Ask drunk Latvian anything (Politics related)
Other urls found in this thread:
Is the weather nice?
What's wrong with the dimensions of your flag?
How important are potatoes to your diet?
Why is your flag that color
Shitty weather actualy, dosen't get eny hotter then +20C i fucking hate our weather.
Top 3 most hated and loved countries by latvians?
what are the best and worst things about Latvia?
If you had a choice - nuke Estonia or Lithuania, who would it be?
why were latvians the vanguard of bolshevism in russia and proceed to ruin eastren europe in the long term
what are you drinking?
Nothing itr's prefect
Why do you keep making these threads?
>inb4 info&edu
Nobody asked. Hide your flag next time.
Is there any relevance to your country regarding Nordic politics?
Reminder that WE build basically your entire country, all major cities and your Capital Riga
Reminder that all these "comfy" pics you post is German architecture build by Germans, without them your country would be hutts and forests
Reminder that the entrance to Riga read: No dogs and Letts allowed
They aren't polandball autists made this meme, in reality we don't use any patatooes in our national cuisine.
Are most Latvians red pilled?
tell me about your country is it a shithole?.
is it more irrelevant than us?
what good ever came from latvija?
Why aren't you russian?
Which is the most national/cultural representative "item" of your country?
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Okay thanks pham.
wrong website faggot
Becouse of the legend, our flag is one of oldest flags in Europe, i don't whant to sepdnd time responing so just write Latvian flag in google and read the legend.
you guys should meet up and fight each other
Yeah and guess which country got to keep their German-made architecture?
blood of a chieftain
Best architecture in yurop worst russians living in Latvia.
Why does your retarded governmen literally wastes shitton of money on whining about gibs from us as well as banning our media? Don't you realise the only thing you'll ever get is another liberation?
>we don't use any patatooes in our national cuisine
u wot m8? 90% of our foods are potato based.
Becouse Lenin offered Latvian ellete forces free Latvia and land in return for their service sorry Eesti we fucked up.
why is your beer so cheap?
what do they put into that shit that its that cheap?
if been to estonia lithuania but non where so dam cheap as latvia.
How are the women there?
((((You))))) ofc you fucking MeriShart
When will your reign of cancer overrun the world , cease, devil?!
he said national cuisine.
also just because you are a poor niggerfagget doesn't mean we all are.
Nope. They were volonteers who helped russia to liberate it in exchange of liberating Latvia. They stayed till the WWII too
That is Austria you moron. It's blood soaked land in our case. Stop spreading disinfo out Latvia you cunt.
Asuka or Rei?
thats because we have nordic tier prices with moldova tier wages, thats why our politicians think we are nordic
Fuck off they belong to us.
>Best architecture in yurop
You're welcome, forrstnigger
no like realy how are the women? are they like those cheap czech whores?
Which is more common, to live in a house or live in a commieblock highrise thing? Also what are you drunk on.
Not a weeb, ask OP.
they are in eastern europe so they're pretty much the same
Why haven't you answered my question, you Baltic-Slav?
Good man
Well we have many ties to nordics like protestantism,blonde hair blue ayes and so on (Economy is shit when compeared to nordics tho) but culturaly we are more like scandis then slav faggots.
arent you nordic tho estonia?
could hardly call you russian.
no offense also youre language sound like your chokin on a giant dick every time you speak.
Fuck off hans, your ancestors killed thousands of our people in northern crusades, i like germany but fuck your ancestors.
tu debīls esi? austrijā 13. gadsimtā nekādu virsaišu nebija. pakaries tu neizglītotais sūdu grābēj.
Easy hombre. I was talking about how they act? Are they self-centered? Narcissistic?
rather be E EU because at least i wont be bunched up with swedes
Asuka or Rei?
Fuck off anglo mongrell, we aren't slavs.
Depressed as fuck, like most of excommie people.
Tell me about best Latvian beer. It is politically important because i'm planing to support your economy next weekend.
Tu ne sūda par latviju nezini bet gvelz tāpāt. Vai tu zini ka mūsu karogs is 2:1:2 tikai tāpēc lai mūs nejauktu ar Austriju? Oriģināls bija plānots kā 1:1:1. Ej izglītiojies.
Who?I like tsunade
I was in Riga in the summer of 2003. Do all the guys still dress in track suits and stare at strangers obsessively? (I stay at the hostel that used to be house the national circus or something)
what the fucks that?
a slavic union?
Fuck off hans, i hate bouth you and russians (Russians more since at least your anestors built things unlike russians who only destroyed)
Thanks for Riga but fuck you.
arent you lithuanians just proxy latvians?
kindof like how ukrianian hohols are dysphoria russians.
Not sure which is the best there are many good beers here.
eastren europe you sand nigger
ey zemmie you still havent anwsered my question how are youre women?
Your kinda right but then again unlike Ukrainians who only speak russian dialcet Lithuanians have their own Language, also we wuzz prussians and koronian viKANGZ!
>eastren europe you sand nigger
fuck you frost nigger.
>Ukrainians who only speak russian dialcet
no ukrianian is a whole other language not a dailect.
When are you guys gonna return Latgale to Russia
Fuck off they belong to us!
What did Russians destroy?
You literally helped come commies to power , latshit?
Russians destroyed shit.
I hope they rather ruled of you , at least they preserved the German Baltic elitey which de facto continued to rule Latvia in the Russian empire
Russians destroyed shit you hysterical butthurt sufferer.
I can speak russian and by using it i can understand also ukrainian, while i can't understand Lithuanian.
>Fuck off they belong to us!
comon dimitri tell me one meme country to the other;)
otherwise ill g there to find out myself:)
muti aizver, gudrīt, tā ir visiem zināma leģenda kā kaujā smagi ievainotu virsaiti ietina baltā drēbē, pēc tam to izmantoja nākamajā kaujā kā karogu.
nevienam nerūp karoga izmēri ja tā izcelsme ir 13.gadsimtā, STULBENIS!
One of the oldest flags in the world, the Flag of Latvia was first mentioned in medieval chronicle called the Rhymed Chronicle of Livonia in 1280. The chronicle mentions a red standard with a white stripe being used by Latvian tribes.
According to the LatvianHistory.com, “when the leader of Ancient Latvian Semigallian tribe lead the attack against the Teutonic Crusader controlled Riga, Latgalian soldiers from Cēsis came to support the crusaders. The Latgalians came with red-white-red flag that chronicler called the ‘flag of the letts.’”
A legend refers to a mortally wounded chief of a Latvian tribe who was wrapped in a white sheet. The part of the sheet on which he was lying remained white, but the two edges were stained in his blood. During the next battle the bloodstained sheet was used as a flag. According to the legend this time the Latvian warriors were successful and drove the enemy away.
They will scam you, all old riga pretty much is scam for sex tourists.
lol are youy fucking dumb?Latgale has been Historicaly Baltic region you sad fuck, only becouse russhits sent in their colonists in Latgale dosen't mean it belongs to them.
They can have the ghetto city that is Daugavpils. Latgale in itself is 90% Latvian.
>I can speak russian and by using it i can understand also ukrainian, while i can't understand Lithuanian.
alright then is your language hard to learn?
i want to move from this shithole country before it becomes sweden 2.0.
go to moldova
Steriotipical name for Latvian male is Jānis
What language you speak , except yours.
>They will scam you, all old riga pretty much is scam for sex tourists.
nice wasnt hard now huh?
why are your women so shit then?
It is realy hard to leran Latvian i know one Austrian guy who moved to here he lives here allready 10 years and still can't spell all the /ā/Ē/Č/Ģ/Ņ/Š/Ū/Ī/Ļ etc
I can speak Russian Latvian english and german.
Unlike Roosh's previous book Don't Bang Denmark, which was a comedic skewering of everything about that country, Don't Bang Latvia is a more serious warning to stay away. The skinny is that while Latvia was once a paradise of beautiful, loose women, hordes of sleazy sex tourists and annoying British stag parties over the years have turned it into an apocalyptic wasteland. The most attractive Latvian women want nothing to do with foreigners, while the middling-to-cute ones are soulless scammers hell bent on taking your money and leaving you with nothing.
i dont want to live in a post soviet shithole with shit wages janis.
oh wait..
>Steriotipical name for Latvian male is Jānis
why should i care? all slavs are essentially the same.
k Ivanas
name a game dev team more jewish than that of rockstar
oh shit you have those retarded vowels too? if been to estonia and they also have tose retarded fucking vowels.
im tring to learn russian now would that work in your country?
>One of the oldest flags in the world, the Flag of Latvia was first mentioned in medieval chronicle called the Rhymed Chronicle of Livonia in 1280. The chronicle mentions a red standard with a white stripe being used by Latvian tribes.
This is true.
The rest is not. It was loosely copied from the Austrian legend. We have no legend for it itself, just the colours. Fucking meme history.
You're balto-slavs then
shouldnt you be washing your burka before your progressive husband ahmed arrives home to fuck you in the ass?
We aren'r slavs belganbro
>while the middling-to-cute ones are soulless scammers hell bent on taking your money and leaving you with nothing.
sounds like home.
>shouldnt you be washing your burka before your progressive husband ahmed arrives home to fuck you in the ass?
jokes on you i am actualy a mutt half belgian half morrokan.
The flag of Austria entertains three equal horizontal stripes of red, white, and red. Historically, the design is based on the coat of arms of the Babenberg dynasty, and at first the flag was orange-white-blue, but later the orange and blue stripes became red.
According to legend, the flag was invented by Duke Leopold V of Austria as a consequence of his fighting during the Siege of Acre (1189-1191). After a fierce battle, his white surcoat was completely drenched in blood. When he removed his belt, the cloth underneath was strikingly white, revealing the color combination of red-white-red. So taken was he by this singular sight that he adopted the colors and scheme as Austria’s flag.
Though the Austrian Flag was in the works in 1105, it wasn’t officially adopted until 1230.
those are 2 completely different legends
you are just a fucking retard and/or drunk.
gg ez no re
Fuck off sloven mongrell, you slavs are fucked by golden horde, that map dosen't mean shit sice we where apart for many thousands of years.
what kind of alcohol did yoou drink janus that your spelling is so shit?
also when the soviets ANNEXED you idnd they rape some of your women? since you fought back?