Maybe if you actually talked to a back person you wouldn't be racist. But no, stay in your basement.
Maybe if you actually talked to a back person you wouldn't be racist. But no, stay in your basement
Other urls found in this thread:
>lily white liberal billionares living in walled mansions telling middle class suburbia they need to interact with blacks more
There's nearly a 1:1 correlation between a State's black population per capita and how racist it is.
niggers ruined my fucking country
Dumb. I'm from SC, a state that has tons of niggers, and we all hate them.
OP is a raging retard or didn't think this one out. Sage.
I assume that all blacks are niggers until they open their mouths. The problem is that when most blacks open their mouths it's like I'm reading A Wyatt Man comics. Most of them are niggers.
>Murdoch Murdoch shirt
Spending time in the company of black people was what made me racist.
Niggers killed and rapped my sister and her children fuck off.
no fuck back people
What part of the country has the most blacks? What part of the country has the most racists?
>Niggers killed and rapped my sister and her children
I bet it was a shit beat, too.
you go
Shit dude really?
What a bunch of nice boys, not one of them broke a window, tipped a car, lit a random fire, fought the riot police, hid their face, or dressed like a degenerate.
Wow that image hasn't aged well at all has it.
I literally want to punch every throat in that picture.
I went to school with them in the south east. Every morning was a black on black fight that ended with someone getting their head stomped. You are fucking delusional if you dont think americas black community has some serious problems. They don't value education, the traditional family structure, or display empathy on even a basic level. The result is crabs in a barrel that pull everyone down.
I talked to a "back" person about racism . All he said was "fuck white people", "blah blah blah blacks are oppressed". But I guess faggot OP is right, we are all basement dwellers who prefer not to act like pathetic thugs.
Is that why people who live around niggers tend to be the most "racist"?
The more time I spend around minorities the less I like them
Lmao, I'm from Mississippi, the blackest state in the nation. Most "racists" (which today just means a white person who recognizes there are racial differences) learn very early on that we aren't all the same. Being around so many blacks gives you one of life's first redpills that race is biologically real, and there are clear differences between the races.
It's not so much that I hate blacks or whatever that I just want to stay away from them. We had that in place but DC as usual had to ruin it and antagonize Southerners.
>Hello mr. Black man. This OP, presumably a faggot told me I should talk to you
>shiieet wuzza say i ooga booga
>I'm sorry, could you repeat that
>cracka gon da hoo shiee
>Hey, that's my bike!
>booga nooga cracka dem rasis wuz muh dick yo
>Give it back you fucking nigger!
>hol up hol up watcha call me? Imma waste u whiteboi
>I said freeze police! Stop resisting! He got a gun, shoot him!
Don't talk to niggers unless you're a cop
>talk to person
>he pulls a gun on you and demands ur wallet
>hand it over, but he shoots you anyway
They are different from us, expecting blacks to act like whites is being delusional.
You'll find a 1 in a 1,000 example like Ben Carson who can do well, but it tires me that cuckservatives use someone like him as "proof" we are all equal and that with a few tax cuts, the negroes will be on par with whites.
>some leftie out there in this world thought that making this thread was an achievement
I'm racist BECAUSE I have to talk to black people
Thats why I started hating them.
Well, OP, feel free to make haste to the nigger part of your town or city and start striking up conversations with every Tyrone, and Shaquisha you come across. And get back to us on how man friends you make.
I work in housing projects/ghetto neighborhoods for a living. Mostly with blacks, some latinos too.
I don't hate them at all and I love my job, find it very rewarding. But blacks are not equal to whites in many aspects and never will be no matter how many resources we dump into their communities. There will always be outliers, some exceptional high achievers that put the average white to shame, but you can't change genetics and deeply ingrained cultural traditions that produce a race that is overall inferior in thriving in the modern world.
I know for a fact I have more and deeper relationships with black people than any self hating white SJW "ally". But I'm the bad guy for saying the truth out loud in front of them.
You should hear the things my high achieving black friends and colleagues say about "ghetto" blacks. But you never will, because you're a spineless loser in their eyes, who will never have their confidence for them to be honest with.
Does this make me racist?
>Maybe if you actually talked to a back person you wouldn't be racist. But no, stay in your basement.
Most blacks are people I don't want to talk to
lived in east st louis for about six months. i know all about blacks. all one needs to know, besides.
who do they look like reddit
i hate to say it, but you're part of the problem by trying to help them in your infinite mercy. if you have any talents, anything of worth, use that for self gain instead.
the idea that you find such work rewarding is evidence of a good heart but a week mind in this instance. if you want to find all you've ever worked towards destroyed the moment you give too much trust, turn your eyes away for a brief second, then stay the course. otherwise, escape.
Actually that's what made me racist. All experiences with negros, moors, gypos and other filth were fucking terrible, each group in their own way. If stereotypes exists it's because they happen often, like when you compare bees whith wasps.
I live in a ghetto and have been around blacks my entire life. I can't really hate them, but treating them as equals is like putting a dog on a table and leaving the room and expecting it not to eat everything there and shit all over the place before knocking itself out trying to jump down.
You assume I'm giving handouts/services? I'm actually organizing them to kick those parasites out and get free from dependency on the state.
Just like Commander Rockwell tried to ally with the Nation of Islam, white nationalists should be encouraging black nationalism and a back to Africa movement. We have a common enemy.
i was a teacher for two years. i don't think i need to explain any further
>1 post by this id
What's wrong OP? Preping the bull?
I didn't hate niggers until I moved to Chicago and was around them every day. Saging a slide thread.
learn to spell, nigger
never relax
It's almost like the more you interact with blacks, the more racist you are.
The very few I've known have been disproportionately violent/stupid.
I have, Black people have big egos, they're ignorant and notorious race baiters. Nobody likes you.
*Maybe if you actually talked to a back person you would be even more racist. But no, stay in your basement.
if they're liberal kick them all
OP, if you live in a predominantly white area where blacks are truly a small minority, and there are a small handful of upper middle class with whom you interact, your observations observations will be completely different from someone who is living in an urban area where gangs of niggers maraud like savage animals.
This kind of threads should be a ban reason. A thread died for this.
Oy vey when are you going to teach them Javascript, oppressor?
well, you'll see how well that works overall.
I grew up with plenty of black people and that's a big part of why I'm racist. Niggers are garbage and you're a faggot
Seriously. I went to a high school with a white population under 50 percent. All the kids i argue with about racism are kids that went to schools where the white population was always about 90 percent at least and have never lived in minority neighborhoods. Its so infuriating.
I talk with black people. Through my work, I talk with the talented 5%.
I also live in an area absolutely doused with niggers. I take business trips in Atlanta, which is as "bix nood" as you can get in real life. I had the misfortune of living in a university town niggers knew they could loot and shoot and get nothing but Band-Aids and gibs from school officials.
I'm racist because, as a rule, most niggers are awful. Much like how most people are awful, but with more shitty gold fillings and sideways Glocks.
Talking and meeting blacks made me racist i used to not be
I went to an all black school. I think I have reason to hate the porches.
All blacks are supreme racists and everyone knows it.
Nope. I work very closely with a black guy who is pretty cool and smart as fuck. He still tells me about the nigger bull shit he has to deal with at home.
Blackie hates the Blacks the same way Whitey hates a Nazi
ITT: pic related
I work with them EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. I watch them ruin their lives, many of whom earn more than I do, in every way that is stereotypical to their race. They have multiple children with multiple "baby mammas," leave their families and blow their money pretending to be rich. I used to admonish them for it but I have realized the futility of it. Few have broken that pattern but they are the exception, not the rule.
I'm Irish and when I went to America (Chicago), I noticed that there are no bad white people. Obviously some jerks, in small numbers but no one needlessly violent or ruthless. Meanwhile, I was robbed by black guys on two occasions. Nearly a third time but I saw what was gonna happen and waited for the last second to leave the CTA train at the last possible second before the doors closed. One other homeless black guy was blabbering rubbish and kept telling random people on the train to 'lick the shit off the end of his dick'. He then tried to spit on me for whatever reason.
Like I said, some white people might be annoying, cocky chads but they were nowhere near the category of dangerous/violent like the black people.
It wasn't until I moved to an area filled with niggers that I became racist.
Getting assaulted by blind drunk Irish on a Saturday night is a pleasure after one exposure to an American Blackie.
The Irish know honor.
Having to talk with and deal with niggers in the first place is what makes people racist.
Every time an innocent white is forced to suffer through the presence of a dumb fuck low IQ foreigner nigger nation wrecker a racist is born.
Those aren't white boys who woke up one day made for no reason.
They are tired of having to put up with you fucking animals.
See that crowd you fucking animal? You made that fucking crowd. Should be thankful they are peaceful and retarded instead of blinded by rage and thirsty for your scalp.
Rot in hell, fucking ape. You're a planet crasher, nation wrecker. A spreader of disease poverty and misery.
I came to rwanda because I wanted to help these people.
I'm racist now. 100% sure they were all better off under colonial rule.
They didn't even have fucking written language until the white men came and gave it to them. They never even discovered the wheel. They have no history prior to colonization beyond tales passed down in oral tradition, which cannot be confirmed.
The problem with Africans is that they're selfish - they don't seek to create anything greater than themselves. This is why so many of them are lazy, and content with turning to crime for survival - especially in the West, where prison gives them everything they need to survive.
They only do what is necessary for basic survival. They don't seek to help their own, they have no desire to leave a legacy in this world, and they always seek the path of least resistance.
It's not that their incapable of being intelligent, productive people. Some of them are. It's that the vast majority of them have no desire to become intelligent, productive people.
Intraracial racism is real.
Stupid nigger. It's my interactions with niggers over the years that makes me hate them.
I dated a black woman.
She was exactly what pol described.
The three Morgan Freemans in my life don't lend merit to the 55 Leslie Joneses.
A white person who I can't stand is typically too aloof anyway to really bother me much. I can't believe how much a fucking despise those big ol' black bitches working public sector in leopard print cardigans though. Fuck you, fuck your goddamn bookshelf filled with black power picture books, and fuck the slavers that brought your black ass grandparents over here.
>'Stay in your basement'
>Shows a picture of people outside.
Stop being retarded OP.
I do talk to niggers you stupid nigger, I still hate them for being fucking retards but I don't say that out loud or I'd lose my fucking job. Maybe you should leave your white suburban neighborhood for once to see how bad it really is.
I was FWB with a big ol fat black woman
Tightest pussy I ever had
Nice girl, too, better than my white wives
That being said, the only girl I've ever loved was black/Jewish. She was out of her fucking mind, but my dick felt great. I had to get rid of her, but the prospect of busting a nut wouldn't let me. Wound up starting a huge fight with her that ended in her putting out a personal army request on me that I still feel the consequences of almost 2 years later.
I urge all anti-racists to actually talk to a black person before they make up their minds
I see you're not a fatty-fucker
Many fats have a tight cooch
but this bitch had the tightest of them all
I hagve a ramrod cock but it barely got in there
I think she was a virgin
her gyrations indicated so
many of her orgasms were had
I went to a 50% Black 50% Mexican school at the peak of gangsta culture it was literally a hell hole you had to crawl out of. There where fights almost everyday, no learning what so ever, gang larpers and actual criminals. Those liberals who assume other people are the same haven't witnessed multiculturalism in action. I made a lot of friends black retards to survive i think i'm the only one who ever went to collage from my class.
Dont make assumptions about people racist Cunt
i have, and i have no desire to ever be friends with a black person. sure ive met some alright ones, but most of them are just your typical nigger
That's disrespectful towards the behind people. Why do you have to call them back persons? RACIST! MISOGYNIST REEEEEEEEEEE
Tight vags come from tight kegal muscles. Virgins can have loose pussies if they're not physically active. You're right, I haven't fuck too many fat girls, but I know the basics of physiology.
>t. Alabamian
Like this? Sounds horrible
>Maybe if you actually talked to a back person you wouldn't be racist.
you should talk to more than one black person or at least have more experience with them before generalizing
Go back to college mate
the black people I know are just as disgusted at filthy nigger vermin as I am
>decide to try this out: after all I have never *really* like got to know a nig- ahemn, a black man (you gotta start from the little things if you want to grow!)
>go out my comfy house in the rich suburbs of the city
>I take the subway to a more central area, to see if I finally can open my mind and get to know a whole lot of new people™!
>I enter a starbucks on my way to enlighthnement
>I happily notice the cashier is a proud Woman of Colour™, I radiate joy from all my skin at the thought of finally being able to see the truth
>ready the name: Laquisha
>the old me almost surface, but my new happy optimistic me oppresses him, I just GOTTA try it: what would user +z6rZlt6 say about me, was I to give up now?!
>"Hey there, miss! I would like a coffee, my name is user!"
>she stops chewing her gum and slowly turns at me, with fed up eyes
>D-did I offend this proud Woman of Colour™ in some way? D-damn it I'm not good at this!
>she refuses to give me my coffee, calls the supervisor Jerome to kick me out
>he starts rumbling something heavily gesticulating, I can't understand anything
>Is this truly the language of Shakespeare himself?
>I see myself out, not understanding what did I do wrong, I only wanted to be an enriched free thinking White Man™!
>I barely finish this thought that I get stabbed for having a particular haircut and my wallet and phones are stolen by someone in a hoodie
>I raise my head to ask him why did he attack me in such a vicious way? I am but a nice man, I will vote the Democratic Party™ in the next elections after all!
>get crushed by a statue of a founding father, who never saw a Person of Colour™ in his whole life, torn down by nignogs and faggots for being offensive
I just visited Sweden and had an involuntary chance to speak to niggers. Fuck you.
What did you expect i had a niger tier education.
Its not about hating blacks, its about not becoming a minority in our own goddamn nations
Bro, I have a black friend and when we are drunk we start shouting nigger at him. He knows it are jokes and therefore doesnt care.
talking to a black person is what made me a racist
Talking to them made me racist.
go down to west Baltimore and talk to blacks. this should be fun.
I used to be non racist until I talked to black people
went to all black school for 4 years, granted they were hilarious in their actions and words, but they are uninteigent crabs in a bucket, very few of them are smart enough and those few smart blacks get bullied for not being real niggers slinging dope on the street.
i feel bad for the smart blacks, they try to better themselves but the niggers around them call them uncle tom and make fun of them for trying to succeed in life
>Maybe if you actually talked to a back person you wouldn't be racist. But no, stay in your basement.
Talking to black people usually makes you more racist though.
>be me
>walking home from downtown
>try to hail a cab
>a dozen cabs pass me by while I'm waving a fist full of cash
>not one picks me up
>filthy fucking terrorist Muslims
>finally a car sees me and takes interest
>3 half-niggers in the car
>"Hey what's up?" front seat passenger asks
>"I'm going down to x and Y street, I have 20 bucks for you", me
>"oh yea lemme see it", him while reaching out to grab my cash
>"let me in and then you get your money", me
>"yeah just lemme see it", him again reaching out to grab my cash
>I was waving it in front of their face what else more is there to see
>I become hostile, I know what they are up to
>"y-you can't say that to me! hey get back here!", him as they drive slowly along beside me
>"Fuck you ya faggots, fuck off right now", me
>"We're trying to help you", him
>"Oh yea sure, I hand you cash while not in car and you drive away? Fuck you niggers.", me
>"Fuck off right now!", me
>"Is that a knife in your hand?", he
>"we have a shotgun, wanna get a shotgun pulled on you?", him
>"Fucking do it ya cunt", me
>"You got a knife in your hand, we are calling the police!"
>"Fucking do it you faggots, you're trolling along beside me as I walk, trying to rip me off", me
>"You're not a cab, you're trying to rip me off, you wanna call the cops? Cool, I'll call the cops too, it's happening right now, here we go! 9-1-........" ,me
>They drive off like bitches while calling me a pussy and throwing garbage all over the street.
Filthy half nigger terrorist brown people, everyone. This is what non-white people are like.
That same night, before I even got downtown... Some stupid nigger tries to open the door of the bus 100 meters before the stop (the bus is going FAST) The nigger gets angry because the door won't open and starts punching the door until the bus stops. Leaves in a huff as if the bus has wronged IT. Yes IT. Niggers ARE NOT HUMAN! THEY ARE ORCS!
I wasn't a racist until I moved to Alabama. It's really nice here, but nigs man.