>keep your hands off my cunny (directed towards trump)
I seriously hope you guys won't ever give your seed to a western white woman, unless you want your kids to grow up as maximum degenerates
>keep your hands off my cunny (directed towards trump)
I seriously hope you guys won't ever give your seed to a western white woman, unless you want your kids to grow up as maximum degenerates
single mother in frame, checks out.
Leftists are outraged when children are made to hold "god hates fags" signs then respond with "YAAAAASSSSSSS SLAAAAY" when mothers force their kids to do this shit. This insane degeneration has been targeting kids heavily lately.
>keep your hands off my cunny
>refugees welcome
white women are a mistake
every time i hear the word cunny i think of clint eastwood
why? when I hear it, I think of the cunny poster on Sup Forums
WTF that is some 24D chess.
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil aren't in these people vocabulary is it?
Is that mother Jewish? Is that Daughter adopted?
>Is that mother Jewish? Is that Daughter adopted?
no and no
they don't have to be jewish, all americans are jew puppets
I bet that woman's voice is like listening to Pinhead call for your flesh.