What's up with all those non white cucks posting black dicks on Sup Forums lol, they aren't even black guys...

What's up with all those non white cucks posting black dicks on Sup Forums lol, they aren't even black guys?I know one guy is Turkish from Turkey and the other is Asian from Australia.

>Pic related is the Turkish cuck.

he's proud of his kike heritage

>stopped reading
they mistook /s/ for Sup Forums

They can't post their own dick because otherwise they're just revealing their cockroach inferiority

I thought it was dis nigga.

that's serdar from bulgaria
known poster on int's /balk/ general

that's not him that's Onur

no nigga that guy in the OP's pic is a notorious shitposter on toruchan and he's obsessed over Anzuu and Turkish cosplayers (he was also accused of sexually harassing some cosplayers before)

irl shitposter*

That's a t*rk?
How come they're always portrayed as borderline white people in drawings and propaganda? This guy just looks like your run of the mill retarded mexican metal head you would find in southern California.

didnt know markiplier was a turk

>How come they're always portrayed as borderline white people in drawings and propaganda? This guy just looks like your run of the mill retarded mexican metal head you would find in southern California.

Majority of Turks are like this
only a minority is white

isnt that the guy who molested anzu on the school bus?

Don't you guys have a lot of arab tier subhumans?

he didn't molest Anzuu. He just gave her a bracelet and kept stalking her on twitter. Then Anzuu said "dude you're being creepy i'll return the bracelet" and Onur is extremely butthurt about her ever since.

In last year's summer he was accused of taking some Turk cosplayers photos without their permission. The cosplayer complained about it and you know what Onur did? He logged in and spammed shit like "LIAR I DINDU NUFFIN"
was pretty funny
yes they're called Kurds

LOL at ugly hairy Turks. No wonder Anzu is dating an East Asian guy

he is a turk though so rapeyness is implied. anzu has to keep it secret for her own safety because she lives in islamic shithole.


no im pretty sure 1 is don lemon . a black guy who has ruined CNN and will continue to be a faggot because his ass craves dick


If your country didn't have Kurds, do you think you could have remained secular and more in line with what Atatuk's goals?


Black on white porn is strangely popular in brown third world countries for whatever reason

Because brown people like Turks are rejected in the white world by sane people and they know it. It's the underlying reason for the black dick shitposting on pol. Islamofascist Nationalism has no place here