
Ok so, some Dindu wants to fight me at school because he thinks I called him a "whascist" word. Any tips on how to defeat a dingy when he could very well be stronger than you?

*dindu not dingy

Pop a cap in his black ass

Is he taller than you?

Make sure he does not have backup. Niggers are notorious for bringing in buddies when they are losing.

Punch for the jaw. Get him on the ground and hit the face repeatedly.

By like 4 inches

call police, they know how to take care of them

hello fellow kids

Get him suspended for trying to fight you. That would be funny.

Bring a gun to school white boiiii.

i second this.

Go outside and find a good sized rock. Take off one of your socks and put the rock in it. When the dindu comes after you hit him in the face with it.

This. Use the school to your advantage.

Underage faggot reported and saged

>a leaf

>wants to fight me at school
The absolute state of this board

Try throwing your weight around and keep moving. If he gets you in a headlock, hit him in the groin and try to trip him. I'd recommend learning basic Krav Maga and seeing how they fight, such as where they punch the opponent and how they punch. Also try to involve every part of your body and play mind games. He's going to rush you so try to stay low, push back and go for grabs and knees. If you start to hurt then use that just to get more angry. The adrenaline will make you walk off hits and have infinite stamina.


Also take this shit to or . This board is for politics not life tips.

You must be 18 to post here.

If not a larp then inform him that you do not wish to fight. If he attacks you after you stated your intention then stab him in his eye with a pen or a pencil. If you're under 18 you won't hardly suffer any consequences.

Also afterwards get your parents to sue him and his parent. Show no mercy no matter what. If you let wild monkeys push you around then you set a dangerous precedent.

If he is also a trained fighter( by that i mean he did any sport involving fighting: boxing, k1, etc.) it will be a tough fight. But if he is slower and can't keep a good guard-take advantages of that. Hit fast and non-stop. If he can keep a guard and is not slow, be more cautious. But don't be overcautious. You can't win without defeating the enemy. Always dodge instead of blocking. Especially if he is stronger.
If he hits you in the head make sure he hits you in the forehead. It will hurt him more than he will hurt you.

call him a double nigger lol

Decide where and when to fight by taking the initiative. Attack him first. Have friends on hand to help you out if things get out of hand.

get a crowbar or some other blunt object and beat him to death.

fight him you coward snow nigger

Hit first, hit hard.

Don't wait till he decides to approach you, you approach him as soon as you see him.

Don't say a word, just approach him as fast as you can without running and punch him HARD in the jaw, both of you already know that shit's going down so as long as you don't approach him from behind it isn't a "sucker punch".

Make sure you have at least 3 buddies watching your back as niggers are always in packs of at least another 3 niggers.

Do I have to say it again? hit FIRST, hit HARD.

Mexicans ftw

Call the media and say this nigger wants to kick your ass for being a gay transgender.

It's too late now Conor I'm sorry

If you swing first, you might get punched, but if you do nothing, you get punched for sure.
You have nothing to lose by going in hard and fast.

Nigger heads are hard as a rock. Fake a punch, then kicvk him in the nuts. When he keels foward knee him in the head. Practice this over and over. Then go for his eyes or throat. Then pretend he attacked you, and like a jew, sue him and get him arrested and expelled.