Brit/pol/ - Bill Hopkins Edition

>EU applications for UK citizenship up 80% since Brexit

>'We won't pay a PENNY more than we owe': Boris Johnson insists Britain will pay its debts to the EU but won't be held to ransom over the divorce bill

>Brexit: UK seeks data transfer pact with EU

>BBC staff get 10% pay rise... while other public sector workers suffer pay freeze

>I promise I'm impartial, says Jon Snow as Channel 4 newsreader denies he said 'f*** the Tories' at Glastonbury

>Portugal PANIC: Portuguese in shock as usually loyal Britons cancel holidays to Algarve

>'Answers may not be right' Migration figures could be SKEWED by fake data, expert warns

>Boris Johnson says UK was 'over-optimistic' about Libya

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Mates I've got this nasty ache in my jaw and mouth, it feels like my teeth aren't sitting right. When I put my teeth together I feel like they are clenching. Whats going on here?

Nth for fuck off Paddy poofter

G-good Evening A-Anglo-senpais. . .

Despite his loss, McGregor is likely to blow his $100 million on a headpat binge in Angloland. . .

One cock too many

Everyone please ignore the headpats nonce.

Remember, he's a grown, hairy, sweaty, overweight man. Do not, under any circumstances, reply to him.

>Oh mother I can feel...



you fucked up your jaw muscles sleeping weird most likely. give it a day or two then get it checked if it's still bothering you.

Are there any wojak/pepe memes of Del Boy and Rodney?

Saw even worse videos of that on Snapchat. Rainbow flags covering police cars driving down the parade. Shameful.

What is it about brit/pol/ that attracts so many poofters?

Do you grind your teeth at night desu? Maybe a trip to the dentist is in order, as recommends.

That sure told them, suppose they will stop throwing gays off the roof now.

Is 22 a good age to be applying for the Royal Navy as an officer? Anyone know if the intake tends to be a bit younger/older?

I'm not a porter lad, I'm just a submissive in a fandom relationship.

It's the headpats, Englishmen give the best ones to travelling paddies.

Looks like the government fucked up.

Essex has a chemical haze and it's fucking people's eyes and throats up. I bet it's a leak from the poison that is making people docile and men infertile.

Depends if you look the part or not, if you look like a young little bitch don't even bother. Generally older.

*punches you on the top of your head*
How's that for a headpat, faggot!

the sooner the better. but if you think you'll make a better officer by delaying, then delay and develop more as a man - then apply.


What the fuck?!?

Up to 50 people are suffering breathing difficulties after a mystery 'chlorine' mist crept across the sea towards Beachy Head this afternoon.

Emergency services evacuated the area after bank holiday makers complained of sore eyes and throats after a "mist" appeared on the beach.

Police ordered people to stay away form the area and told nearby residents to keep their doors and windows closed after reports of "an unknown haze coming in from the sea."

Witnesses claimed there was a smell of “chlorine” in the air at the beauty spot in East Sussex, with one saying it 'stung their noses.'

Coastguard UK confirmed they have been ushering people from the beach.

Ok what the fuck is this, CHEMICAL MIST FROM THE SEA



It's probably just some Wicked Green someone is smoking.

Finally. I hope this is it.

"The smell of plastic is strong in the air and my eyes are irritated."

Maybe an incinerator desu.

Chemical attack?

Dan Sankey also wrote on Twitter: "Beautiful afternoon at Birling Gap cut short by some weird mist, burning everyone's eyes which led to the beach and cliff being evacuated."

Another witness, Jonathan Hill said: "Thought it was hay fever to start with until we were told to close all windows and doors just now! BeachyHead and birlinggap evacuated."

Gold Mojito wrote: "Being evacuated from Birling Gap eyes streaming can't breathe properly not exactly what I was hoping for.


>Beachy Head

Government test/experiment gone wrong?

>tfw live just a few miles from the sea



Ignore that post. Just seen it all.

Fuckin' EU chickens

Fuck Del boy and fuck you!

qt housemate is at the knottinghill carnival

First for Colin Wilson

Post her feet.


O muwahhidin, rejoice, for by Allah, we will not rest from our jihad except beneath the olive trees of Rumiyah

Are Yank God-botherers the absolute worst? I'm thinking so lately.

jamal probably has pics of them by now

>entertainment bills are paid

This should be in the links. Really we should do away with them.

I had an issue like that when i'd gotten into the habit of resting my head on my hand that was supporting itself on my leg by the elbow.

I stopped doing that and eventually it went away.

American Evangelical Christianity is an aberration

Anons of Sussex, be careful.

>I'll never in my whole life earn as much an african refugee

Mountain nigger is a girl.

I think you should be very careful about your use of the word 'earn'

And 'refugee'.

Keir Starmer's Guardian piece.

and 'life'

Most Ruperts look like little bitches

That fuck the tories thing is a result of some lad I know being off his fucking bonce at glasto, getting a picture with him and captioning he said that, as if it's actually taken as fact

I'm also thinking of joining, as a weapons engineering officer after uni, is this a good choice or is there better?


Drones or anti air. Thats the future.

We'll it's transitional deal or no deal / WTO rules. Article 50 has been issued, there's no revoking it.

David Davis should hire /ourguy/ to head up negotiations.

No happenings at Notting Hill?

It's the entire bank holiday weekend, lad, there's still time
Right now let's focus on developments of the fucking chemical haze over Sussex

Any news? Apparently its been there since 11am this morning but barely being mentioned.

Oh dear oh dear.

Nah, m8, Muzzies aren't competent enough to pull this off without gassing their council housing in the process


David Davis should resign for being out of his depth. If it is Government policy now to pursue a transitional agreement that keeps us in the customs union and the single market (which is basically the EEA by another name), then why did Davis waste all this time dicking the EU around?. The Opposition and the Government have the same Brexit strategy, I suppose that's something. Hotel California

digits and I go out desu

Fuck off cunt

No updates yet, probably just a lot of confused coppers trying to work out where to start

Have fun

Get your skirt.


I hope they quarantined all the potential zombies.

Have a good night Honk


Stop fucking encouraging them you cunt.

The frogs are using chemical warfare against us, and in the location of their 1066 tomfoolery

>go to muslim heavy place
>wear sign that says "ISLAM IS VIOLENT"
>stay silent and wait
Should I do it?

Thanks I guess.

Yeah mate really stretches the jaw out doesnt it

I don't do that but it could be a similar behaviour problem as the others said. Will get it checked if it doesn't go away in a day or two

What does that mean
T-thanks you too rimmer desu

Rundown? I have only just woken up and still feel drunk desu


Who here /losingcontactwithreality/ haven't spoken to another human in 3 weeks. (do self checkout at the tills)

>he says just hours before twenty people are stabbed to death at the carnival


>one family takes one third of the entire budget

Is that the new Londonistan flag?

>not multicoloured doves

God I hate this prick

Just and so far
Relatively small scale, no official info's been released as of yet, just a warning for nearby residents to lock their windows

You going down the Anson tonight?

They'll just tell you you're a fucking idiot and probably try and intimidate you to leave

Just go sit on a park bench for a while. Read a book or something. It's good for you.

But I might miss some juicy posts

Uh, what timeline are you posting this from user?

If diigits notting hill gets enriched tomorrow.