
Googles new policy and algorithm seems not only to stop right and conservative dissidents but heavenly favors "diverse" and "progressive" content.

This is trending on Nr.3 in Germany right now.
Black male ask "German" girls if he can grab their asses for 200€.

Channel has only ~40k subs.

At least it's not the government oppressing me. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. :^)

>everyone is either a negro, a mulato, or a turk
Yepp. That's germany.
First i lost my family's clay in east prussia. 50 years later, i lost the rest.

My life goal is moving to Switzerland. I know the Swiss hate us but I don't care anymore.

I just don't want to be German.

Isn't Switzerland just filled with Albanians?

>Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences
is that why you live in your mom's basement for life, comrade?

> Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.

this is true, they have free speech in north korea, land of the free

Only one white girl in the entire video, everyone else is dark.

I could easily have mistaken that place for LA with all their dark mestizos and niggers.

>favors "diverse" and "progressive" content
because that's what people want, let them have it I don't even care at this point

this, people have already made a decision and it is to hate "nazis" and love niggers. What can I do about it as an individual? nothing, and I don't give a shit

Whenever he asks them they always take a look at the camera so if there wasn't filming happening they would all say yes. None of them said yes but woman are still degenerate whores, user.

this is a german expression?

Dead nation.

did he grab any bums? i just skipped around the vid

>Hey, go-I mean, guy. Do you mind if I track you wherever you go, sell your data, consolidate all discourse, and decide what is and isn't acceptable to view? I'll give you all this "free"stuff.
>Wow, thanks Mr. Noseberg!

You live by the Jew, you die by the Jew.

>stop right and conservative dissidents but heavenly favors "diverse" and "progressive" content.
I get hitler videos in my recommended videos non stop.

Reminder: do not scream too loudly while dieing, (((USA))) and Rotschild-Britain :^)

Great job Americans not a single place is safe from your kike brainwashing

Video about the differences in intelligence between races?
>violates community guidelines
Video about a guy literally walking around sexually harassing girls?

white girls are boring, no tits no ass.
mixed girls have generally good proportions

if thats a german girl i am a croatian

What fuck are you if non croat?

>see flag

Everything checks out

t. shitskin

Still using GOOGLE in 2017.

Why the guy speak english sometimes? ('you think it's fake money"?) Is it common?


Come to Texas brother. Lot of German germans. I usually don't advocate anyone coming here, especially Californians. If you kill a Californian you're essentially a Texan to me.


Gas all remaining whites

> my speech
Yes lol, the way it translates into english is not the yellow of the egg however

What city is this lol? Why no Germans?