>still using the fluoride jew
Anyone else stop using toothpaste here? I find my mind is far clearer without the fluoride lowering my IQ points.
Still using the fluoride jew
brush your teeth faggot
I use charcoal or other fluoride free substitutes now
>not brushing your teeth with mustard
Whats wrong with fluoride?
Painfully bluepilled
Redpill me then, toothpaste flag
I actually brush with cake frosting and rinse with Coca-Cola. The frosting is able to form a layer on my teeth and the carbonation of the coke helps bubble away the plaque. Best part is that there's no fluoride.
Switched to good ole baking soda a few months ago. My gums no longer bleed when I brush.
You know it's funny. Most if not every toothpaste has a disclaimer that if you swallow more than is used to brush your teeth to call poison control. If I told you to brush your teeth with some rat poison and it was ok as long as you didn't swallow more than used to brush your teeth you would think I was nuts. Really jingles my jangles.
>Dental Fluorosis
>Kidney Toxicity
>Gastrointestinal Side Effects
>I.Q. deficits in children
Nothing. Just a bunch of conspiracy tards that don't understand dosage dependent toxicity.
My dentist friend says fluoridated water is one of the greatest inventions mankind has achieved. It has allowed us to be healthier by combating cavities and gum disease which have a systemic effect on the whole body. If you have a bad mouth you are more likely to have heart disease. I'm not sure if I believe that fluoride in such small amounts does anything remarkable to the body. It's definitely too simple to be any kind of mind control device or conspiracy. People who say this have no knowledge about chemistry.
You're omitting key information, the fact it's dosage dependent.
Normal water can kill you if you drink too much.
Fluoride free substitutes in toothpaste are much like gluten free substitutes. It's complete hysteria from retarded people that don't understand at all what fluoride does and the reason it's added to toothpaste in extremely small amounts.
Have you tried brushing with a metal brush? Ive found that it really gets the plack that builds up in the areas regular toothbrushes brush over
Look at these fluoride shills. Their mothers must have overdosed on fluoride while pregnant with them.
That's because of the detergent. People can't get enough of those bubbles even though the detergent that causes the bubbles is literally responsible for the horrific taste which needs to be masked by absurd levels of strong tastes in order to not make people gag. If you get rid of the detergent the toothpaste won't bubble anymore and you won't need to carpet bomb your mouth with mint that shits all over your palate for an hour making anything you eat taste like garbage.
I brush my teeth with pussy. on the daily. I floss with the hair.
>t. never done chemistry
>retard leaf thinks I'm going to fall for his low IQ bait
it has little effect with the low amounts people are exposed to.
>flouridated water in the US water pipes
>somehow people still have cavities enmasse
>places with non flouride water have lower cavities
Really makes the tooth decay
Explain why you think fluoride in small amounts is harmful? Do you have any published papers to cite? Why would fluoride be basic procedure in dentistry for over 50 years if it was inherently harmful in the correct dosage? If you're not eating a tube of toothpaste a day you're not going to have a problem.
You don't swallow your toothpaste fags. Worry about it in your water, sure. I have no problem with that.
>You know it's funny. Most if not every toothpaste has a disclaimer that if you swallow more than is used to brush your teeth to call poison control. If I told you to brush your teeth with some rat poison and it was ok as long as you didn't swallow more than used to brush your teeth you would think I was nuts. Really jingles my jangles.
That's fucking retarded reasonsing. You know that right?
You drink water everyday, if you drink too much, you can cause permanent damage or even die. Yet you drink it, right?
Because joos.
Cite some sources.
>what is a logical fallacy?
Do you not see how retarded your argument is? Fluoride is only a small part to preventing cavities. I'm sure you are one of those people who believes you don't need to floss either. Resistance to cavities can be genetic, it can have to do with environment, diet, hygiene, access to dental care etc. you're argument is comparable to people saying "if we evolved from apes why are there still apes??"
Difference is you can't accidentally drink so much water you die. You need to have a force of will to force your body to drink that much water.
It's actually industrial waste from the Aluminum industry which through crafty disinfo allowed them to sell it to governments to dump into the water supply for beaucoup bucks instead of paying to dispose of it properly.
You're still missing the larger picture. Rat poison is absolutely useless for humans, toothpaste isn't. The former is also intended to be dangerous. You're also conflating their toxicity.
Wasn't me. You need to look at the IDs, shitposter.
Apaguard M-Plus:
This shit absorbs plaque and tartar, and remineralizes your teeth. It actually heals small cavities. Only sold in Japan, so you have to buy it from Amazon. Totally worth it though. No fluoride, and will save you expensive dentist visits.
To add, my dentist does pro-boner work in Africa working on the natives teeth. There was one village that had an astronomical amount of natural fluoride in the water. It stains the natives teeth ether black or purple I can't remember. Anyways, these are bumfuck Africans in mud huts with black teeth, but they hardly had any cavities at all and extremely hard/thick enamel. Could be genetic like I said in the previous post, but my dentist seemed to think the fluoride content helped a lot.
Bleach is the greatest way to keep your teeth clean.
Havent brushed my teeths in over 10 years.
No cavities, no stone.
Also Each year of not brushing teeth gives you +2 IQ points.
Simple tips.
Clean your teeths with clean cloth to prevent plaque buyldup.
If must, use soda instead of paste.
Good tip.
>I floss with the hair.
Thank god for that duh-bs. It's all natural. Sometimes I leave strands of hair for my family to use for flossing purposes.
Rofl. Delusional shitskin.
Post teeth now
>anti intellectual quackery
>chemistry/science is some black magic voodoo from the devil
anecdotal fallacy
Well, cavities are primarily caused by the carb/sugar heavy diet from Post-Industrial societies.
Weston A. Price discovered that aboriginal peoples living hunter-gatherer lifestyles and diets had practically no cavities at all without any kind of dentistry.