>Brainlets will try defending this and fail
Brainlets will try defending this and fail
Shut the fuck up pinocchio
>saying global warming is real
Fuck off big nose kike
Wtf where can I sign to increase my taxes (other peoples) by 20% to solve this crisis
>It rained therefor global warming
Thats obviously global cooling since water is wet and cold
read a book breh
Houston floods all the time. There is evidence of floods greater than this from before the steam engine was invented.
Remember the hole in the ozone. Then global warming every summer. then when a winter storm hits it's climate change. better buy carbon credits from AL Gore he needs gas for his private jet.
What does a flood have to do with global warming
It was 100 degree s before this hurricane now it's closer to 70. How is that for warming?
>global warming shills btfo
gibs climate taxes for the africans goy
How does that pic prove global warming is caused by human industry?
if occasional floods are evidence of global warming, global warming has been happening for millions of years.
Houston is a shit hole anyway. Who cares?
Fuck you, Dallas sucks ass, fuck your cowboys too
If you honestly can not comprehend the difference between weather and climate you are not fit to make ANY judgment about climate change.
>no serious hurricanes for a decade
>because of climate change
>catastrophic hurricane
>because of climate change
Make ya think, huh?
Why don't you give me substantial evidence?
After all, you created this thread to "debunk" global warming deniers, and the way of doing that isn't telling them
>read a book breh
Fucking oven dodger.
It's the 4th largest city in the United States
This. Shitlibs claim anything to do with the weather is proof of global warming.
Global warming is amazing
Drought - Global warming
Flooding - Global warming
Heat wave - Global warming
To much snow - Global warming
It's also snowing in where i am?
Maybe you should read a book if you honestly believe that a change in weather has anything to do with the climate.
we made CO2 which traps sun rays in the atmosphere and warms the ice caps and the oceans, which in return release more CO2 causing shifts in global currents which cause more drastic weather
>global warming causes hurricanes
What is convection and condensation?
What proof do you have that that is in any way related to the flooding of Huston?
A hurricane is a sign of global warming? You guys are just throwing anything hoping it sticks huh?
but it almost worked for peak oil, global cooling, overpopulation, and global warming
Oh yes!!! Let's give all our money to a (( world government)) to stop the Earth from being warmer!! Nevermind the fact that the Earth was actually warmer before. It's the sun ,fucktards!
This is the modern day equivalent of cutting peoples hearts out and rolling their bodies down the pyramid steps to make the sun rise the next day.
There were no hurricanes before humans existed,right?
The amount of carbon dioxide America and Europe produce is negligible, and China has kept a stable level of CO2 contamination since 2005, not going up, or down.
Yet your (((scientists))) claim global warming is getting worse and worse.
Why won't you accept the fact that the earth has natural carbon cycles?
Oh right, that would imply not getting the global warming tax.
houston user here, this is our first real storm in like 10 years, fuck off
>first Cat 4 to land in America in over a decade
literally unprecedented, i remember Al Gore screaming we would have a Katrina level Hurricane every year and we havent gotten anything close
where abouts in Africa is that?
I'd take katrina every day if it wiped out all the nigs.
Humans warmed the earth which ended the ice age which kills the dinasoars.
houston is sloppily overbuilt. the amount of impervious surface that has been built funnels rain into channels that flood. duh. plus its built on clay. recipe for disaster.
I heard it was sexist,transphobic,woman-hating,racist white males' fault.
pseudo science
billions of dollars flows to organizations researching global warming
why wouldn't they keep up this scam
>half my country was supposed to be underwater by 2012 at the latest according to Mr Gore and his supper awesome fun research team
Op is cherry picking the data.
The hypothesis was that hurricane landfalls would be common because of Global warming.
There's been one. OP bitch slaps science and logic and declares the hypothesis predicted.
OP is anti-Science.
Go back to /x/ faggot.
All the extra CO2 in the atmosphere is then eaten by plants and phytoplankton. Your point is...?
i miss when there could be a flood and people didn't use it to push a political agenda
errr no sweetey the research says that fewer hurricanes will form as they are driven by temperature difference between the tropics and the Poles, but when they do occur they will be stronger.
>saw flag
>stopped reading
>continued reading
>realized jew was right
for the first time?
The worst floods in history was all recorded in the 16th century.
But muh global warming.
Nice try kike
oh no! look at the water! what is all this water doing just lying on the ground?!
Climate change doesn't seem to CAUSE hurricanes, but studies and models have been pointing to that it can make the hurricanes that do happen more severe/extreme, particularly in warmer regions such as texas.
Obviously we can't say with 100% certainty, but its very likely that climate change had a significant effect on hurricane harvey.
Source is assets.documentcloud.org