and Hollywood who are responsible for making self-mutilating mental illness "trendy" are some of history's greatest monsters.
Any american male who is willing to chop his penis off and cry that "it" isn't equal to men or women, is telling the truth. "it" is NOT equal.
The media and politicians want us to waste our outrage at these non issues... they know that there is a lot more to be pissed off at, they know about the issues we have with Islamism but they are safe where they are and a few dead from the joe public is perfectly fine with them
God i laughed so hard i spat on my screen.
Thanks user.
>no better than the Germans who said nothing in '33
Good company :^)
But I don't want to be one of those that said nothing.
I want to be one of those that got to march around with a flag.
Good for him. Otherwise the military might be like a rotted board that breaks with one swift kick. Also, I'd bet that Obama's policies made a lot of good men take honorable discharges or never sign up in the first place, why put your life on the line for that bullshit.
Please target SanFagcisco with your nuke, Best Korea. We can be friends.
>doctors do this to their patients
I think it's the most disturbing thing of the story.
We need hard times to wipe off the weak men.
No more than 50 years from now, but it could begin to get really bad at basically any time. I'd guess starting in about 8 more years.
I unironically think that any doctor who does this, or prescribes hormone blockers to prepubescent children, should be shot.
>primum, non nocere
Literally means "first, do no harm". It's literally the first thing Hypocrate says in his treaties.
>People who did nothing are as bad as other people who did nothing
I honestly can't disagree with this
Thought it was going to be the atrociously common 'People who do nothing are just as bad as the people who do the bad things'
Can you lend him to us when he's done?
That's blatantly untrue. The Holocaust is bullshit, but Jews were not well treated by the Third Reich.
I don't give a fuck about your attention seeking behavior.
Wtf is the context
Is anyone dying as a result or are deaths actually being prevented?
I think I don't get the joke, Pablo.
And these people are the scum that added to, and promoted, the degeneracy of the weimar republic.
Babylon, Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah before that.
Banning trannies from the military. Some bitch I was in the Marines with has been talking to the media like a little rat fuck for weeks now. She now goes by Jack and is in the national guard. I'd be willing to tolerate her mental illness if not the fact that she's a Communist and a staunch Antifa supporter.
They fought so that men could chop their dick off, get fucked in the ass and sue you for using the wrong pronouns! DIE BIGOTS
>Leftists hate and refuse to serve the military industrial complex
>That's why leftists know what's best for the military
Makes perfect sense if you're missing your frontal lobe.
>The trans population is growing at an alarming rate in the US
So many of these people are gonna fucking kill themselves in 20 years when they realize they were never trans, they were just weirdos and losers who wanted friends&acceptance. They'll get it for the time being, but this will pass and it'll show who was truly mentally ill vs. people who were just lonely and attention seeking.
I'm more excited about the coming wave of lawsuits. I just hope we don't have to wait as long as we did with the opioid crisis.
original hypocrate oath also banned performing abortions.