Grow up thinking this man was one of the greatest to ever live

>grow up thinking this man was one of the greatest to ever live
>jump to 2017
>realize he's the one who doomed western civilization

What was your hardest red pill to swallow Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

That my own grandfather had fought against the good guys.

That my dick is small

When i realized i was too young to appreciatwe the 90s fully, and missed out on one epic decade

Had we invaded as early as Churchill wanted to invade, the war would have been prevented. He always knew Hitler was a madman. Blame Hitler for lying long enough to keep appeasement seeming plausible until he had re-armed in toto, and then infuriating the British people by annexing Czechoslovakia and invading Poland.

I know that feeling
There are sadly still retards like
who defend him.

It truly does suck

My grandfather was a communist and my grandparents met at a communist party meeting.

He was the most intelligent, honest and hardworking man I've ever seen personally and it was really hard for me to come to the conclusion that the ideology and worldview he dedicated most of his life to was so fundamentally broken.

I guess the silver lining is that he died 4 years before the collapse of the Soviet Union, so he never saw his worldview obliterated.

I want to punch that cunt in the throat so bad

>infuriating the British people
HA, nice one scholmo you almost got me

Aristocrat, soldier, author, historian, statesmen, and so much more. Love him or hate him Churchill was extraordinary

What did he do? Roosevelt was worse of the two.

>What was your hardest red pill to swallow Sup Forums?
Other than the truth about 9/11 back in 2008, it's been hard accepting that "The Matrix" wasn't just a movie, it was an allegorical for the lives of all of Gen X, Gen Y(Millenials), and Gen Z.
What's worse is that I now know I have slandered a man and a people whom were fighting for our salvation as a people. I realized I was wrong and they were right all along...there's nothing past that.

Can you go further into The Matrix being an allegory?

>an allegorical for the lives of all of Gen X,
It was an ALLEGORY for the lives of all of Gen X,
KYS Winston Kikenfield

that most of the people in my family and friends were actually mind-controlled zombies bereft of what I'd call a soul and that they hated me for refusing to submit to jewish sharia (political correctness)

>Can you go further into The Matrix being an allegory?
What are you not getting? The definition of "allegory" or the lesson given in "The Matrix?"

Invading Germany in '39 was a mistake. We should have made peace by that point, because we had already foolishly permitted Germany to re-arm itself. But had we listened to Churchill and attacked earlier, the World War could have been prevented. The fact that war did indeed come about was unfortunate, but entirely given rise to by the actions of Hitler.

... an extraordinary PIECE of SHIT.

The lesson, haven't seen it in ages

>Complaining that someone wanted to gas you
Stop starting fucking wars then.
In another 70 years we'll be having to gas you to get rid of the roaches.

Nothing personal, Germany. Winnie underestimated the red terror and saw you guys as the primary threat

>"You have to free your mind..."

for reference:

basically you have to jump into the Jews, make them explode and then after that you get to kiss a girl with a shaved head ...

but seriously user, work it out for yourself - spelling it out goes against the essence of the intended deeper meaning

Everyone looks back fondly on dumb shit.
The 90s weren't all that great.

Each sentence shows how fucking stupid / ignorant / trying-to-trigger you are, truly the worst kind of flag to spot in a post. kys

Do you really think that? He was serving different masters, it goes way beyond a false estimation of the situation in Europe on his part. There are tons of clues, quotes and actions which prove that - he was the main guy who made any kind of peace for Europe impossible...

guess I was successfully baited - enough Sup Forums for today

Well there's a literal "hero's journey" theme you can put it through where..
>main character is introduced
>main character is exposed to a call to action
>Hero takes red pill
>Hero doesn't like the position they're now in
>Hero rises to the call
>Hero becomes the embodiment of success in their mission
>story typically ends sometime later...

Or if you really want to know why we model after the "red pill/blue pill" meme from the movie. Then look no further than the fact that the main character, while being distant in emotion, constantly denied himself as being anything other than "just another battery." He even wanted to go back to how things were before, to forget everything he'd learned...the tragedy is that that is no longer an option. He's stuck in reality, and everyone on this board who's really, honestly, taken that red pill is fucked here with us. I'm not talking about Plebit/kekistani fucktards who come for le ebin may mays...I'm talking about the people who come here and sift through the shit...they are living the allegory of "The Matrix," trying their best to just get others to wake up.
>pic related but also unrelated

>did a better job than me at explaining
Honestly though I just got off night shift and was drinking. Saw this thread and had to sperg out lol...I like the way you put it though...make them come to find it themselves.

he was the greatest traitor to western civilization perhaps ever

Churchill bombed so much of Germany in the final months of the war that supply lines were cut and a minority of Jews in the camps actually were killed. nothing like the figures comprising 'the holocaust' though. this is where the emaciated photos of Jews comes from

Anglo is the enemy of Europe and ally of the kike. Feels good to know that pakis and other shitskins will soon erase your nation from existence.

You would have been the perfect Hitler brownshirt. A fanatic, vulgar, useful idiot to attack the enemies of the Reich right until your master turned on you, and purged you along with all the other degenerates.

Still better than perfect Shlomo's shabbos goy like you.

INTERVIEWER: "Sir Oswald, do you now, looking back with the hindsight and knowledge of history, blame the Jews or Hitler for the Second World War?"

SIR OSWALD MOSLEY: "I blame BOTH: Hitler for driving east, before he had got a diplomatic arrangement with us; Jews, for gradually persuading us, or the British people or government, to do absurd things which were bound to result in war. I was against both mistakes."

Dude fuck off. Germany wasn't a threat to anyone until they nationalized their private banking system. All they did after that is infrastructure developement to help with the impoverished and unemployed German public. Shortly after that was working and showing to the rest of the world that they don't need kike/Rothschilds banks ruling over them. Your boy Winnie the kike puppet started barking about Germany being a threat. When he started threatening war, he created the reason for Germany to build its military. your limey kike puppet is one of the main reasons for the whole war to begin with.
Spork yourself faggot!

Churchill opposed Hitler as early as 19 October, 1930, when he informed informed Prince Bismarck that "he was convinced that Hitler or his followers would seize the first available opportunity to resort to armed force.” He was entirely vindicated in that intuition.

The "economic miracle" of Germany is mere nonsense.

Churchill was in the minority in wanting to attack Germany early, and only began to suggest such a thing once Hitler began his illegal re-armament program, not before.

You are a servant to the demonic force who brought about the degenerate and Communist world we have today. I cannot imagine a position more weak and contemptible than your own.