>Sup Forums domain sized just like DailyStormers and Stormers
>News reporters and journalist celebrate the event
>Same news reporters and journalist are either mysteriously found dead or gone missing
Other urls found in this thread:
Stfu sperg
They're not going to shutdown their honeypot
This is not just a honeypot, this is a containment zone.
I'm not sure how much of a containment zone it is when you've got lurking normies coming in and out of the place.
It would change the dynamic from one where people come and get right-wing views then go and spread them, to one where the spreading doesn't have a true epicenter, instead just acting in less force across more of the internet.
if they shut down all of Sup Forums they'd have the folks on /out/ to deal with as well as the folks on Sup Forums and /gif/
shutting down Sup Forums would be akin to firebombing a whole city because of an insurgent force within a part of that city, i.e. a lot of collateral damage would occur
this would be very bad for (((them))) as it gives a lot of people reason to join us. This place isn't just /ourhome/, it's home to all of /ourboards/
>t. /out/main
That's because we aren't posting enough porn, quick let's make this a dick rate thread
it's a fucking honeypot
Sup Forums just don't have the balls.
Being able to post here has pacified me to an extent.
Before here, back in the heady days of early 2000s, if I wanted to talk about this shit it involved me hacking people to get proxy bounces. The amount of times I've seen a mod on another website ban me over 20 times and then me just come straight back (after DDoSing them for a bit so they got the message) and them finally give up and let me say what I want is hilarious. Seeing a mod broken is such fun.
I don't have to do that shit any more, I can just post here and say what I like.
Take this away from me and watch me start revving up those auto botnet scripts again. The wider web won't know what hit it.
I know I'm not the only one out there like this.
The day Sup Forums gets shut down for good is the day I start truly killing people. This and tube sights are the only thing I browse. All I wanna do is shitpost dark night memes on Sup Forums, browse my trap threads on /gif/, and occasionally check Sup Forums for world events to make me thankful for what I have and how much worse other places are. If they take this from me I will reeeeeee until my last breath and harm anyone who says shutting this down was a good thing.
Do you even know what this word means?
Hope your behind 9 proxies, admitting that is proof on intent and could fuck you legally.
We can't even have a proper free speech event in america anymore. If you think our internets are safe you are dead wrong.
>Not being connected to 9 proxies and tor while you are connected to a virtual machine hosted on a linux server hosted in Somalia to post dank memes on Sup Forums
OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN doesnt work with Sup Forums.
We have dozens of other chans to chose from.
You can destroy the anthill and a few ants.
But you can't destroy the entire colony of ants
>not connecting to this via your neighbours wifi and using his name and pictures on fake social media accounts so if they ever trace physical location they'll v& him instead.
I don't think these college kids advocating this mass censorship are aware that Sup Forums has a vastly different user base than the YouTube channels and other sites that they are trying to censor.
The people who browse this cess pool are older and more tech savvy than normie websites. A single disgruntled user could make their safe space websites uninhabitable to SJW's. Not to mention since its a hive mind here, a lot of us would end up regrouping on other sites and getting right to to the same faggotry but with a vengeance.
Won't happen. Would be funny tho
Kek, I just found this website debating wether or not the site should be shut down. It's a salt mine.
why cant it be both? You bastard
I'm a little surprised Sup Forums is still up at all, but I think Sup Forums will survive Sup Forums if it survived Sup Forums being a CP hub for years that regularly had DDOS attacks plotted on it.
I've also got doubts it would work as well as they hoped. Sup Forums isn't even the most extremist site, just the most visible, it would probably cause a scattering to more extreme websites and popularisation of harder to censor and control platforms.