Open Mic Radio - LIVE right now [politics and current affairs]

1) Search and call "Open MicRadio" on Skype
2) Say your piece
3) Hang up
Note: If you go on too long or if we can't hear you properly, I may cut you off. Other than that, no editorial or censorship from me.

Taking calls for the next two hours.

Watch/listen here:

Other urls found in this thread:

Playing Synthwave while we wait for the first call



All calls are straight to air.
Calls are audio only.
No skype windows/information are visible on the stream.
Use whatever privacy measures you feel you need to.

Still waiting for the first caller...


no bite OP,

keep the music going.


bump for great success

Lines are opens for another 100 minutes.
Call count: 1

if you dont get another call soon ill call again

what was he even rambling about? runskape and north korea?

good music

>being this brainwashed


>believing in everything Sup Forums tells you about anything

Nice job CIA
let's see how many autists fall for the bait

yep, that what it say when you roll over the flag with the mouse pointer.

daily micro-dosing of lsd

we got dahboo77 on the line

gaining some viewers, lets hope we get some more calls


Call count: 4
Stream time left: 90 mins

this is actually pretty neat

>the music is shit.
bumping for interest

comfy time bump

bump for interest

Play some KMFDM


bumping for autism

make the text at the bottom scroll faster, about twice the speed should do it
the way it's now is just meh



good post


war bump


bump for a good idea

why r yall too scared to call in

Bump becuase free speak

Don't have skype installed

>no skype and music sucks donkey balls but mainly the music


>Alex Jones chanting 'America first'

Reminds me of this:

>stream is so shit it has to resort to music from caller's skype instead of playing it in the background.
btw any link me to Alex's song?

search placeboing on YT


This guy found the channel with it:
Here's the specific video link.




If I were to call and say my piece: this would be it:

I believe the over-arching agenda to ALL of whats going on right now is simple. We are being groomed and conditioned to certain standards of behavior in order to prepare for First Contact. We got caught with our pants down, which is why we're policing speech and taking down statues of war. Everything, and I mean everything else; is a distraction. It's like a huge shell game. I think this is the last shell.
We're trying to put our best face forward to meet our new guests, and since everyone has a different definition of what that means, there's conflict.



Best way to do that voice easy is to speak into a think empty plastic bottle with a large mouth, like a Gatorade.



22 minutes left to get your call in



Heard you speak on the radio just now. Please expand on your reasoning.


It's pretty cut and dry. We've reached a kind of dead end. You can buy into the Jews, John Titor time traveler stuff, and Kek Prophecy shit all day, and that's fine. But the fact remains, there's nothing past that that hasn't been done before. The only thing that stands, in my mind anyway, is the next World-changing event.
We both know Sup Forums has insiders, everybody everywhere comes here. It's possible that those insiders know things we don't, and Google gave it away on the day of the Eclipse. Pic related. I think; on September 23rd, we're at least gonna get a flyby so people can get a sense of what's going to happen, instead of dump it on us all at once.

And the best part is, because part of me truly believes thins, everything else seems so trivial.

Even Biblical folks could get invested into this... a la aliens are demons, anti-Christ...etc

The show is now off the air for the evening. Thanks for calling in and hanging out in the chat.

Tonight's VOD is here:

This seems like a honey pot

Dat NSA black budget...

Taking this screenshot I have just realised this machine was meant to have 4GB of ram. No wonder it runs like shit. Anyway, goodnight callers, see you tomorrow.

lulz cheerz beers and fuck the queerz op