Polish 'people' are subhuman...

Polish 'people' are subhuman. I'm sick of these 'le based polan' shite memes spouted by fat fuck Americans on this board that couldn't point to Poland on a map. My ex Polish gf once wanted to take a shit in the toilet while I was showering. That's how degenerate they are. Poles go home. I would rather take a Pardeep from India.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Poles are degenerate
>I saw no problem in dating Polish girl

Wow. You are a fucking pussy
(or Baiter)

Off yourself, Jewspawn. Off yourself.

no, she's ex-polish

yes we are, get over this


Spare him, niggers iq tend to be low. Poland is based don't let some Jewish shill tell you otherwise

'People' that think it's okay to take a shit while someone is showering.

definitely better to take a shit while someone is showering than to take refugees