I'm really want to convert from cucked protestantism to Catholicism but want to avoid the modernist degeneracy? Bonus points for comfy casual antisemitism.
I'm really want to convert from cucked protestantism to Catholicism but want to avoid the modernist degeneracy? Bonus points for comfy casual antisemitism.
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Orders like SSPX, FSSP, etc are becoming less fringe over time, which is good. In fact I hear that SSPX seminaries are so full that they've run out of beds and have to build new buildings. Modernist influence is waning, young Catholics tend to be more traditional, even the clergy. The future looks bright
So do they have a presence in America? Where might I find a church to join?
Are they still in schism or not? I've lost track by this point
I know their thing in HK is some shit rented room or something, not much presence here, but they had a proper church in my hometown
Their NYC chapter is based af. Their normie book has links to lectures on Cultural Marxism and the psychological/spiritual implications of porn.
Lets hope. They are allowing LGBT public displays of affection in catholic schools these days. We need to drive the (((jesuit))) antipope out and reclaim our faith.
Ave Maria,
Deus Vult
Over the past few years SSPX has been expelling conservatives like Richard Williamson (2012). They are moving closer and closer to our current SJW pope. As a liberal liberation theology Catholic, I think this is great. Our current pope is the best one we've had since John XXIII.
SSPX is a small sect, and the sects trying to stay conservative are even smaller and more scattered and plagued by infighting.
I hope that's not true. I detest cultural marxism and want a zero nonsense church for my future family.
I go to an SSPX church in Utrecht. Ask away.
Isn't SSPX an organization filled with kiddie diddlers? I vaguely remember a documentary about that... then again, (flag) Even our tax funded "impartial" TV channels are cucked.
>catholics are cu...
Subtitled documentary on the SSPX in Sweden(and some elsewhere) if someone is interested.
Are they still as staunchly conservative and anti-sin as they're made out to be?
Liberal media heretics at it again. They call all Catholics who hold on to all the traditional teachings of the church extremists. The southern poverty law center even put down Catholicism.org as traditional catholic extremists on their hate map just because father feeney held on to the salvation dogma and criticized Judaism.
> As a liberal liberation theology Catholic, I think this is great.
I just want a traditionalist catholic church to take my children where they won't be led astray by liberalism and marxism.. Is that too much to ask in 2017?
What's the difference between them and sedevacantists?
Do you know about Marcel Lefebvre?
>liberal liberation theology Catholic
even worse, he's a sede
Supercessionism: the Jews were the people of the Old Covenant, but the Passion of Christ nullified it, and thus, those who accept Christ are the new Chosen People. The Jews can fuck off.
As for the "le dead kike on a stick" meme, the Jews disowned Jesus when the Sanhedrin convicted him. By saying that he is the only way to salvation (the way, the truth, the life), he also disowned the Jews, who rejected him as the Savior.
Here you go. There are tons of parishes which offer it.
Also eastern catholic and ordinariate of at peter parishes are also good.
>I'm really want to convert from cucked protestantism to Catholicism
Only because you hate God's word and want to follow shiny human traditions that contradict the Bible.
Ye rather, blessed are those that hear the word of God and keep it!
No I do not
They are (way) more conservative than my local church. That's for sure. They're not the most conservative Catholic church I've ever been to.
That would be the sedesvacantist Dogmatic Union. Their priests consist of ex-SSPX priests that for different reasons left the SSPX because they deemed them too modernist.
In Holland SSPX is not anti-conventional Catholic, they just do and see things like 70 years ago. They are very very rich for some reason. Don't know why.
fuck SSPX and all the rad trads. "shatter the church"? they are doing the jews work for them, pitting catholics against each other.
Which one? The website of their Dutch chapter says that they only have a church in Leiden and Gerwen.
I feel let down. The things Protestant denomination are acceptant of today are NOT biblical and I can't take it anymore.
Go to informatieblad.org and you'll see they recently acquired a third church.
I know that many protestant denominations are leftist cucks, but the modern Catholic church is not much better.
The best Bible believing Christians are essentially independent baptists in America. Check out Kent Hovind, Steven Anderson, etc. Just read the Bible and follow God's words. I admire Catholic aestethics, but I would never join them because soooo many of their traditions is in contradiction with the Bible.
>hey guise i found the ORIGINAL scripts i promise rome has never had anything to do with these lol i learned ancient greek at the catholic seminary btw
Protestant here, this article really underscores how BASED Benedict was and how cucked Francis is. You should probably just schism already and get it over with. Wouldnt be the first time you had two Popes calling each other the Antipope
they are the most fanatical, trading dissidence for outright schism. One cannot be in full communnion with the Roman See and reject the standing pope. Important to note: that doesn't mean you have to agree with everything the pope does as policy/teaching (with the obvious exception of speaking ex cathedra)
There are conservative Protestant denominations in the US like the Dutch Reformed Church. That information is of course only relevant if you're from the US. You could also consider Opus Dei if you look for something conservative.
Catholics don't even believe in their own Catholic Bible, so that's that.
Honestly at this point the Catholic church may as well just split between a Western Catholic church that can join with the Anglicans and be the unitarian harlots they dream of being, and "Eastern" Catholics can be based in Poland or something and have closer relations with the conservative Orthodox denominations. Just a thought..
That's a meme invented by Martin Luther. Catholic bishops compiled the New Testament canon with the Greek Septuagint Old Testament into your bible. Saying that we don't follow it's teachings is ludicrous.
Take a look at Christian Identity if you're white.
>Catholic extremists
Those are called non-fag Christian priests.
I'm in a similar boat. White slav moving to Western Europe ( most likely France ) permanently very soon.
I'm orthodox by birth but more of an agnostic really. I'll probably never be a true believer but won't be a faggot either. Meaning I would be ok with going to church regularly, participating in other ativities and such. Not even going to lie, I mainly want to do it in order to find a trad waifu and a conservative community to integrate future children into.
Would I be welcomed? From what I understand it's similar to orthodoxy and I also have some catholic grandparents. But I haven't gone to church in a long time and I don't know what to expect. Yes, I am serious about all this.
My last experience was going to a protestant megachurch type of thing and I couldn't put up with that.
>inb4 try finding an orthodox church wherever you go
They would most likely have other slavs, I don't want a slav waifu I want a local.
>inb4 pls no bully
Okay, thats MY church.
I already consider myself a follower of Christian identity but I didn't think it was an actual church I thought it's just a way of thinking, am I wrong?
Martin Luther was a Catholic priest.
Anyway, Catholics don't believe in the Bible because they contradict it in many of their pagan traditions. Venerating Mary, thinking she remained a virgin, sprinkling baptism, baby baptism, adding to God's word, calling priests "father"... just lunacy.
Ye rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it!
What do you think about my plan? I've heard they're quite based and in France at least homeschooling their children and such.
If you're looking for a church that observes the original meaning I would seek Orthodoxy before Catholicism. Catholicism may be more accessible, but there's so much wrong in theology and government that you would not be doing yourself a fair service if your hope is to grow in Christ.
>pitting catholics against each other
>implying the church is not rotten with gay pedo faggots
>implying this shouldn't be antagonized full force
Bearing false witness is a sin user. Everything you have said is incorrect and slander
I've been in evangelical mega churches all my life and I just can't find anything spiritual or true in the sterility and shallow modernism and cringey attempts to be hip or adapted to the modern world. There's no Biblical meat to so much of what they make sermons out of nowadays, they talk about secular thinkers and memes and movie references and I may as well browse facebook to get the kind of shepherd protestantism has been offering nowadays. Not to mention the white guilt and tolerance of adultery that prevades it. AND THE IDOLTARY OF ZIONIST WORSHIP OF THE SECULAR STATE OF ISRAEL THAT MOCKS AND DENIES CHRIST.
I don't feel good bashing the church of my father but that's how I see it. I want to serve God and feel connected to the family of Christian Europeans that built the world I love. I want true communion with the kingdom of God, not a country club of rock music and pastors in t-shirts talking about memes.
The only real Christians are Eastern Orthodox, everyone else is a blasphemer.
Yeah, you'll be welcomed. My church doesn't have any young women that attend but I'm sure in France that's different. I know Orthodox Christians are the only non-Catholics that are allowed by the Catholic churh to partake in communion. I'm assuming that keeping up attendance will be a challenge if you're not a true believer and you're more into it because you're conservative and looking for a qt pie.
Any real church is welcoming to newcomers, but Catholics won't share communion with you until you commit to the Catholic Church.
The slav myth is just that, I'm part of a parish that is American in every regard except for the iconography (which is byzantine).
I've just started looking seriously at it, and it's very compelling -- Not sure about the status of any unified church, etc., but there are certainly well-known online preachers (probably not the right word for them). Also, I have seen where they emphasize the importance of attending the feasts with fellow believers, so those gatherings must exist (and are numerous, as is my understanding). You should check out some of their websites before the ADL shuts them down cheers
>Bearing false witness is a sin
Indeed it is.
>And it came to pass, as He spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, "Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked."
>But he said, "Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."
World's first Catholic, rebuked by Jesus Christ.
falling for hollywood propaganda, I see
Political positions espoused by Lefebvre included the following:
Condemnation of the 1789 French Revolution and what he called its "Masonic and anti-Catholic principles".[54]
Support for the "Catholic order" of the authoritarian French Vichy government (1940–1944) of Marshal Philippe Pétain.
Support for authoritarian governments. In 1985, he spoke approvingly of the governments of Francisco Franco of Spain and António Salazar of Portugal, noting that their neutrality in World War II had spared their peoples the suffering of the war.
Support for the French nationalist leader Jean-Marie Le Pen. In 1985, the French periodical Présent quoted Lefebvre as endorsing Le Pen on the grounds that he was the only leading French politician who was clearly opposed to abortion.
Opposition to Muslim immigration into Europe. In 1990, Lefebvre was convicted in a French court and sentenced to pay a fine of 5,000 francs when he stated in this connection that "it is your wives, your daughters, your children who will be kidnapped and dragged off to a certain kind of places [sic] as they exist in Casablanca".[55][56]
he is /ourguy/
If you genuinely believe that the crimes committed by the so-called holy order of the catholic church are entirely fictitious, then you worship men and not Christ.
>I know Orthodox Christians are the only non-Catholics that are allowed by the Catholic churh to partake in communion
Awesome if true.
I meant what I said. I'm in this to get a partner with similar values. I'd never belittle or hamper her beliefs in anyway and would have no problems with going to church every Sunday, helping with other activities and so forth. I don't consider it larping and I wouldn't rule out embracing Christianity in the future. But it is unlikely.
I've been shilling for SSPX for a long time here. I'm glad to see people are receptive.
"Catholic ministers may licitly administer the sacraments of penance(confession), Eucharist and anointing of the sick to members of the oriental churches which do not have full Communion with the Catholic Church, if they ask on their own for the sacraments and are properly disposed. This holds also for members of other churches, which in the judgment of the Apostolic See are in the same condition as the oriental churches as far as these sacraments are concerned" (CIC 844 § 3).
>The Society of St. Pius X has a past of Fascist sympathy and worse.
tfw i went to Pius X school
Read the part of the 1977 occupation. Probably the most based thing SSPX has done so far.
>The Muslim that rips men open is following his nature; the real criminal is the Jew who unmuzzles him and launches him on society.
Where's the lie though
>he spoke approvingly of the governments of Francisco Franco of Spain and António Salazar of Portugal,
based af
To raise some counterpoints I haven't personally examined, the Catholic General thread stated Sex Abuse is a big problem, even more so than the regular Church.
Bible is scientifically wrong, why would you believe in religions?
> why would you believe in religions?
IQ above three digits is a good start.
I'd never, EVER, bet on it happening, but, I pray for a return to the Dark Ages
We have become so fucking fat and lazy with our god damn cell phones and McDonald's ready made food bull shit that we need to fucking burn.
Legit want to return to hunter/gatherer shit.
Cultural Marxism is New Testament 101 though. Maybe it's time to splinter off and write a new Holy Book like the Bible.
Even if I had no faith, I would still support and practice the religious culture of my people as a foundation of identity and the family unit -- and general social order and morals. A man who is not accountable to God, whether as a concept or as a living Being, is little more than a beast.
The X is for X-TREME!!!
We take communion with MONSTER ENERGY DRINKS while doing a kickflip, my dudes that's just how we roll.
Holy father who art TuBuLaR
gnarly be thy name
Modernity is against us.
Thinking the Bible is a scientific textbook
What do Catholic anons think of Jordan Peterson? He was the one who got me back into thinking about faith, and then I started listening to Catholic Answers
He's probably some kike that hates the SSPX kek.
I've never heard of any abuse cases within the SSPX in Holland except that one regular Catholic pedo priest joined the SSPX. He was quickly expelled once they found out he was smelling little boys booty holes.
Catholic here
Latin mass groups are the best part of the church right now. I HIGHLY recommend them to Catholics and to all Christians looking for the truth.
SSPX is moving away from schism..or at least its close to being in union...kinda murky and confusing
FSSP is within the church
SSPV is dangerous sede territory
Normally, catholics accept to share communion with orthodoxes, as they recognize the baptism of the Orthodox Church. However note that while the Orthodox Church usually does not forbid going to a Catholic Mass (especially if there are no Orthodox churches nearby) participating in a catholic communion is forbidden for orthodoxes. Furthermore I would advise you against participating in communion if you do not consider the eucharist to be the body of Christ.
I get the complaints on the Southern Baptists for example, like the "peckerwood" stuff (hatred of all alcohol, igornance, etc) but I still have to say they at least take a somewhat honest interpretation of the text. As in, they are pretty serious about that and don't play too many games which is respectable despite the weird alcohol hangup and other similar things) Now the Southern Baptists suffer from the same root problem as all denominations, a degenerate and sorry populace, however the Catholics, main liners, Presbyterians, etc. are so corrupted and pathetic from a theological standpoint it's sad. There are some Presbyterians that are still ok and some Catholics I'm sure, but the Catholics are either beaners or pinko leftists generally speaking, it's sad. The Southern Baptists might be peckerwood, but at least you won't see too many tranny pastors in little small Baptist churches and all. I mean at this point the main liners and the secular Catholics just need to go ahead and ditch the bible and just replace it with a little pamphlet that says "love, peace, and be a nice person plus gay rights." There is zero real doctrine for the main liners, and the Catholics are just this strange mix of old gaudy rituals and lefty nonsense and degeneracy plus beaners. If your after what I call "meme trappings I get the fancy Catholic stuff, but I think it's foolish imo. They are sort of a religion of nothingness these days, at the core, once you get passed the gold leaf and statues and costumes.
>The Anti-Defamation League describes SSPX as “mired in anti-Semitism.” The Southern Poverty Law Center ups the ante, calling “radical traditionalist Catholics” (including, prominently, SSPX members) “the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in America.”
>tfw atheist and will never join the single largest group of antisemites
Not really related but
French Flemish here. I'm thinking about going to the Netherlands or Flanders to live (next to a SSPX priory).
How cucked is your country (because here we have 20 millions of extra european) ?
Which kind of jobs can you get on the countryside ?
You must be from SC, or maybe Tennessee
From what I can tell they're good.
You should look towards Christianity senpai. I would say something along the lines of Baptist. Catholicism is Carnel in practice and does not save your soul. Even after their outdated practice of drinking wine and eating crackers and confessing your sin to a priest, you are merely washed of your sin in the flesh, but your soul is still very unclean and in sin. You do NOT need a mediator between you and God. You ARE good enough to speak with Christ, and you ARE good enough in the Lord's eye.
>Representing the Father
>French Flemish here.
That's a thing?
I thought Wallonia was a containment area for French Belgians.
If devout Protestants are heard by God I cannot imagine why He allowed the Confederate states to lose the war, and England to fall into such state of ruin in the 20th century.
We have 3 SSPX churces. Utrecht is degenerate. Leiden is conservative but you would never know it because there are so many students.
I can recommend Gerwen. It's in the country side and very few liberals or foreigners live there. Economy is doing fairly well. It depends what sector you're looking for work. It's also the main church of SSPX in Holland.
That's kind of off putting I'll admit.. The Father isn't even corporeal..
Reminder that Catholicism is a practice in sin. You don't need a mediator between you and God, you don't need to commit "good works" as though it will purge your body of sin and misdeeds.
God sent his only son to die for the sins of man, fulfill the old testament writings, and teach the Carnel Jews the error of their ways. Catholicism is a practice of old testament sacrifice and practices that were merely an IMAGE of God's son.
No. But I just think it's a shame there's not more practicing churches like the more conservative sect of the Presbyterians where you don't have to endure the backwater excesses of the Southern Baptists, but still don't have to be part of some leftist-augmented loose theology. Getting involved with the goofy costumes and trappings of Catholicism is not really an option either. So youre left with the Baptists as a result. For the record, I appreciate that the catholics are the theological ancestors of protestants, and I like certain parts of their service, like the more liturgical approach. I wish protestants would style their services that way, instead of having 30 minute mini-pope (pastor) sermons two or three times a week. Having said that, the Catholics have just abandoned too much of their doctrine and indulged too far in the fancy rituals etc.
So by that logic should Christianity have no institution or organization at all? I'm not trying to be contrarian, I just want to understand.
>Reminder that Catholicism is a practice in sin. You don't need a mediator between you and God, you don't need to commit "good works" as though it will purge your body of sin and misdeeds.
Perfect formula to create Lukewarm faggots.
There are many churches in today's sinful world that say they preach the word of Christ, but in actuality preach Carnel ways. This is way Methodists allow gays and women to become pastors. This is why people have such a distorted view of Christ. These are the same people that preach that "if you confess yourself to Christ, and believe in him, you will have an easy life and your sins will be washed away."
This is also where people see church as a judgemental place where people only feel as though they're "holier than thou."
Also, look to the book of Samuel, David was God's next appointed king after Saul, however Saul had pursued him EVERY DAY for TWELVE YEARS because he strayed from God. David strayed from God, went to the land of the philistines, dwelt with them and almost even went to battle with them, against Israel. The king denied David's request, and upon returning home found that EVERYTHING HE worked for was destroyed by the malachites. The Lord works with us, you cannot look to prospering nations and use that as an example as to why you should stray from God, because on the day of judgement, ALL NATIONS will be judged by Christ.
Dutch Reformed is one of the few I haven't tried but that's due to none being close to me. Out of all that I have visited Orthodox has been my favorite. Conservative Anglicans were pretty alright guys too but they're fighting a really uphill battle.
There are Christian Identity churches but they're small in number and usually in extremely rural areas. You'd be better off just joining independent Baptists or something and just believe Christian Identity on the side.
The trouble is I think this gives liscense for people to conjure all kinds of heresy and false beliefs trying to tailor the faith to their own liking. And I see protestants -- evangelicals in particular doing this the most. Especially with all this "New Age" bullshit.
The SSPX isn't a church. Its a society for priests. If you're confirmed by an SSPX priest, you're a member of the Catholic Church under Pope Francis. The SSPX position is: "The Catholic Church is the real Church, Francis is the real Pope, but because of all this Vatican II nonsense, we have a loophole under canon law where we can ignore them". According to Rome, this loophole doesn't exist, and SSPX sacrements are "valid" (i.e. the bread is really Jesus, the couple is really married, the priest is really ordained) but they are "illicit" in that they are being celebrated contrary to canon law (confession is licit, though, thanks to a recent decree by Pope Francis).
Francis cannot be an antipope because he was legitimately elected in the legitimate conclave. An actual antipope is basically just someone living in Arkansas who has convinced themselves that they are the official Pope. Where did this idea that antipope=Bad Pope come from? It's always been the equivalent of a pretender to the throne.
Christianity is the belief in Christ and the holy bible. The word in the bible is the proof that God is real. Catholics are not Christians. They split, just as the Jews did, prior to Christ being born. The time between the old testament and the stories of the new were about 400 years, and in that time catholics split from Judaism in their practices, and still went along with the first Tabernacle. The Jews adopted worldly ways, the Talmud. While Catholics and Jews and Christians worship the same God, Christians are the only saved of the three, because THEY accept the ONLY salvation (Christ dying on the cross for us).
The denominations of christianity merely came about because people interpret the words in the bible differently, and over time many started translating into sinful, Carnel ways.
What do you even think an anti-pope is?