Tell me about Freemasonry. What do they do? Are they powerful? America was founded by them btw

Tell me about Freemasonry. What do they do? Are they powerful? America was founded by them btw.

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>Tell me about Freemasonry. What do they do?
Try to become better men.

>Are they powerful?
Not really.

>America was founded by them btw.
Many of the founders were masons, but it was not founded by masons.


No I looked at lodges in my area to see if it would be a good networking opportunity.

They were all filled with goobers or 70 year old men.


OP, if you want to know more, just find one and ask them...seriously

read the protocols of zion

most pedophile rings and secretive pedo gangs are most likely masonic or have ties to the masonic lodges.

Did the french revolution. Main purpose is "unite" every race,nation and religion in one,while they secretly rule the planet

To be quite honest. The low level masons you talk to will tell you basic things like its about helping community and brotherhood etc. But I believe the higher ups (top level) really do pull strings. They have connections with other societies and extremely rich and powerful people.

how the fuck do you get in touch with them m80

t. shabbos goy who practices ritual sodomy and worships saturn

They are also behind the fall of many European Monarchies.

>how the fuck do you get in touch with them

Contact you local logde, this quite good starting point to find a lodge in many countries:

oh.. thanks

A lot of gay sex

The G stands for Gender. Many of them are trannies. They dominate all fields, because they are minions of the ruling class, who owns everything. We still feudal system.

they are the puppets of the illuminati, who are the puppets of the rothschild

sad cuz true

>Highest masonic value is tolerance
>hangsout on Sup Forums


Freemasonry is garbage
Its all politicians cops and feds and a few hanger on types.

Larping jews basically. And not even good ones at that.

Why do they smile like goof balls?

>Are they powerful?
>America was founded by them btw

Dont join freemasonry is anti-catholic and pro jewish

Most fbi,cia and state troopers are freemasons or demolays or shriners.

isn't it silence actually?

It is a dilemma, I know.

I'm not even the only one. I've noticed earlier here are many masons and wondered the same thing.

Yeah, I wasn't intending to. I was just curious.

Don't think I don't know Stanley.

*I would not name the highest value, anyway.

The Capital of Europe, Not far from the headquarters of Nato and european institutions. Practically in the garden of the US embassy:

50°50'40.0"N 4°21'48.8"E

Have you no mercy for the widow's son?


OP did you see this post? Does your picture link to something at the mentionned coordinates? And do you see how the French consulate and American Embassy just next to it?

Belgium has a very strong Free Macon influence. Many of are ministers and prime ministers have openly admitted being member

It's a larp for old men. Trust me, I'm a mason.

That's not true. Catholicism is anti-freemasonry. Trust me, I'm a catholic mason.

>That's not true. Catholicism is anti-freemasonry

I can confirm.

Only in the US it is some silly folklore thing. In Belgium it is serious power.

Pic is a free macon temple interior in Brussels. Outside looks like a random house.

Whatever the freemasons once were, their goal now is to rebuild Solomon's temple in Jerusalem.
This is illustrated by their main initiation ritual, centered around a fictional character called Hiram Abif, said to be the architect of the original.
In this way, freemasonry is an auxiliary of Judaism, much like church worship that utilizes the tanakh (old hebrew scriptures) and the gospels (new hebrew scriptures).
>inb4 bad goy

They're deistic religious indifferentist who influenced many philosophers and higher rank people in society(kind of like a proto-commie political club)

They influenced the French Revolution and american revolution and their ideology was inscribed in the laws of the state.

They used to be very powerful and influential throughout European and Latin American politics. But got largely replaced by Marxist political parties in the 20th century.

>Hiram Abif
don't talk to me or my widows son ever again


Are masons good people? Like do they have bad intentions for the world, and do they hate atheists because that's what i heard

What are you talking about. Wherever they gained power in government they suppressed the church with anticlerical laws and separation of church and state. During the French terror they massacred many loyalist Catholics. Their deistic practices are anathema to the faith.

It's a social club for olds. They larp as medieval stonemasons. It's one of the few remaining places you can get away from women. They didn't found the USA, though a few members were involved.

Masons are like good successful memebers of their community right? Like it's a good ole Boys club for guys who believe in god, democratic principles, can take care of their own families, and are smart and virtuous.
That's my understanding. Like they are the elite Boy Scouts

>Are masons good people?
It always hard to judge, but I'd say if someone is a real mason, he is trying to be a better man as well. There is also a quite strict filter to not get bad people inside the system and if someone commits a crime, he will be kicked out.

>Like do they have bad intentions for the world,
Absolutely not.

>and do they hate atheists because that's what i heard
No, not at all.

Depends which ones you are asking about. AF&AM are legit good people and anti globalist. F&AM are niggers that want the benifits but don't want to contribute.

but being a deist is a prerequisite to becoming a freemason, right?

I heard they eventually do rituals that involve blowing each other

Basically you can be any religion and believe in a deity to join. I don't know if they include atheists.

You have to believe God, it is not relevant what God it is.

Freemasons do not discuss politics and religion in their meetings.

Some masonic orders are strictly christian, eg. Swedish.

Here it's a Christian, specifically a member of the National Church. In other words, edgelords not wanted.

They enjoy many pancake breakfasts

Masons were just smart slaves.
Then masons began to organize and realize the building was impressive
then masons began reading things because literacy was required for building
then masons contributed to a nation, say 21% of the philosophy
then any faggot could join masons
then events overtook masons and when they should have disbanded, they kept masoning
now masons are just another cult

Wait, so Masons are trying to better themselves, so they're bad people right? Also i thought the Mason ideology is that atheists are stupid.

There is a old slogan that freemasons will make good men even better


What do they control nowadays, apart from universities in the third world?

The G on Symbols means GAY.
The Compass (Macho gay on Top) fucking the Square (Faggot with open legs on Bottom)
Freemasons suck the Schlomo Scheckelstein Circumcised Jewish Dick.

>Are masons good people?
Not the ones I've met.

best post I've seen in a while, grats

21% eh


They're a group of people who secretly practice any religion that they are ashamed off to tell their family about. Usually some demented version of Christianity.

Mason confirmed. You secretive bastards.

Hitler removed them
>I'm gonna have to trust him on that

>Are Masons good people
Of course they believe they are. You should be asking if a Sup Forumsack would consider them good people. Would freemasons try to oppose the removal of shitskins from Europe, for example? Are they accepting of nationalism?

What if I am God?

Kek, what's the point of a secret society in a country where half the population lives in one large town?

How do I become a Mason? What are the pros to it?

i see someone at my work who has the free masonry symbol as his bumper sticker at work. Consecutive digi ts decides what i say to him about it

In 1996 they shot a bunch of kids at a school in Scotland that were being pimped out to politicians at the Grand Lodge and pinned it on one of their lower ranking members who was a janitor there. The shooting was done as casus belli for a gun grab, a month later this was done at Port Arthur in Australia to facilitate another gun grab.

Freemasons are the paedophile goyim lackeys of the Jewish deep state.

>Are they powerful?
>Not really.

If you knew the symbolism, you would see that you're wrong.

Hitler was (again) 100% right on this.

To get in you have to renounce : your nation, your family ( your race) , your faith.
( reminds you of something doesn't it ?)
Then pledge complete obedience to your superior in this.

protip : the 33rd degree ( highest rank) can only be obtained if you're jewish.

Freemasons are the shabbos goys. They are literally slaves to the jews, you can't go over a certain level of control in the state if you aren't part of that shit, and of course if you are a bad goy you are not promoted enough to get that favor.

Results :
-Every high position goy has literally renounced his nation, race and christianity while having pledged his ass to the jews.
-Every jew climbs the ladder 10000x faster, that's how they get so much control.


Some clues if you want to go deeper into that :

Jews took control of the masons by usual despotism then created an influencal lodge that grew and grew until they controlled almost every other lodge. THEN THEY TRIGGERED THE FRENCH REVOLUTION (nobody wanted it in france except the highest bourgeois and bankers).

Every big name from the revolution and on in freemasonry is jewish, every ritual is in hebrew, and usually means and seeks the destruction of the natural order, race, nations, christianity.

a tool for the british to covertly maintain power in the rebellious U.S.

they hijacked the revolution with their mason agents, but naturally had to sell an image to get the population to settle down and put their rifles away.

the british knew they couldn't win the war & the u.s. would never kneel to them, so they used their mason agents to fake a u.s. victory to seize power by clandestine means.

they've spread their cult across the entire U.S. and carefully ease the new members into their convincing ideological worldviews, subtly manipulating their value system & winning their hearts & minds; thereby ensuring their allegiance.

this is why america has become such a degenerate toilet.

the freemasons conned their dumbshit members into buying into their moral-duality philosophies so as to slowly and subtly subvert the entire moral fabric of the U.S. and keep in control.

pro-tip: royal britiish family & the king @ the time of the revolutionary war are all kikes.

They used to be really influential but they're mostly old and dying now.

They have big recruitment issues.

Suck his dick


I joined the Freemasons literally last year and left ASAP.

>Full of old retired men
>They try and rush you through the degrees as fast as possible.
>Have boring as fuck lodge meetings about the shit amount of money they raised for charity (Like £100 or some shit)
>You have to pay each year just to be part of this ''brotherhood''
>They look down on you when you can't make meetings (Friday at 1730) I'm fucking 25 years old mate and work full time, why the fuck would i want to hang out with retired old blokes?
>They are literally dying out because they failed to recruit anyone for over 30 fucking years and now they panic because the new guys they recruit leave after about a year maximum.
>Hold shit evenings called ladies night where you are supposed to take your girlfriend along and have dinner with pensioners, No thanks.

It's just all bullshit i would not recommend it to anyone unless you are over the age of 60 and actually have the time for it.

I would like to add that although it was a pretty boring and shit time, literally every bloke there was decent, i just believe you dont need to be part of a brotherhood like this to be a good guy.

ask to join

Tell him "it's raining"

what does it mean?

What does G stand for ? God or Geometry ? I hope it's the latter, else they are probably not very creative people... sorry.

Also, what's their mean IQ ?

Great Architect of the Universe

"Does G stands for Gas the kikes ? ROFLMAO"